Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Ketch-Up Tuesday


How are you, buds? How was your weekend? Last week got pretty crazy here. The HH had a couple of health scares, but everything has settled down. And I encountered a s_ _ _ _ in the garage which nearly stopped my heart.  I'm right up there with Indiana Jones when it comes to the S word, but the HH came to my rescue.  My hero. 

That's about it here. What about at your place?


Eternal Garden Pics

It's day lily season.


This one's for Andrew.

I used compost around my little grapevine and yup ended up with another potato plant. 😁


Found in the house, not growing in the garden: 😀





 That's all, buds.


Elephant's Child said...

I am glad that the HH's health scares have settled - and he came to your rescue.
Loving your flowers. Of course.

Andrew said...

Oh, nasty in your garage. I would have screamed.

The hydies, hydrangeas are lovely and certainly a strong blue.

Donna said...

I don't like them Either! lol
Hope HH is doing better?!! Glad he was able to save you!
Love the flowers...Happy week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s good to know that there are still gallant men in this world.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad your husband is doing better. No picture of the snake?

Birgit said...

I’m so glad your HH is doing better. The day Lillie’s are so pretty and a belated happy birthday to JP. We celebrated my hubby’s birthday on Saturday.. happy 67! Friday, what normally takes 17 minutes to get home, took me over 2 hours. A very horrible accident on the skyway bridge. A man, from the U.S. was driving his van and his front tire fell off and bounced into the opposite lane, hit a pick up, bounced off the truck and back into the lane going to Toronto smashing through a tour bus window. It missed the driver but one man was killed and 3 others seriously injured. It is so sad and I feel bad for the man 8n the van. He has been charged and is to return for the courts in September. Even if he doesn’t come back, he will be haunted by this for the rest of his life. It’s just so sad.

Jamie Ghione said...

Glad your husband is doing better. Love the flowers. So pretty.

Computer Tutor said...

My S word is Spider. I think I can handle the other--but don't test me! Glad HH is better!

D.L. Finn said...

Glad HH is doing better and was able to come to your rescue. Beautiful flowers and garden. I did some weeding and rhe flowers are just budding. Xo

Christine said...

Glad hubby is ok.

Valerie-Jael said...

Always good when you have a hero to rescue you! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad things are going to be OK with your husband. Your garden is going great gun -- it looks fantastic!

J.P. Alexander said...

Muchas gracias y me enamore de tu gato. Te mando un beso.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - yes ... those S things used to scare me - and to a point still do, but their evolution is extraordinary. I'm glad HH has recovered ... or at least settled down - thankfully enough to rescue said S reptile ... love the lilies - cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, EC:)
Andrew, Pretty much covers it and it was definitely scream worthy. Glad you like the hydrangeas:)
Thanks, Donna. Hugs received and returned.
David, Indeed. And I have a feeling you are one of them:)
Alex, Not a chance.
Birgit, How awful.
Thanks so much, Jamie.
Jacqui, Those darn S words. Thanks:)
Thanks, Denise. I need to join you in weeding. Mine are flourishing.
Thanks, Christine:)
That's for sure, Val. Hugs received and returned.
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
J.P. You are so welcome. Sending you hugs,
Hils, Glad they no longer frighten you. Yup, glad the HH could mount his steed and run off the dragon:)