Monday, January 2, 2012

Pleasant Surprise

MINDER, my next release is with Muse It Up Publishing. I haven't gotten through the entire process but so far, I'm impressed with this new company. They keep their financials transparent and are author and reader friendly. Over the holidays they sent out an email to all their authors asking them to pick out a book from Muse that they'd like to read and they'd send them a free download. I thought that was pretty nice. I've never worked with a publishing company before that's offered that. It may not seem like a big deal but when you sent out several hundred downloads for free it adds up. My pick? Crewkin by good bud, Rhobin Courtright.
Blogs of interest:
Amarinda Jones
Anny Cook
Julia Barrett


Unknown said...

Clearly they're weirdos...transparent financials? Taking an interest in their authors? What next? Asking their opinion? It all ends in respect then and that's just odd when it comes to pubbing.

Julia Rachel Barrett said...

Wow, sounds sweet! I'm going to check them out.

Sandra Cox said...

Greetings, Ms. Amarinda, actually they do put emails asking opinions on advertising and e stores:)

Hey, Julia, go for it. At this point, I've very satisfied. I've been through edits, liked my editor, very thorough, next mo. will be line edits.