Her tour link: http://cblspromotions.blogspot.com/2012/01/vbt-world-apart-by-camelia-miron-skiba.html.
I'm often asked when do I have time to write. I have a career outside of writing, a family to raise, relatives to visit, birthday parties to attend, laundry, cooking ... the everyday routine.
It's easy to get swamped and not work out / write / finish that book on your nightstand you began three months ago. It's easy to give up on dreams because to fulfill them you have to exert effort and energy chasing after them, and most of all you have to invest time—time we never seem to have.
Giving up is easy. But not fulfilling. Before you know it, time passes by so fast, your children are out of the house, and you look back with regret for not doing what you loved most—write, crochet, paint, read, hike the Himalayas ... and before you know it, you wish time was some magical wand you wave to get back what you've lost—your dreams, your passions.
I don't have a formula for how to find time for your hobbies, but I hope you'll look inside yourself and see that little girl (boy) you once were, with dreams to become a famous painter, an acclaimed writer or just an amazing conductor, and find within yourself the will to follow that dream.
You will be sidetracked by the load of laundry or the batch of cookies your child needs for the fundraiser. You will feel guilty for not spending time with your husband watching his favorite show. You will be discouraged by the amount of time and energy it requires to follow that dream. All I can tell you is: Don't. Give. Up. On. Your. Dream.
What you can give up is an hour-long TV show / movie that you can later watch online, and commercial free (about 20 minutes of foods you don't want to try, or cars you'll never buy anyway).
You can give up tweeting and following everyone's daily life on Facebook—your life is by far more interesting than that of those you follow, I promise you. You can give up reading magazines about Ashton Kutcher and Jennifer Aniston—they don't even know you exist. Why not make them read about you and your accomplishments?
Ask for help with cooking, laundry, cleaning—we all know you are superwoman, no need to prove to anyone what you are capable of doing. Ask your husband to read a goodnight story to the kids while you close the door to your office and immerse yourself in that passion of yours you’ve had since your childhood.
Have you started yet?
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Camelia.M.Skiba
In a war that’s not hers, she loses everything.
Everything she loses is because of him.
Forgiveness is not an option.
Or maybe...
Lieutenant Cassandra Toma, trauma surgeon in the Romanian National Army starts her deployment at a joint-unit air base on a wrong foot, clashing on her first day with her new commander, Major David Hunt. Her rebellious nature and sassiness rival her excellent performance in the operating room—the only reason why she's not reprimanded, or maybe not the only reason.
They meet. They clash. A forbidden passion consumes them with the intensity of an erupting volcano, leaving her heartbroken and him with tarnished honor and pride as an officer. The only way out for David is disappearing into the dangerous warzone in Iraq. Their flame was supposed to be over when destiny brings them back under the same roof, this time with a common goal—to find Cassandra's brother, Maj. Robert Toma, kidnapped by insurgents while on patrol.
To rescue Robert, Cassandra and David put aside their resentments, uniting forces against a common enemy. Trying to forget the painful past, Cassandra opens up to give David—and their love—another chance. What she doesn’t realize is that her anguish is the result of David’s impetuous action—one reckless choice he made for which she may never forgive him.
His mistake, his secret, could cost them both the love they've finally found.
“You need to calm down,” David inched closer to Cassandra, fixing her with such intensity her face caught fire.
“Calm down? You want me to calm down?” she snorted, jutting her chin up, hands on her hips.
“Yes. You need to calm down. What was that all about? Why are you so furious?”
“You want to know why I am so furious?” Cassandra grounded her feet apart and pushed her chin forward. “You really want to know? I’ll tell you why. I’m so sick of your bigheaded attitude, of your ‘I’m an American—I do whatever I want’ arrogance!” She shoved a finger at David’s chest, poking it and leaning forward. Her gaze locked on his, their faces close. “You act like some god on our grounds, like you’re doing us a big favor, honoring us with your royal presence as if we are a bunch of idiots you cannot stand. Anything that comes your way that is Romanian, you dismiss with such vehemence one might think it’s poisonous. Nothing we do or have is good enough for your nose.
“But let me tell you something, my friend. My people might not have everything so technical and so advanced, but they are good and hard-working people. They have good hearts and above all, they have dignity. When you live for generations under communism and are treated the way we were, maybe only then you can understand what it means to be so ‘primitive’. To be given nothing and be expected to work wonders. Your standards and ours obviously don’t match, but who are you to judge us? What do you know about us that gives you the right to treat us this way? Huh?
“And for your information, in case nobody had the courage to tell you, this is not our war.” She made a large circle with her arms. “We haven’t asked for it and we are doing you a favor allowing all of you to be on our soil. And not vice versa.” Cassandra straightened her back, pushed away a curl that fell on her face and held her arms up. “Here you have it, I said it.”
She walked around David, opened the door and before leaving, said without looking back, “And don’t forget to write me up.”
Amazon (Kindle Edition): http://www.amazon.com/A-WORLD-APART-ebook/dp/B006NZWHF2
Amazon (Paperback): http://www.amazon.com/World-Apart-Camelia-Miron-Skiba/dp/1466226676
Barnes & Noble (Nook Book): http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-world-apart-camelia-miron-skiba/1108016741
Smashwords (All Formats): http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/115952
I’m Chris’ wife, Patrick’s mom and Bella’s owner. During the day, I’m the assistant to the Director at SESE at Arizona State University, and romance’s slave at night.
I moved to the U.S eight years ago, following my heart and the man who stole it. I love comedies, historical dramas and happily-ever-after stories. English is not my native, not my second, but my third language.
Some fun facts about me:
Each year I participate in one big event that requires me to physically train. My biggest sportive accomplishment was the 3-day 60-mile Susan G. Komen Walk.
Annually I pick a color I decree my favorite (this year it’s salmon).
I refused to text until 2010, always preferring to hear voices rather than sending emotionless messages. Politic bores me to death and I have no tolerance for arrogance.
“A World Apart” is my second book. My debut novel “Hidden Heart” came out March 2011.
Email: cami.skiba@gmail.com
Blog: http://cameliamironskiba.wordpress.com