Of all the things I have to iron, I never expected it to be my wrist wraps (for kickboxing). Due to the sweat factor--oops in the writing world women don't sweat they perspire--anyway I digress. Due to the whatever factor, I wash my wrist wraps every week. I used to just throw them in the machine till they started getting caught in the agitator. Now I throw them in a travel pillowcase along with my ankle wraps. Yes my feet sweat, err perspire, too. Unfortunately, when I pull them out of the dryer the wraps are balled into an unholy mess. So I now have to iron them. To use an Amarandaism, its downright pukeable.
Pukeable indeed. I don't have this problem with my boxing gloves...and ironing? I haven't done that is years nor do I wish to start it again. No good comes of ironing.
'No good comes of ironing.' Another Amarindaism. I like it.
I think the fact that you kick box is wonderful! Wish I could!
You'd enjoy it. But it's a trade off. You get to do all that wonderful hiking with the fearless wonder dog Jake:)
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