Tuesday, November 24, 2020


I'll be back tomorrow. Till then, stay safe and have a great day.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Did You Know


Did you know, congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, allowing them to jail newsmen writing against the President, against congress or the government, if they considered it malevolent or scandalous? Yes, it did violate the First Amendment.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

This and That Tuesday

 Tuesday's funny-

We got married on Christmas Eve and every year the HH gets me a Christmas ornament.  This year he ordered online. When he received it, he was a bit surprised at the amount of skin the little fairy was showing and immediately dubbed her The Hookup Fairy. 😁


Did you see where scientists have come up with  a carbon alternative to plastic? This will hopefully be better for us and most definitely better for the planet.


Trying to bloom:

The hydrangea.

Another Iris.

The Christmas Rose.


We gave the bushes their winter haircuts today. This is what was left of the roses.

What about you, thinking about Christmas or putting that on hold till after Thanksgiving? Cut back your garden yet? Seen anything about the plastic alternative?

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Did You Know

 Did you know, the benefit of a zebra's stripes? It makes flies harder to land on their hide. The stripes confuse the flies.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

It's A Bit of This and That Tuesday


Woot. Woot.

(My son-in-law.)

Through Doorway #1:

Is Refrigerator #3 AND it's still working. Yay.

Can you figure out what this plant is?


 It's a three-leaf clover.  I've never seen one turn red before. Have you?

An autumn shot of the rose bush.

For those of you who have critters, have you tried this product yet? AND I've started spraying my vacuum filter with a disinfectant spray. It's completely killed that nasty smell that builds up in the filter.

As many of you know, we keep a plastic cover on the spare couch to keep it from turning into a scratching post. Callie got up inside and was having fun running back and forth. Frank decided it was a big rat--and maybe he was right--gave chase and cornered her. Not to worry, she could breathe just fine. It's not a thin plastic, was wide open at the bottom and we were keeping a close eye on her.

 What about you? Happy with the election outcome? What brand of refrigerators do you prefer? Have you tried Bounce with the pet hair guard? Are your critters doing silly things? Found any red leaved clover? Do you spray your vacuum filter with disinfectant?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Did You Know

Did you know that when John Adams took the oath of office, none of his family were present, not even his beloved Abigail?  

The nation at that time consisted of sixteen states. 


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

IWSG Wednesday


The first Wednesday of every month is officially IWSG day. Members post about their doubts and fears, discuss struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling.

Thanks, as always, to Alex Cavanaugh, founder and Ninja Captain extraordinaire and our awesome co-hosts.

The IWSG monthly question can be found under the IWSG Sign-up tab on the Insecure Writer's Support Group Blog.  Remember it’s optional.

November 4 question – Albert Camus once said, “The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.” Flannery O’Conner said, “I rite to discover what I know.” Authors across time and distance have had many reasons to write. Why do you write what you write?

Per usual, another great question. I’m afraid my answer isn’t as grandiose as Camus or O’Conner. I grew up on Westerns and it seems to be what my readers respond to. Though, it took me many years and genre hops to figure that out.




October/November Reviews in no particular order.


SAM, A Shaggy Dog Story by Sally Cronin

This is a very sweet story told from the dog’s point of view. Sam, a gorgeous collie, tells about his time spent in both Ireland and Spain. There are some bittersweet moments when Sam loses some of his animal friends, but overall it’s a happy, feel good read.

It’s obvious that Sam is both loved and cared for and that his owners are animal lovers. All animal people will enjoy this dog’s tale. I know I did.


FLIP MY HEART by Elizabeth Seckman

A taut romance leavened with feel-good humor.

Rodanthe Luna Lawry, who goes by Danni, returns home to North Carolina to attend her aunt’s funeral and runs into her childhood sweetheart Fisher. Who is the reason she left home in the first place. Fisher has a volatile temper that frequently trips him up in his pursuit of Danni. She also gets reacquainted with Tori, a nasty vindictive piece of work, who claims to be her friend. Toss into the mix a rundown hotel that needs remodeled, a young girl who needs adopting and you have an intriguing romance. The ending makes it a most satisfying HEA.



SLEEPS WITH THE FISHES by Suzanne Marie Knight

This cozy has it all, romance, mystery-murder and humor. Sedona West has moved to the small town of Cozy Haven, Montana to recover from a nasty divorce and finds herself smackdab in the middle of a murder--her ex-husband. And wouldn't ya know,  just when she's sworn off men she's garnered the interest of two hunky males.


The author did a wonderful job of world and character building, helping the reader to dive right into the story. I found it to be a very enjoyable read. A book to be appreciated by cozy murder mystery fans and readers who just want a few hours of escapism.



I loved this book of verse. So many of the poems are filled with the joy that can only be found in nature.  Others concentrate on magic and sprinkle a little fairy dust on the child in all of us. I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it to be an inspiring read











This is a riveting series that the HH got me hooked on.

Amos Decker is a newly-pro football player who plays his first game and take a head hit so hard that he dies twice on the field before he’s carried off never to play football again. The hit scrambles his brain and leaves him with hyperthymesia, a condition that doesn’t let him forget anything, including the murder of his family, and synthesia were he sees things in color. Death is always blue.

After the violent loss of his family, he goes from being a cop to homeless on the streets then claws his way back.
