Wishing you many treats and no tricks...unless they're of the fun variety.
Don't forget to enter the Halloween E Download Contest at:
Last time I checked we didn't have any entries so your chances of winning are extremely good:)
E's given away to one random entrant:
No Job For A Woman
Vampire Island
Sally's Answer
Somewhere My Love
The Harvester
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
VBT Healing Notes
Cullen grew up in Scotland
with a fiddle in her hand from the age of four. She couldn't imagine life as
anything but a musician. When her husband brought her to America she was immediately embraced by the
Celtic and Bluegrass communities. But after
her divorce, Rachel's life is a mess.
year of trying to prove to herself that she's woman enough for any man, and
then a vicious rape while on tour with the band, leaves Rachel reeling. When
she meets Noel Kershaw, an English teacher who is poetry in motion, she is
definitely attracted. But he has a young child and he's suffering from his own
divorce. The last thing Rachel needs in life is more baggage.
Rachel must reconcile who she is, what she wants, and how to get there. Maybe
then she'll know how to be a part of the family she's always wanted.

three circles, the girl stopped at the back end of the car, cocked her head and
waved two fingers at her. “Hi.”
hi.” Rachel raised her hand and waved back. “Did you forget somebody? Your
mommy maybe?”
“Claire, I told you to stay close.”
the sound of the tenor voice beside her, Rachel started. A man three to four inches taller than her
had stepped out. In one hand he held several colorful ribbons attached to a
bright pink, heart-shaped helium balloon that read Happy Birthday. He looked
toward the car where the child was still giggling.
little girl raced back. Skidding to a stop in front of Rachel, they bumped and
Rachel teetered slightly toward the wall.
there.” A weathered hand reached toward her and wrapped around her elbow. His
touch was softer than she expected, but her knees still locked, ready to spring
if she needed to move fast. He held her up with one hand. Deep brown eyes,
emphasized by his full head of short, wavy blonde hair, looked at her then
turned toward the girl.”
“Apologize, Claire. You almost
knocked her over.”
“I’m sorry.” A small hand lifted to
touch her other arm.
okay. Really. I should have been paying
more attention.” Rachel smiled and pointed to the balloon. “Latha breith.”
“Excuse me?”
I…” She had lapsed into Gaelic.
Something she hadn’t done in public since Kavan left her almost three
years ago. “I said ‘Happy Birthday.’”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Maggie Jaimeson writes
romantic women’s fiction and romantic suspense with a near future twist. She
describes herself as a wife, a step-mother, a sister, a daughter, a teacher and
an IT administrator. By day she is “geek girl” – helping colleges to keep up
with 21st century technology and provide distance learning options for students
in rural areas. By night Maggie turns her thoughts to worlds she can control –
worlds where bad guys get their comeuppance, women triumph over tragedy, and
love can conquer all.
HEALING NOTES is the second
book in the Sweetwater Canyon Series of four books. The final two books will be available in
Twitter: @maggiejaimeson
Monday, October 29, 2012
Its nerve racking and traumatic. I don't think there's a woman alive that's not been through it.
During the first few months of being together everything is perfect. Then as time goes by things change. There's a sloppiness that wasn't there before. The color's not quite right. The cut that was so good one month that you could weep with joy is so bad the next month you do. You stay even though its no longer good for you because you've developed a relationship and you'd feel guilty leaving. Then something so heninous happens to your cut, color or perm that you can no longer ignore it and you decide to divorce.
I'm at that point. I'm divorcing my hairdresser. Or maybe she's divorcing me. She stood me up....again. Only this time she didn't return my calls, like she usually does when she 'forgets' the appointment. I stood waiting outside the salon that was locked up tighter than a drum. I swear people gave me pitying looks as they drove by.
Okay, I can take a hint. This time its official, I'm looking for someone new. Hmm, I wonder if I can find a hairdresser on match.com.
During the first few months of being together everything is perfect. Then as time goes by things change. There's a sloppiness that wasn't there before. The color's not quite right. The cut that was so good one month that you could weep with joy is so bad the next month you do. You stay even though its no longer good for you because you've developed a relationship and you'd feel guilty leaving. Then something so heninous happens to your cut, color or perm that you can no longer ignore it and you decide to divorce.
I'm at that point. I'm divorcing my hairdresser. Or maybe she's divorcing me. She stood me up....again. Only this time she didn't return my calls, like she usually does when she 'forgets' the appointment. I stood waiting outside the salon that was locked up tighter than a drum. I swear people gave me pitying looks as they drove by.
Okay, I can take a hint. This time its official, I'm looking for someone new. Hmm, I wonder if I can find a hairdresser on match.com.
Friday, October 26, 2012
It's The Weekend
I lie awake at night, and I ask, ‘Where have I gone wrong?’ Then a
voice says to me, ‘This is going to take more than one night.’ ~ Charles M. Schulz
When I remembered last night, heat crept through me. The puma witnessed my change.
He’d remained motionless. His beautiful ocher eyes glittered, while I’d stood naked in the moonlight. It seemed so natural at the time. Only now did I feel embarrassment.
Why should I be embarrassed? What difference does nakedness make to a cat…unless, like me, the puma is a shifter? MINDER
He’d remained motionless. His beautiful ocher eyes glittered, while I’d stood naked in the moonlight. It seemed so natural at the time. Only now did I feel embarrassment.
Why should I be embarrassed? What difference does nakedness make to a cat…unless, like me, the puma is a shifter? MINDER
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Movies...Just My Opinion
Saw Looper
I didn't care for it as much as the critics did.
Taken 2
I liked it better than the critics did.
Big Miracle
We rented this. It didn't hold the hubby's interest, but it sure did mine. I thought it was a beautiful movie.
Talking whale? Captive beluga had learned to mimic human voices
I didn't care for it as much as the critics did.
Taken 2
I liked it better than the critics did.
Big Miracle
We rented this. It didn't hold the hubby's interest, but it sure did mine. I thought it was a beautiful movie.
Talking whale? Captive beluga had learned to mimic human voices
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The Next Big Thing Hop
Ten Interview Questions for the Next Big Thing

I was tagged by Barbara Ehrentreu, author of IF I Could Be Like Jennifer Taylor.
Barbara's link:http://barbaraehrentreu.blogspot.com/2012/10/ten-interview-questions-for-next-big.html#comment-form
Okay here's the questions:
Ten Interview Questions for The Next Big Thing:
What is the working title of your book?
What is the working title of your book?
'Currently,and I emphasize currently, Mer Girl
Where did the idea come from for the book?
Where did the idea come from for the book?
Good question. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
What genre does your book fall under?
What genre does your book fall under?
Crossover YA
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
If I ever get that opportunity I'll let you know
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
It’s not easy being a nerd by day and a super
hero by night.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I'm not at that point yet. Right now, I'm thinking agency.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I'm not there yet. Blush, blush.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Another good question I don't have an answer for.
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
My muse, of course:)
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
Heroine's voice and eye color
Here's my five picks to blog about the next best thing on the 31st. This is always tough, because I'm never sure who would like to take part or who would hate it. So if you're one of the five and you hate the idea, feel free to ignore the hop.
2. Mike Hays
3. Jo Ramsey
4. Lynn Crain
Whew. Done!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Political Buzz Word: Pivot

The above definition is the one I think about when I hear the word pivot. Don't you?
Example: "At the sound of the gunshot, he pivoted, every sense alert."
Another definition by Wikipedia, 'The point of rotation in a lever system.'
I was fascinated to find out there is political definition for pivot. Being the savvy readers and writers you are, you probably already know about this, but it only came to my attention recently. For those of you who don't: pivoting in a political debate is a bit like a tap dance. And if its truly successful, the audience is unaware of it. Its avoiding an uncomfortable topic by smoothly redirecting the conversation to an unrelated strength of the speaker.
Example: When Bush debated Kerry in 2004 he was asked about job loss, Bush pivoted to education and his No Child Left Behind Act.
Seriously, don't ya love words?
Monday, October 22, 2012
Psychology of The Sleep Position
Have y'all been reading about this? Apparently the way we sleep, echoes our personality.
The research was done by Professor Chris Idzikowski. Here are the results:
The Fetal Position ( legs drawn up, arms wrapped around a pillow): Sensitive and shy
Starfish (lying on back with arms and legs stretched out): Good listeners, unassuming, offer help to folks in need
Log (Sleep on your side with your legs stretched out arms down): Easy to get along with
Yearner (sleep on a your side with your arms out): Tend to be suspicious
Soldier (flat on back, arms at side): Reserved and quiet
Freefall(lying on tummy, head to the side) Outgoing, but don't care for criticism. But then who does?
Hmm, what do you think? Do any of these fit you?
The research was done by Professor Chris Idzikowski. Here are the results:
The Fetal Position ( legs drawn up, arms wrapped around a pillow): Sensitive and shy
Starfish (lying on back with arms and legs stretched out): Good listeners, unassuming, offer help to folks in need
Log (Sleep on your side with your legs stretched out arms down): Easy to get along with
Yearner (sleep on a your side with your arms out): Tend to be suspicious
Soldier (flat on back, arms at side): Reserved and quiet
Freefall(lying on tummy, head to the side) Outgoing, but don't care for criticism. But then who does?
Hmm, what do you think? Do any of these fit you?
Friday, October 19, 2012
Rain and Weekends
is little chance that meteorologists can solve the mysteries of weather
until they gain an understanding of the mutual attraction of rain and
weekends. ~Arnot SheppardI'll be back Monday.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Cat Burglar
leonine scream of challenge echoed through the pines, bounced off rock, and
echoed in my ears. Fighting the pain coursing through my vibrating body, I
forced my aching neck to turn.
moon shown full on a beautiful puma, his lips drawn back, his tail lashing. He
tilted his head and snarled. And the hits keep on a coming. Would I
become beast fodder or puma silage?
the moment, I wasn’t in any condition to fight off either.
one brief moment, the cat looked directly at me. My breath caught in my throat.
Those eyes were eerily reminiscent of the stranger in the restaurant. The man
called Kylar. Then the puma turned his attention to the beast. His ears back,
he roared another challenge.
beast threw back his head and responded; his mouth open, he howled at the moon.
The sound sent chills down my spine. A spine that felt like it was breaking and
re-forming. MINDER
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Weight: Gaining It Or Not
I went to the doctor the other day for sinuses. Tis the season.
The only time I check my weight is at the doctor's office. I don't own a scale. I was certain I'd gained five pounds. My clothes just weren't fitting like they used to. I stepped bravely on the scale and discovered I hadn't gained a pound. Must be the combination of gravity and age. Anyway to say I was surprised was an understatement.
To recover from the shock I treated myself to chocolate and pizza.
Anyone else out there suffering from the tug of gravity?
The only time I check my weight is at the doctor's office. I don't own a scale. I was certain I'd gained five pounds. My clothes just weren't fitting like they used to. I stepped bravely on the scale and discovered I hadn't gained a pound. Must be the combination of gravity and age. Anyway to say I was surprised was an understatement.
To recover from the shock I treated myself to chocolate and pizza.
Anyone else out there suffering from the tug of gravity?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Halloween E Giveaway and VBT
I have a VBT at Downtown YA today. P. J. Sharon is blogging on her new release Waning Moon a dsytopian YA. If you're a dystopian reader and in the vicinity drop by and say 'hey'.
And at Night Writers we're having a Halloween E Book Giveaway. One randomly drawn entry will win a download of:
Sally's Answer by Jewel Adams
Crewkin by Rhobin Courtright (I've read this one. Very well written. I enjoyed it.)
Somewhere My Love by Beth Trissel
The Harvester by Lynn Crain
No Job For a Woman by Sherry Gloag
Vampire Island by Sandra Cox
It's easy to enter. All you've got do is stop by and put your name in the RaffleCopter.
Chrysrawr was a winner in the Whisper of a Witch contest. Congrats, Chrysrawr.
Upset, not paying attention, I turned and plowed right into the sexy stranger who'd been starting with so much interest at my necklace.
I hadn't even noticed his approach. Just goes to show how upset I was to have missed that.
I felt a leap of electricity when his arms circled me. Heat radiated through his thin silk shirt and trousers. My knees grew weak. I clutched at him. I started to rub against him and purr but caught myself in time. I choked back my rumbling.
"Are you alright? I didn't mean to run you down." His gaze bore into mine. I stared, mesmerized by those glittering amber eyes that so reminded of a cat's--a wild untamed cat.MINDER
And at Night Writers we're having a Halloween E Book Giveaway. One randomly drawn entry will win a download of:
Sally's Answer by Jewel Adams

Somewhere My Love by Beth Trissel
The Harvester by Lynn Crain
No Job For a Woman by Sherry Gloag
Vampire Island by Sandra Cox
It's easy to enter. All you've got do is stop by and put your name in the RaffleCopter.
Chrysrawr was a winner in the Whisper of a Witch contest. Congrats, Chrysrawr.
Upset, not paying attention, I turned and plowed right into the sexy stranger who'd been starting with so much interest at my necklace.
I hadn't even noticed his approach. Just goes to show how upset I was to have missed that.
I felt a leap of electricity when his arms circled me. Heat radiated through his thin silk shirt and trousers. My knees grew weak. I clutched at him. I started to rub against him and purr but caught myself in time. I choked back my rumbling.
"Are you alright? I didn't mean to run you down." His gaze bore into mine. I stared, mesmerized by those glittering amber eyes that so reminded of a cat's--a wild untamed cat.MINDER
Friday, October 12, 2012
It's The Weekend
I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday, 4% Friday. ~ Author Unknown
We made it. Enjoy. I'll see you--in the cyber sense--Monday.
“So you’re saying a vampire can’t bite my neck, yet a monster can rip my heart out?” Aurora Valente, MINDER
Thursday, October 11, 2012
VBT: Across The Winds Of Time
While on a
genealogical research journey through the Midwest, Molly Hamilton impulsively
buys a 100-year-old Victorian house in the middle of a cornfield, and falls in
love with the house’s owner...the original owner, that is. Can he be a ghost?
The handsome, intriguing attorney certainly feels solid—and somehow her soul
knows she has always loved him.
Darius Ferguson
has no idea how he has come to present-day Iowa. The last thing he knew, the
year was 1880, and he had just buried his fiancée, who happens to look exactly
like Molly. He cannot separate the two women in his heart—to him, they are one.
In spite of
being drawn to him, Molly thinks Darius is unhinged. Darius wonders if he has joined
his fiancée in purgatory. If time travel is possible, will love be enough to
build a future together?
“Molly, wait!”
I froze in place
for a moment. It was definitely a man
under the tree though I couldn’t see his face...and he knew my name.
“Do I know you?” I called in an unsteady
voice. It seemed, though, as if my words
were taken by the wind. Who was this
man? And how did he know my name?
He moved away from
the tree with a tentative step. His
clothing was formal—a dark suit and white shirt—as if he had just been to a
funeral. I hadn’t remembered seeing a
canopy for a funeral on the grounds, but I wasn’t about to take my eyes off the
stranger for one instant to confirm that suspicion.

For here—in the
flesh—was the man of my dreams. Not just
any dreams. More specifically, my dreams
of the previous evening. Yet I couldn’t
for the life of me remember ever seeing him before until this moment.
“Be careful what you wish for,” I muttered behind the
hand that covered my face.
“Molly, don’t be afraid. I can see that you are. I don’t want to frighten you.” He took another step forward and held his
hands up palms out...as if to show me he wasn’t armed, I thought hysterically,
or to calm me down. Either way, it
wasn’t working.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Bess McBride made
her first serious writing attempt when she was 14. She shut herself up in her
bedroom one summer while obsessively working on a time travel/pirate novel set
in the beloved Caribbean of her youth, but she wasn't able to hammer it out on
a manual typewriter (oh yeah, she's that old) before it was time to go back to
school. The draft of that novel has long since disappeared, but the story is
still simmering within, and she will finish the adventure one day soon.

The author will be giving away a $25 Amazon gift card to
one random commenter during the tour. The tour
dates can be found here: http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2012/08/book-blast-across-winds-of-time-by-bess.html
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Even though Yoga is excellent for mental and physical well being...
The block we sit on hurts our backs
The hour spent kickboxing goes much quicker
Yoga is very relaxing. The middle of a work day is not the best time to be relaxed
Maybe most important of all...
We both realized we needed manicures
A golden glow bathed the room as I stared at the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Thick,
tawny, almost leonine hair capped his skull. His unusual amber eyes glowed like a cat’s. Skin stretched taut and smooth over high cheekbones. His lips made my mouth water. My face must have reflected the same rapture I saw on his. Unfortunately, his gaze was fastened on my necklace. MINDER
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
VBT: Whisper Of A Witch
Biologist Shauni Miller, is as
beautiful as she is compassionate, harbors a secret that could alter her life
forever. If she chooses to share it. Dr. Michael Black helps Shauni in her time
of need, but sees more in the raven-haired temptress than she ever meant to
reveal. He knows she’s hiding something, but then, so is he. Both Shauni and
Michael have a role to play and decisions to make as a centuries-old prophecy
has yet to be fulfilled. Only the fates know if they are meant to be together.
Or if one of them has to die.
Willyn opened her mouth to speak, but paused and
looked down at the stone floor. All of the women stilled and listened.
They sensed.
Shauni grasped Hayden’s arm just above the elbow when
she felt a low but very distinctive vibration. It was more like a hum and came
from the floor, the walls, possibly the ceiling. It was all around them, and
judging by the others’ faces, they felt it, too. “What is that?” she whispered.

They turned to find another had joined them. Sable
brown hair fell around her shoulders and brilliant blue eyes held warmth and
welcome above a serene smile. “You’ll get used to it, so that you probably
won’t even notice. And it only occurs when we’re all together.” Her lips spread
into a playful grin. “Just wait until we link.”
“Cool,” Kylie said. “Hey,
Shauni remained where she was but zeroed in on the
elegant woman, still very young to be so comfortable wearing the unseen but
almost palpable cloak of power. “Link?”
“You know why we’re here?”
Paige asked. “Because I’m ready for some…”
“Answers,” Anna finished for her. “Yes, I know.” She
stepped back and swept a hand toward a door in the back of the room. An
invitation. “And I have some.”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Kates can’t remember a time when she didn’t love books, but two particular
memories stay with her. “As a young girl I picked up Little Women, read
it straight through, and promptly turned to page one to start all over again.
The next book I did that with was Mind Hunter by John Douglas, tales
about profiling serial killers.”
Thus a twisted romantic was born.
her teenage and young adult years, she read everything from horror to
historical romance yet never imagined writing anything of her own.
was during a long, cold winter in a tiny apartment in Germany that
Suza picked up a pen and notebook to entertain herself. “The apartment was so
tiny, my bed also served as my living room couch. Plus, I shared it with three
the warmth, the hospitality, and the food of the South, she wrote about those
things with a huge dose of family thrown in. She says she still has a sweet
spot in her heart for her first book, Southern Moon, but to date, she
hasn’t revisited it for submission to her publisher.
followed her heart to Savannah,
Georgia, and it
was the gorgeous city with its moss-covered oaks and secrets of history that
inspired her to consider paranormal romance. “I had an idea about sisters and
magic, so I went to work on the first book of The Savannah Coven Series, Whisper of a Witch. The series is
still going strong, and I am grateful every day that I took a chance on
paranormal romance, a genre I wasn’t very familiar with and had never actually
read before writing it.”
has since joined RWA and can’t say enough about this organization. “The
education and support are unparalleled. I am so grateful to all of my fellow
writers who have offered advice.”
still resides in Savannah
and is currently working on her next book. She considers it a perfect day when
she can sit at the keyboard with coffee in her cup and one of her cats purring
in her lap.
Suza will award signed cover flats and pens to a commenter at every stop, a total of five $15 Amazon/BN GCs to randomly drawn commenters during this tour and her Name Before the Masses tour, and gift basket to one commentator from both this tour and her Name Before the Masses tour,
Monday, October 8, 2012
Weekly Workout
Mondays: Kickboxing
Tuesday: Yoga
Wednesday: Walking
Thursday: Kickboxing
Friday: Walk from the restaurant to the sales racks
Sat and Sunday: Ah......
This is what my Monday through Thursday is supposed to look like. Unfortunately, I cheat. What's your workout week look like?
Tuesday: Yoga
Wednesday: Walking
Thursday: Kickboxing
Friday: Walk from the restaurant to the sales racks
Sat and Sunday: Ah......
This is what my Monday through Thursday is supposed to look like. Unfortunately, I cheat. What's your workout week look like?
Among the northern tribes there is a legend passed down from generation to generationabout shape-shifting Minders—guardians of the innocents—and how they came to be.
It is said that nowadays only a handful of Minders exist, hunted to near extinction by a fearsome beast. Of the remaining Minders, only one wears a garnet-studded collar, the symbol of protection and royalty.
Even when my aunt told me the story and handed me an ancient garnet-studded band, I had no idea the tale applied to me. After all, it’s only a legend… MINDER
It is said that nowadays only a handful of Minders exist, hunted to near extinction by a fearsome beast. Of the remaining Minders, only one wears a garnet-studded collar, the symbol of protection and royalty.
Even when my aunt told me the story and handed me an ancient garnet-studded band, I had no idea the tale applied to me. After all, it’s only a legend… MINDER
Friday, October 5, 2012
Weekends and Rainbows
Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. John Shirley
I'll be back Monday. Enjoy your weekend.
I'll be back Monday. Enjoy your weekend.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Curtail Baby Formula and Soft Drinks, Really?
Back in the day, I was a smoker, a heavy smoker let me add. So if I could quit, anyone can. But I digress. You're probably wondering what smoking has to do with carbonated drinks and baby formula. I'm getting to it. At that point in time, they'd started running serious anti-smoking ads mainly by trying to lay guilt trips on smokers. Every time I saw one I'd light up. So I'm not certain how worthwhile New York's approach to breast feeding and limiting soda intake is.
If I was a pregnant woman in New York right now, I'd be packing my bags.If I was a heavy soda drinker, yup, I'd be heading elsewhere.
It goes without saying soda isn't good for you, especially if like 90% of the populace you're fighting waistline spread. And mother's milk good for babies? You betcha. But for me it still comes down to choice. Especially breast feeding. That's pretty personal. I feel strongly that it should be a mother's choice.
My understanding is if a mom wants formula for her baby she'll have to listen to a lecture first on the benefits of breastfeeding. Hmm, I can't think after hours spent in labor too many moms are going to be thrilled about that.
Granted, they aren't doing away with the large amounts of soda or breast feeding, just drawing attention to those that want the big soda or are more comfortable with formula. I wonder what's next, zeroing in on the healthiest means of birth control?

It goes without saying soda isn't good for you, especially if like 90% of the populace you're fighting waistline spread. And mother's milk good for babies? You betcha. But for me it still comes down to choice. Especially breast feeding. That's pretty personal. I feel strongly that it should be a mother's choice.
My understanding is if a mom wants formula for her baby she'll have to listen to a lecture first on the benefits of breastfeeding. Hmm, I can't think after hours spent in labor too many moms are going to be thrilled about that.
Granted, they aren't doing away with the large amounts of soda or breast feeding, just drawing attention to those that want the big soda or are more comfortable with formula. I wonder what's next, zeroing in on the healthiest means of birth control?
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The Graduate
Penny Cox graduated from Puppy Obedience School. Her best friend was a tea cup Chihuahua. She will be continuing her secondary education at the Intermediate level.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Pyschic Spies, really? Really!
I asked Patricia if she had former experience with the CIA. I found her answer fascinating. I think you will too.
When I
began writing Black Swamp Mysteries,
making Vicki Boyd, one of the main characters, a CIA operative was a
no-brainer. But having her as a psychic spy was something I just happened upon.
Before I
became a full-time writer, I founded and operated two computer companies. My
clients included the CIA, Secret Service and Department of Defense. My
specialty was white collar computer crime and computer intelligence. Later, I
began working with local law enforcement as well. Some of the projects I worked
on inspired computer-themed crimes in my suspense/thrillers and actually helped
me along as a writer.
working on Medicare fraud and abuse, I learned to think like a criminal. I
worked with auditors to think of ways in which a person or business could defraud
the government and then I developed software that could trap them. It was
fascinating work and extremely fulfilling when I discovered my software was
actually helping to identify criminal activity.
Most of my
books have had computer programmers or analysts working on the side of the law.
But when I wrote Exit 22, the first
of the Black Swamp Mysteries series,
for the first time I developed a character that walked the dark side of
computer technology. That character, Brenda Carnegie, has come back strong in Secrets of a Dangerous Woman—and, as you
might have guessed, Brenda is the
dangerous woman.
sister is Vicki Boyd, a psychic spy.
Years ago,
in order to peruse declassified files, I had to file with the United States
Information Agency, a now defunct organization. Or I had to complete paperwork
with a specific agency and it often took weeks or months to receive the
information I requested, and I had to be very specific.
But times
have changed. Now it is possible to view declassified cases right on the CIA’s
own website. It’s the best place to go for ideas because I know what I am
reading are straight from the agency. It isn’t filtered through another website
that might change facts to suit a particular agenda.
It was
there that I stumbled upon information regarding the United States’ real
psychic spy program. It began during the Cold War when Intelligence sources in
the United States intercepted information that the Soviet Union had developed a
psychic spy program. The goal was to train Soviet operatives to enter our
nuclear facilities with only their minds, to sit in on the highest cabinet
level meetings, and to see our weapons and secret documents in such minute
detail that the operatives could draw detailed pictures and write exactly what
they’d seen in their mind’s eye.
intelligence sources asked for government funding to explore this possibility.
They didn’t know if the capability existed for psychic spies to be effective.
But if they were, they didn’t want to find out twenty years down the road—and
find out the Soviets were superior in this area than the United States. Thus
began joint operations between the CIA and the Department of Defense to
identify individuals who showed an aptitude in remote viewing and to train them
as psychic spies.
The Black Swamp Mysteries series contains an
ensemble cast, which makes it possible for me to always surprise (and hopefully
delight) my readers. Vicki’s psychic spy abilities allows her to travel
anywhere in the world, even into remote regions such as the Hindu Kush.
Brenda’s computer hacking and prowess allows me to weave computer technology
into the plots. Vicki’s love interest, Dylan Maguire, is an Irishman who works
as a CIA ground operative. His missions can take the readers into dangerous areas
and see events unfold through his eyes. And Brenda’s love interest, Christopher
Sandige, is a political strategist—which can come in handy on more than one
And the
CIA element of the series allows me to weave true missions into the
plots—because sometimes the truth really is stranger than fiction.
In Secrets of a Dangerous Woman,
Dylan Maguire is back in his first assignment with the CIA: to interrogate
recently captured Brenda Carnegie. But when she escapes again, it's obvious
she's had help from within the CIA's own ranks. With Vicki Boyd's assistance,
Brenda is back in Dylan's custody. And now he must find out why some in the
highest levels of our government want her dead while others are willing to risk
everything to help her. And when he discovers Brenda's real identity, his
mission has just become very personal.

But it was the single chair on one
side of the table, the side closest to Dylan and Sam that riveted their
attention. The metal chair was arranged so they viewed the occupant from the
side. The ankles were cuffed to the slat at the bottom of the chair while each
wrist was cuffed to the chair arms. Thick copper hair hung in waves that
reached to the person’s waist and obscured the face.
“That’s a woman,” Dylan said.
“Very observant,” Sam replied.
“Women cry.”
Sam crossed his arms in front of
him. “Not this one. She’s not even close to breaking.”
“What’s ‘er name?”
“Brenda Carnegie.”
“Ah, a Scottish name…What is it you
want me to do with ‘er?”
“Keep her awake, for starters.” He
glanced at him. “It should be good practice for you. Use some of those
interrogation techniques they taught you.”
“She’s got blood on ‘er.”
“You got a medical bag, do you?”
“I’m sure we can round one up.”
“What is it you want to know?”
“Who she works for,” Sam said as he
picked up a handset beside the one-way mirror.
p.m.terrell is the award-winning,
internationally acclaimed author of more than 16 books, including Vicki's Key, a 2012 International Book
Awards finalist, and River Passage,
2010 Best Fiction & Drama winner. She is the co-founder of The Book 'Em
Foundation whose slogan is "Buy a Book and Stop a Crook" and the
co-chair of Book 'Em North Carolina Writers Conference & Book Fair. For
more information, visit www.pmterrell.com.
Twitter: @pmterrell
Facebook: Patricia M.
Patricia is offering 25 Amazon Gift Card to one randomly drawn commenter). The tour dates can be found here: http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2012/07/virtual-book-tour-secrets-of-dangerous.html.
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