Friday, May 31, 2024

Your Weekend Read: HOW TO MURDER A DUKE


Harry’s honor is tested when Winnie becomes the target for a murderer. Will he choose love or duty?


Winnie Applegate becomes the target of a killer when she investigates who is killing the dukes of Applegate.

Facing many changes and heartaches, Winnie throws herself into learning who is trying to kill her cousin. Using the skills she honed as a performer and caregiver with her family’s wild west traveling show, Winnie combines science, moxie and her incomparable abilities to unmask the person behind the attacks on her family.

Romance is in the air as well as danger. One couple will be reunited while another is ripped apart.

Who is killing the dukes of Applegate? Can Winnie and Harry uncover the truth before it’s too late? 


This book is dedicated to the girls who grew up playing in the dirt and dreamed of adventures, 

who rode motorcycles and horses, and struggled to define the word lady.



My favorite food is fried chicken. I also love a grilled chicken salad with ginger and soy vinaigrette. I love ginger candy and pickled ginger, and bread and butter pickles. Two of my favorite fruits are pineapples and avocados, both of which I didn’t taste fresh until I was grown. I had of course tasted canned pineapple which is nothing like fresh. When my middle son was sick with chicken pox, I had my first taste of fresh pineapple. With his brothers away at Lion’s Club Bingo with their father and grandparents, I entertained my son with movies and foods only he and I liked. One of which was pineapple. Together we ate that whole pineapple that night. I had blisters in my mouth from the citrus, but it was worth it. I’d never had anything that tasted so good.     

We have an onion farm close to where I live and in my upcoming story, How to Murder a Duke, Winnie makes the duke onion and mushroom soup.

Onion and mushroom soup

1-large sweet onion

1 beef bouillon cube

1 tablespoon of butter

¼ cup chopped mushrooms

Shredded parmesan cheese

Wrap in foil.

Bake in oven or on grill 350 degrees until onion is almost liquid.

If you are making it on the stove, I use a small pot, chop up my onions and mushrooms and sauté them in butter until the onions are sweating and soft. Add in bouillon cube and a little water as needed to dilute the bouillon. Top with a little shredded parmesan cheese and serve with a hunk of French bread.


Tin foil was invented in 1910, just a few years too late for Winnie to use in my Applegate Mystery Series. 



S L Hollister 

Romance, Suspense and Mystery 

with a quirky cast of family and friends 

set in small towns where everyone knows your business sometimes before you do.


Buy Link:




Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Writerly Wednesday and Did You Know

 What's your synonym, definition, example or sentence for:

Example: I'd rather defend myself than have a pettifogger for an attorney.


Did you know, John Steinbeck's puppy ate half the first draft Of Mice and Men?


For more information: A puppy ate John Steinbeck’s homework! - Rescue Ranch Inc. (





Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Ketch-Up Tuesday


How are you, buds? How was your weekend? Last week got pretty crazy here. The HH had a couple of health scares, but everything has settled down. And I encountered a s_ _ _ _ in the garage which nearly stopped my heart.  I'm right up there with Indiana Jones when it comes to the S word, but the HH came to my rescue.  My hero. 

That's about it here. What about at your place?


Eternal Garden Pics

It's day lily season.


This one's for Andrew.

I used compost around my little grapevine and yup ended up with another potato plant. 😁


Found in the house, not growing in the garden: 😀





 That's all, buds.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Your Weekend Read: APRIL'S SHOWERS


April's Showers

A troubled childhood. An excruciating school life rife with villainous bullies. A vicious assault! April, having experienced a hellish life, lay in I.C.U. Detectives Clark and Ramirez on the case. They scour through the collected evidence to find the perpetrator. Will the investigation into the bullies of her past reveal the truth? Or perhaps, just maybe, April's past holds a much deeper and darker secret than the detectives could ever imagine? Apple Smashwords;jsessionid=3CF8BCA037F95F0DE0C535490040CA40.prodny_store01-atgap06?ean=2940179623670 Barnes and Noble Kindle Amazon Kobo Amazon Paperback


Foodie facts:

April loves ham and pineapple pizza. Even though she always takes off the pineapple chunks before eating the pizza, there is an irresistible flavor that emerges when the pineapple is cooked on top.

When April was a child, her preferred dessert was a cherry Icee float. Layers of cherry Icee on top of creamy vanilla ice cream. Layered. Never blended together!

As April entered adolescence, she developed a fondness for a new icy indulgence: the Snickers Blizzard. Even now, as a grown-up, she finds herself unable to resist it.


Sharon is a multi-genre young adult author that dabbles in adult tales from time to time. It’s all about the story is not just a catchphrase, but a spirit that is inside all of her books. When she is not writing, she can be found getting lost in other author’s worlds, watching anime, or trying her hand at various video games. Many things inspire her. Whether it’s an encouraging word, a kooky dream, or a personal experience, she will put it to excellent use. As a defender of the defenseless, Sharon’s characters take on this persona with strong female leads and males that are protective, perfect, boyfriend material.




Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

What's your synonym, example or sentence for:

My sentence: That was a cockamamie story if I ever heard one.


Did you know, it's illegal to let your chicken cross the road in Quitman, Georgia?

For other unique Georgia laws: 10 Strangest Laws in Georgia: From Fried Chicken to Slingshots (