Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Writerly Wednesday and Did You Know

 What's your synonym, definition, example or sentence for:

Example: I'd rather defend myself than have a pettifogger for an attorney.


Did you know, John Steinbeck's puppy ate half the first draft Of Mice and Men?


For more information: A puppy ate John Steinbeck’s homework! - Rescue Ranch Inc. (






Andrew said...

It's not a word I know. I looked it up and I don't think we have a word for that. I'd like to think we don't have such people in the legal profession, but I am probably wrong about that.

Elephant's Child said...

A nitpicker. And I am sure we do have them in our legal system.
That takes the dog ate my homework to a whole new level doesn't it?

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - I've come across it ... but wouldn't use it - until I'd learnt how to ... love these old words ... and I didn't know about Steinbeck's puppy - mind you one of my dogs in SA - chomped at one of my precious books ... cheers Hilary

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have heard the word, Sandra, but I don’t know its meaning; therefore I am unable to use it in a sentence, but I will look up the definition later. Perhaps Steinbeck used stronger words than pettifogger after his dog chewed up the manuscript!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Okay I read the definition and here is my offering, “It seems to me that Trump has hired a gang of pettifoggers to defend him and that’s not going to end well for him.”

Donna said...

No! The first half? OhMyWord...

Valerie-Jael said...

I love David's 2nd example, great! Hugs, Valerie

Jamie Ghione said...

So he could actually have said, "The dog ate my work" and meant it. LOL

CJ Kennedy said...

Pettifogger is new to me. So that's where the excuse my dog ate it came from! Have a spectacular day!

D.L. Finn said...

This is a new word to me! I did not know about the puppy eating half the book. Yikes. Xo

R's Rue said...

I learn so much. Thank you.

Christine said...

These puppies! Neat word for incompetent.

Citu said...

Lindo cocodrilo. Te mando un beso.

Jacqui said...

I love that word!

Sandra Cox said...

Andrew, Good on you for looking it up.
Hils, Bad dog. Bad. :)
David, Purrfect example!
Donna, I'm sure that's the least of what he was saying. Ha. Hugs received and returned.
Denise, Can you imagine the angst? xo
Jamie. LOL. Yes;)
Christine, Nothing is sacred with a puppy is it. Glad you like the word. Good on you for knowing it.
J.P. Glad you like it. Sending you hugs.
Jacqui, Yay. Glad you like it.

Birgit said...

I’d simply use idiot. I bet Steinbeck gave out some descriptive words that moment.

Sandra Cox said...

Birgit, Idiot works for me;)

Jeanie said...

I didn't know that about Steinbeck. He did pretty well on the second!

Sandra Cox said...

Jeanie, He sure did, but can you imagine the frustration? And especially on a typewriter? Ack.

D. Wallace Peach said...

Pettifogger is a great word! I need to make up at least one word in my WIP. :-) And Steinbeck's puppy... OMG! I'd be crying on the floor among the shreds. Great shares.