Sunday, May 31, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Friday's Great Read
I’m so pleased to have the opportunity to help get the word out on D.L. Finn’s new release THIS LAST CHANCE and share some ‘behind the scenes’ information regarding her new book that I enjoyed and think you will too.
Thank you for having me here today, Sandra, and sharing the new release of This Last Chance 😊
Behind This Last Chance
Bears make an appearance more than once in This Last Chance, which is why one is on the cover. The picture used was when a young bear came out of a storm to snack on some dog food in the garage while taking part in my impromptu photo session.
I live in a forest surrounded by wildlife, which includes bears. I’m not afraid of bears; I feel a connection to them. Yet the word ‘pest’ has been used more than once by my husband when he cleans up the mess bears leave behind on garbage pickup day. Then there was the time one tore the door off our chicken coop, but no chickens were harmed.
A bear experience that stands out was when I returned home from taking the kids to the bus stop early one morning. A huge bear was standing motionless in the middle of the street by our driveway. Intrigued, I stopped my car and watched her, watching me. I guess she decided I was okay when she allowed her two hidden cubs to race from one side of the street to the other. Mama bear threw one more look at me and galloped after her babies.
So, when I needed an animal to let Amber know she was not alone, a bear was the first thing that came to mind. Her spirit animal and perhaps mine, too.
Six months after Amber’s sister is brutally murdered, she’s still looking for answers, and now someone is stalking her and no one believes her. Home alone with a powerful snowstorm approaching, Amber is determined to take control of the investigation by hiring a private detective, but her plans are disrupted when she finds herself snowed in with people she may not be able to trust. Meanwhile, Nester the evildwel, whose entire existence has been feeding on fear and pain, is seeking help from the angel who’s protecting Amber. Nester and Amber need answers. Can Amber figure out what’s going on with some subtle help from an angel? Will Nester find what he needs from his enemies? The worlds of good and evil clash, and the outcome will determine not only Amber’s and Nester’s fate but life as they know it.
1. Five cats, one dog, and a goldfish live with me, along with my husband of almost thirty-seven years.
2. My favorite games as a child were Yahtzee, Monopoly, and Crazy Eights.
3. I love to stargaze and watch meteor showers.
Excerpt from This Last Chance.
Chapter 1
“My name is Nester. I’ve been around a long time, way before humans invented their first stone tool. My kind migrated from a distant planet that couldn’t sustain us anymore, in case you’ve been wondering where we came from. Although I doubt you winged ones—that’s what we call you angels—give evildwel history much thought. Your attention goes to the humans, including this young woman, Amber. You hardly leave her side. It’s an unsettling thought, but I can almost understand your devotion. I feel something from Amber that used to repel me, but now it draws me to her, much like you. Not sure what it is, though.
“I’m attempting to communicate with you, like winged ones do, by thoughts. I can’t take the chance of speaking out loud and being overheard by another evildwel. Anyway, it’s my hope you can hear me because my life is literally spinning out of control.”
Nester paused and studied the beautiful winged one. Zelina didn’t indicate she wanted him to stop, so he continued to push his thoughts to her.
Author Bio:
D. L. Finn is an independent California local who encourages everyone to embrace their inner child. She was born and raised in the foggy Bay Area, but in 1990 she relocated with her husband, kids, dogs, and cats to Nevada City, in the Sierra foothills. She immersed herself in reading all types of books but especially loved romance, horror, and fantasy. She always treasured creating her own reality on paper. Finally, surrounded by towering pines, oaks, and cedars, her creativity was nurtured until it bloomed. Her creations include adult fiction, poetry, a unique autobiography, and children’s books. She continues on her adventure with an open invitation to all readers to join her.
D.L. Finn Links:
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Thursday, May 28, 2020
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Friday, May 22, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Did You Know
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Did You Know
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Friday, May 8, 2020
Friday's Good Read
Voyagers: The Third Ghost
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology
Journey into the past…

Ten authors explore the past, sending their young protagonists on harrowing adventures. Featuring the talents of Yvonne Ventresca, Katharina Gerlach, Roland Clarke, Sherry Ellis, Rebecca M. Douglass, Bish Denham, Charles Kowalski, Louise MacBeath Barbour, Beth Anderson Schuck, and L.T. Ward.Hand-picked by a panel of agents, authors, and editors, these ten tales will take readers on a voyage of wonder into history. Get ready for an exciting ride!
Release date – May 5, 2020
$13.95, 6x9 trade paperback, 168 pages
Print ISBN 9781939844729 / EBook ISBN 9781939844736
Juvenile fiction – historical/action & adventure/fantasy & magic
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database; articles; monthly blog posting; Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram groups; #IWSGPit, and a newsletter. A Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writers and The Write Life’s Best 100 Website for Writers
Links:Amazon -
Barnes & Noble -
ITunes -
Kobo -
Goodreads -
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Did You Know
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
IWSG Wednesday
The first Wednesday of every month is officially IWSG day. Members post about their doubts and fears, discuss struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling.
Thanks, as always, to Alex Cavanaugh, founder and Ninja Captain extraordinaire and our awesome co-hosts.
The IWSG monthly question can be found
under the IWSG Sign-up tab on the Insecure Writer's Support Group Blog.
May 6 question - Do you have any rituals that you use when you need help getting into the ZONE? Care to share?
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I especially enjoyed reading this at the end of the day when I could let the words flow over and envelope me.
THE TEASE by Melissa Alexia
A steamy short.
story starts with two young people in junior high who become, and remain,
friends. Always 'teasing' each other. Seven years later, the 'teasing' begins
in earnest as they try to figure out if they are going to continue to be
friends, lovers or both.
If you like a steamy
read, sprinkled with humor, you'll enjoy this sexy, well-written short.
Happy Birthday, Heather.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Rebirth and New Beginnings
Monday, May 4, 2020
Mateo's Law
A modern day, shape-shifting sheriff.
He’s the sheriff of a sparsely populated county in Montana. His blood brother and childhood best friend is Chief of Police on the Blackfoot Reservation, but they no longer speak. His deputy is a Southern transplant with the body of a high-priced call girl, a voice of honey and a mouth of a trucker. And if that’s not enough, he’s got a secret that would stun those that know him best. Other than that, it’s business as usual for Sheriff Mateo Grey.
A chill March wind lifted Chief Deputy Blair Delaney’s ponytail and nipped her skin as she stepped out of the patrol car, snapping a twig beneath a sturdy boot. With a flick of her thumbs, she turned up her collar and burrowed deeper into her worn, brown bomber jacket.
The setting sun hovered on the horizon and outlined a dark-barked, bare-leaved oak that arced over the porch of Sheriff Mateo Grey’s cabin.
The temperature dropped. A wolf howled.
She spun on her heel. The large gray predator stood at the edge of the property, watching her. As seconds ticked, he held her gaze but came no closer. Finally, as if bored by the whole situation, he turned his head and loped behind the cabin to disappear into the trees.
Whoosh. Blair didn’t realize she’d been holding her breath until she expelled it. She’d seen the wolf before. That one and an older version that melted into the forest whenever she appeared. Apparently, they considered Mateo’s property part of their territory. And speaking of which, where the hell was he?
She took an impatient step forward then faltered as the hair on the back of her neck rose. The sense of a malevolent presence increased with the disappearance of the wolf. Her hand on the pistol at her waist, she whipped around and stared into the trees that surrounded the house. She appreciated Mateo’s desire for privacy but did it have to be in the middle of bum fuck nowhere?
Blair considered herself a pragmatist and seldom gave way to flights of fancy. Still a ripple of unease stole over her like a thick, tangible mist smothering her senses. She drew her gun, forcing her hand not to tremble.
She whirled. The sheriff stood on the porch shirtless and shoeless, worn jeans riding low on lean hips. Her heart gave a hard thump and her blood pooled at her feet. Dammit to hell, why couldn’t she work for someone who was overweight, balding and ate too many donuts? Though, on the plus side, he did have a way of heating her up and keeping the chill at bay.
He took one swift glance at the gun and was off the porch and at her side in four long-legged strides. Even in the biting wind she could feel heat pouring off him.
“Aren’t you cold?”
He ignored the question and cut to the heart of the matter. “What’s wrong? Why is your gun drawn?”
Feeling like an idiot, she cleared her throat. With his appearance the malevolent sensation dissipated like smoke. “I thought someone was watching.” She holstered her gun.
He took a step past her, alert, dangerous.
Sandra is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and cats in sunny North Carolina.
Her stories consist of all things western…and more. She is a category bestselling Amazon author, Eppie finalist and Golden Ankh Award winner.
You can find her at: .
Her twitter handle: Sandra_Cox
Her Amazon Page:
Buy Link
Friday, May 1, 2020
Friday's Good Read
- Amber’s house in "This Last Chance" is set in a vacation home we used to rent.
- The first ride I go on in Disneyland is, "The Pirates of the Caribbean."
- The drive from my house to Lake Tahoe takes
approximately an hour and a half.