Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Penalty Box

This is where the kitten or dog go when they need a time out, now dubbed  The Penalty Box.

 We spent Wednesday putting together the grands playhouse.  As you can see, Captain approves.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Can you see the incongruity in these two pictures? 
Yup, I've got my Christmas decos out and the roses are still blooming.  And the azaleas are trying to bloom too for goodness sake!

Monday, November 21, 2016


Another one of our blogger buds, Crystal Collier, (Did someone say cheese?) has a new book out.  Are our authors prolific are what?

Author: Crystal Collier
Publisher: Raybourne Publishing
Series: Maiden of Time, #3
Publication: November 1, 2016
Category: Young Adult (YA)
Genre: Paranormal Historical
Pages: 254

TAG LINE: Time is the enemy.
Log Line: Alexia races against her own clock, and the birth of her child, to stop the Soulless from existing.

In 1771, Alexia had everything: the man of her dreams, reconciliation with her father, even a child on the way. But she was never meant to stay. It broke her heart, but Alexia heeded destiny and traveled five hundred years back to stop the Soulless from becoming.

In the thirteenth century, the Holy Roman Church has ordered the Knights Templar to exterminate the Passionate, her bloodline. As Alexia fights this new threat—along with an unfathomable evil and her own heart—the Soulless genesis nears. But none of her hard-won battles may matter if she dies in childbirth before completing her mission.

Can Alexia escape her own clock?

Buy/Review links
Author Bio: Crystal Collier is an eclectic author who pens clean fantasy/sci-fi, historical, and romance stories with the occasional touch of humor, horror or inspiration. She practices her brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. She has lived from coast to coast and now calls Florida home with her creative husband, four littles, and “friend” (a.k.a. the zombie locked in her closet). Secretly, she dreams of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese. You can find her on her blog and Facebook, or follow her on Twitter.
Author Tag Line:  Unleashing the dream world, one book at a time 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Into Everything

As you can see, the kitten is still into everything, including the dishwasher.  A few nights ago I couldn't sleep so I got up and did some writing. About the time I was ready to go back to bed I heard a faint mewing. I went into the kitchen. No kitten.  I checked the pantry.  No kitten. I checked the bathroom.  Hmm, hear him, don't see him. Opened the linen closet.  Yup there he was. Since the HH and I went to bed at different times, it's unclear if he was in there for a few hours or half the night.

Look what I won from March House.  Barbara was kind enough to send this to me from the UK.
Thanks, Barbara!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

IWSG Wednesday

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Members post about their  doubts and fears, discuss struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling. 
Today's topic:
Review another four letter word.  
Well if you get creative: REVU.
Review rules at Amazon are tightening. Below are some of the new rules in place and some old ones too.

A reviewer must spend at least $50 on Amazon using a valid debit card or credit card.

No paid reviews. This includes reviews from book bloggers that are part of a paid book blog tour, even though the reviewer has not been paid.

No 'exchanging' reviews. (You review me, I'll review you.)

Reviews are not to be submitted by family members or close friends.
You can still provide advanced reader copies for review.

This one is in general, not specifically Amazon, and my understanding is that it's a legal requirement. If you receive  a free copy for review, the review should include that information. I.E. I have received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.   

If a legitimate review has been removed you can appeal it at: appeals@amazon.com.

Here's is the link for Amazon Community Guidelines referencing reviews. 

And here's a link to an extremely well-written article by Ann R. Allen that explains and simplifies the new rules and goes into much greater detail than I have.
She also talks about troll reviewers that leave poor reviews on competitors products to push theirs to the top.

What are your thoughts on the new rules, do you think it will help or hurt?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Who Would You Pick To Be Jack Reacher

We went back to Our Towns Cinema in Davidson to see Jack Reacher. As previously mentioned, the theater gets high marks.  It's neat and clean.  The folks are friendly. Besides popcorn, you can order pizza or sandwiches, and it has tables in the theater to eat at.
The movie was standard Reacher fare. In other words, plenty of action.
Now here's my question to you.  If you were directing this film who would you pick for the lead?
A. Tom Cruise
B. Armie Hammer
C. Dwayne Johnson
D. Other