Welcome, Sherry. Tell us about your current project.
I started writing The Brat early in 2008. My heroine, Gina Williams, gave me her name first. Then she told me what she did, and why it meant so much to her. She told me about the child, Benedict Kouvaris, she replaced in Anna Kouvaris's house, and how much she hated him and why.
She insisted I give him this name. I still don't know why. (His mother's name changed during the edits.)
Are you a plotter or pantser?
More pantser than plotter, but occasionally I find that as I finish one chapter the 'plot' for the following chapter is clear in my head. When that happens I make notes at the bottom of the bottom of the current chapter I'm working on, then move them to the new document when I start the following chapter.
After a couple of months of solid writing I ground to a halt and all the characters went AWOL. I got on with other projects but kept mulling over ideas for the rest of The Brat. In November I did my stint in NaNo and finished one story and to complete my word count brought out The Brat again. Whether or not it was vanity on their part, when Ben and Gina discovered I posted their excerpts in my NaNo writing page they came back with a vengeance. I didn't finish The Brat (including edits) until February 2009. My first attempted submission to Mills and Boon was rejected. I was sharing my disappointment with a friend and she almost dared me to try again. So I did. Again it was rejected but with such warm advice and suggestions I followed them up and late in 2009 The Wild Rose Press said 'Yes.'
Do you have critique partners are work alone?
I am a member of the most amazing critique group on line. There are about half-a-dozen members at any given time and their comments vary amazingly, giving a huge perspective to work with when rewriting.
What is your zodiac sign and how does it aid you as a writer?
Pisces. I often say 'I meet myself coming the other way'. Pisceans are dreamers so it helps in my writing, because I am a dreamer.
Tell us something that would surprise us about you.
Hmm. LOL. I can no longer eat chocolate. I love it, but I have become intolerant to it.What books of yours are currently for sale and where can we buy them?
The Brat is my debut novel and can be ordered at Wild Rose Press as of October 1st. (Link not yet available)
Also at:
Amazon.com,Amazon.co.uk, Barnes&Noble,Baker & Taylor, Bertrams, The Book Depository and other outlets after October 1st.
Gina Williams has a secret and prays it is buried with her childhood persecutor, Em Kouvaris, as discovery will ruin her reputation as a famous children’s author. She soon discovers the son, Ben Kouvaris, new owner of her publishing company, has uncovered her past and is making demands. Will he ruin her career if she doesn’t comply?
Ben Kouvaris is blown away by the unknown beauty at his estranged mother's funeral, and when his father demands he marry, immediately, to secure the family business, he knows just who he wants as his temporary bride. But can Ben persuade Gina to trust him?

More than two decades later the words still fuelled her ambitions to achieve. They still goaded her into proving to herself and others that she could succeed. Her aspirations and dreams propelled her need to prove herself.
“Watch it, luv!” A hand yanked her back from the curb. “You got a death wish or som’it?” The blast of a car horn jerked her back against her rescuer.
“Oh!” Gina gasped. “I wasn’t paying attention…”
Her voice trailed off. Her memories stole her concentration. “Thank you.” She eased her arm from within his grasp and held out her hand. “Your quick actions saved my life.”
She fought the ghosts from her past and wrestled them back into that black box in her mind she’d kept locked for almost two decades. With the exception of her agent and best friend, Liz, she’d never shared her secrets, and Liz didn’t know the half of them, just enough for Liz to realize her children’s adventure stories evolved from her childhood fantasies.
Sherry has lots of fun prizes. To win one simply go to her blog: http://sherrygloagtheheartofromance.blogspot.com/, where she left character revelations all through September. Decide which character revelation you connect with and leave a comment on this blog.The prizes include a PDF of Meditative Serenity, The Brat Note Cards, and signed bookmarks from the UK.
Sounds great! Wishing you luck!
The brat sounds great.
And don't ya just love the cover.
Julia Rachel, many thanks for your good wishes and for coming by.
Rebekah, :-) I'm glad you like the sound of The Brat. Thanks for coming by.
LOL, Sandra, the cover certainly makes a statement. :-)
Thank you so much for having me here today.
Great interview, Sherry and good luck with the book.
Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us. Best of the best to you.
Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us. Best of the best to you.
Thanks for your good wishesm Sue, and back at you with your new book Perfect Score.
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