Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ketch-up Day


How are you? Hope the wonderful moms out there had a special day.

Saturday we went to meet the youngest grand's service dog.  I'm more of a cat person than a dog person, but oh my gosh. This girl is the sweetest thing and unbelievably gentle.

Then Sunday the HH and I lunched at Shelton Vineyards.



My new toy a duel compartment compost bin, from me to me;)


As you can see, my old tub that I used for a compost bin literally fell apart.



From California, The Northern Lights

Thanks, Denise

And from  Greece

Thanks, Julie


Elephant's Child said...

A good compost bin is a wonderful thing.
Love that photo of the Northern Lights.

D.L. Finn said...

Love the new service dog, looks like a sweetie. Nice day at the winery too! I like your gift to yourself. It's on my list too. I don't think I will tire of pink skies :) xo

Andrew said...

That's a very different northern lights photo.
It sounds like you had a very nice weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I should look into one of those compost bins.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Your new compost bin looks WAY better than your old one. I hope it's easy to use.

Valerie-Jael said...

That new dog looks like a real sweetie! Your compost bin is good, sometimes we need new things. I was so sad that I couldn't see the Northern Lights here! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

I'm with you about dogs, but this pupper looks very sweet. I thought your compost bin was a new pet carrier! 🤣

Donna said...

I'm loving the old bin...lol
Great toy! I need one.
The pup is beautiful!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

She just looks like a sweet girl!

Truedessa said...

I enjoy visiting vineyards. Did they have a tasting room? I saw green lights and I had to drive northbound at 11:30 Friday night to see them. It was cloudy here and too much light pollution.

Christine said...

Love your new bin! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

Jamie Ghione said...

People form my area have been posting pictures of the Northern Lights on a photography group on Facebook. I haven't seem them myself, though.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I have a composter just like that. You're really going to like it.

Sandra Cox said...

EC, Yes and yes:) Mega congrats on your awards and wonderful service.
Denise, She is just the sweetest dog. She'll still be in training for a few months. Your sky picture was gorgeous and a lovely shade of pink:) The compost bin is such an improvement. The bottom had rotted out of my last one as you can see by the piece laying next to it in the picture;)
Andrew, Isn't that an amazing picture. YOU have a grand week.

Adam said...

I missed the northern lights, probably too much light pollution

Sandra Cox said...

David, They've got them on Amazon:)
Natalie, LOL. Yes it does and yes it is;)
Val, The dog is definitely a sweetie. And yes sometimes we do need new things:) Seeing the North Lights would have been wondrous for sure. Hugs received and returned.
CJ, You would have loved her. Frank needs a carrier about the size of a compost bin:)
Donna, I think you'd like my new toy. You can get it on Amazon. That puppy is so gentle. She is going to fit right in.Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

Alex, She melts your heart.
True, They do. Glad you got to see a piece of the lights, even if not perfect.
Thanks, Christine.
Jamie, Me neither. Sigh.

Citu said...

Lindos imagenes. Te mando un beso.

Sandra Cox said...

Di, Excellent!
Me too, Adam.
Thanks, J.P. Sending you hugs

jbiggar said...

Did your granddaughter have to train with the dog? My daughter looked into one for my grandson, but they are crazy expensive here, unfortunately.
We don't have a composter, instead we have a bin filled with these little worms that eat the food waste and poop out black gold- rich soil, lol

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - lunch looked like it'd be good. The pup sure looks delightful ... lots of things to delight in - cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

My goodness, Jacquie, I had no idea about those worms. Sounds like the Rumpelstiltskin of the creepy, crawly world:) About your question, I'm not sure. They asked his mom some really in depth questions I wouldn't have even thought of. They really drilled down.Even to studying the grand's feeding tube. The dog will get about three more months of training before they get her. From there we'll see. And you're right. They aren't cheap.
Hils, The pup is definitely delightful. As far as lunch, I was disappointed. They didn't even list an entree for vegetarians on their brunch menu. We've been going for years, but I think that was our last meal there. Cheers

Jeanie said...

I'm with you on dogs and cats but a good dog does have many, many charms! The vineyard looks lovely!

Sandra Cox said...

Yes and yes, Jeanie:)