Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You Know

 What's your word, example or sentence for:

Example: I told my sister not to drive while drinking. As usual, she didn't listen and ended up spending the night in the hoosegow.


 Did you know, a bristlecone pine in California, named Methuselah is over four thousand years old?


For more information: Meet The Methuselah Tree, The Oldest Tree In The World (


Elephant's Child said...

I would say jail - or perhaps prison.
I hope that tree lives for (at least) another thousand years.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - I didn't know 'Hoosegow' ... but the tree - yes ... interesting to be reminded/find out - cheers Hilary

Valerie-Jael said...

I#ve never heard of Hoosegow, and I don't want to land there. That ancient tree sounds a bit too ancient! Hugs, Valerie

Donna said...

Have used hoosegow all my life...maybe it's a Southern thing.
Did Not know about the pinecone!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We can only hope that Trump soon lands in the hoosegow - and stays there for a long time. Maybe they could give him bristlecone pines as a mattress.,

Andrew said...

I haven't read that word for years and I couldn't instantly remember it. Locked up in the clink.

CJ Kennedy said...

The Pokey which could also double as a name for that pinecone

D. Wallace Peach said...

I did not know "hoosegow." I thought it meant "hubbub" but was totally wrong. Glad I never tried to use it (incorrectly). Eek.

And I did know the bristle cone pine was ancient. I hope to see one in a year or two. Just imagine what was going on in the world that long ago!

A fun post, Sandra. I hope you're well. :-)

D.L. Finn said...

I did know hoosegow was jail and about the age of the pines, too :) xo

Jamie Ghione said...

Once again, I did not know :)

Christine said...

Wow on the face and what a word too.

Sandra Cox said...

Good job on knowing about the tree, Hils.
Val, Yup, don't want to land in the hoosegow;) Hugs received and returned.
Donna, Thumbs up on knowing hoosegow. Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

Andrew, Locked up in the clink. I like that example!
CJ, Thumbs up on the pokey.
Diana, Good job of knowing about the trees. AND Thanks for stopping by:)
Denise, Woot. Woot. For knowing both. xo
Jamie, Hoosegow was probably before your time:)

Citu said...

No lo sabía. te mando un beso.

R's Rue said...

You are always a wealth of information.

Sandra Cox said...

David, Purrfect!!!!
J.P. Sending you hugs,
Thanks, Christine;)