Friday, May 24, 2024

Your Weekend Read: APRIL'S SHOWERS


April's Showers

A troubled childhood. An excruciating school life rife with villainous bullies. A vicious assault! April, having experienced a hellish life, lay in I.C.U. Detectives Clark and Ramirez on the case. They scour through the collected evidence to find the perpetrator. Will the investigation into the bullies of her past reveal the truth? Or perhaps, just maybe, April's past holds a much deeper and darker secret than the detectives could ever imagine? Apple Smashwords;jsessionid=3CF8BCA037F95F0DE0C535490040CA40.prodny_store01-atgap06?ean=2940179623670 Barnes and Noble Kindle Amazon Kobo Amazon Paperback


Foodie facts:

April loves ham and pineapple pizza. Even though she always takes off the pineapple chunks before eating the pizza, there is an irresistible flavor that emerges when the pineapple is cooked on top.

When April was a child, her preferred dessert was a cherry Icee float. Layers of cherry Icee on top of creamy vanilla ice cream. Layered. Never blended together!

As April entered adolescence, she developed a fondness for a new icy indulgence: the Snickers Blizzard. Even now, as a grown-up, she finds herself unable to resist it.


Sharon is a multi-genre young adult author that dabbles in adult tales from time to time. It’s all about the story is not just a catchphrase, but a spirit that is inside all of her books. When she is not writing, she can be found getting lost in other author’s worlds, watching anime, or trying her hand at various video games. Many things inspire her. Whether it’s an encouraging word, a kooky dream, or a personal experience, she will put it to excellent use. As a defender of the defenseless, Sharon’s characters take on this persona with strong female leads and males that are protective, perfect, boyfriend material.





Elephant's Child said...

Happy Birthday Janet - and congratulations Sharon. Yes, I am tempted. Again.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - happy birthday to Janet, and congratulations to Sharon on her book - sounds intriguing. Have lovely weekends - short or long - cheers Hilary

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am not familiar with Sharon’s work, and I don’t know Janet, but congratulations to Sharon on the book and Happy Birthday, Janet,

Valerie-Jael said...

Sharon's book sounds good, I think I will get it on my Kindle. Thanks for the recommendation! Have a great weekend, hugs!

Christine said...

Congrats to Sharon!

Sandra Cox said...

EC, It is tempting, isn't it?
Thanks for Sharon and Janet's good wishes. You have a grand weekend too, Hils.
David, Thanks for Sharon and Janet's well wishes.
Val, I'm sure you made Sharon's day. Thank you:) Hugs received and returned.
Thanks, Christine;)

Sharon Lopez said...

Thank you, everyone. It is exciting when a new book comes out. I appreciate Sandra for putting April's Showers on her blog. Thanks so much, Sandra! Happy Birthday, Janet! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Lee said...

Happy Birthday to Janet.
The book looks interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out for it! :)

Citu said...

Gracias por l as recomendaciones. Ten un buen fin de semana. Mi cumpleaños es el 22 de mayo. Te mando un beso.

Donna said...

Congratulations to both!! How wonderful for them.
I Love Blizzards!
Happy weekend...

Jeanie said...

A mystery is always a good thing! Happy weekend!

Sandra Cox said...

So pleased to host you, Sharon.
Lee, It does look interesting, doesn't it?
Thanks, J.P. and Belated Happy BDay.
Jeanie, Yes indeed. Happy weekend.

Adam said...

Never thought about doing that to pineapple pizza

Sandra Cox said...

Adam, Me neither. Course, I eat the pineapple:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for Janet and Sharon's well wishes, Donna. Stay safe. Hugs

D.L. Finn said...

Happy birthday, Janet:)This sounds like a good read!xo

Jamie Ghione said...

Happy birthday to Janet, and congrats to Sharon.

Lowcarb team member said...

Sending my good wishes to all.

All the best Jan