Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cutting Cords

Jo Ramsey is blogging with me today at Downtown YA about her new novel, Cutting Cords. If you have an opportunity, please drop by and see hey to Jo.

When Shanna’s father moves out, leaving Shanna alone with her mother, her home life goes from bad to worse. At least she has Jonah to remind her that she deserves a good life, even if she doesn’t always believe him. Stressed about her parents’ separation and worried about what it will mean for her, Shanna is glad for the distraction of her friend Tammi’s request for information about guides. Although Shanna is still learning, she knows how to answer Tammi’s questions. The problem is, the entity Tammi is asking about isn’t really a guide. It’s a dead spirit who wants to take over Tammi’s life. And Shanna discovers that another entity, one with the power to destroy our universe, wants to use Tammi as well. Guided by Jonah and Tethys, and helped by another being of light, Shanna must send the dead spirit to the afterlife before it’s too late—for Tammi and for the entire Universe.

Oh yes...and I'm at the Book Boost today.


Blogs of interest:

Amarinda Jones

Anny Cook

Julia Barrett

Night Writers

Monday, March 28, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Are you about flowered out?

More orchids. All of these pictures were taken inside. The conservatory is huge.

Just got back from Lincoln Lawyer. Thumbs up.

I'll be blogging tomorrow at Night Writers on Declawing.

~* ~
Shameless self promotion.

Makita Revisited. Available at Smashwords for 1.99

Makita must use her second life to return to earth and take care of her pal, Bennie the Boxer. But finding Bennie is only the beginning. After they're reunited, Makita and Bennie stumble upon a dog fighting ring. Now the fearless feline must use her considerable cunning to breakout the hapless creatures that have been stolen to use as bait for the fighting dogs.

Blogs of note:
Amarinda Jones
Anny Cook
Julia Barrett
Night Writers

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair... ~Susan Polis Shutz

Blogs of interest:
Amarinda Jones
Anny Cook
Cindy Spencer Pape
Julia Barrett
Night Writers

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pink Roses

A profusion of pink roses bending ragged in the rain speaks to me of all gentleness and its enduring. ~The Collected Later Poems of William Carlos Williams

Blogs of interest:
Amarinda Jones
Anny Cook
Julia Barrett
Night Watchers

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Akasha Revisited

Seated in the clouds, the council of nine cats, along with the little tabby called Great Mother, stared at a spot on earth, their expressions grave. As they watched, the waters rose and the wind battered everything in its way. The little gray tabby placed her paw on the council elder’s shoulder and cried out in distress, “Oh, no, Ramses, not the kittens.”

He cut his gaze toward Great Mother and put his paw around her. “My dear, we must be prepared for the worst. Let’s go to the bridge.”

Available at smashwords.com

Blogs of interest:

Amarinda Jones

Anny Cook

Julia Barrett

Night Writers

Monday, March 21, 2011

Its Monday

Blogs of interest:
Amarinda Jones
Anny Cook
Julia Barrett
Night Writers

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I'm blogging on himmies today at Night Writers. Hope your Sunday is wondrous.
And you guessed it, the pic is from Longwood Gardens.

Blogs of interest:
Amarinda Jones
Anny Cook
Julia Barrett
Night Writers

Monday, March 14, 2011


We just got back from a visit to the baby girl. Besides getting to see my lovely daughter, I got to visit Longwood Gardens outside of Philadelphia. Have you ever been there? If not I highly recommend it. I've been to a lot of gardens, but this was the best I've ever seen. While we were there they had an orchid exhibit going on. I have never seen so many of these beautiful exotics or such a wide selection.

Its Monday

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shardai Revisited

Shardai is now available at Smashwords. USe the coupon code VZ62R and get it for $2.24.

Shardai is a large sleek cat with attitude. He has the courage of a tiger and the disdain of a king. The fearless feline has only one weakness...his guardian. He would do anything--including coming back from the afterlife--for her.

Other blogs of note:
Amarinda Jones
Anny Cook
Julia Barrett

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ceiling Fans How Exciting

We went out and bought a ceiling fan.
You're probably thinking so? Well, its not so much that we bought one as why we bought one. I was making the bed and the sucker fell on me. No not the bed, the ceiling fan. I managed to jump out of the way and just got a few scratches. Lucky, for me I was paying attention to business and not mulling over a story.
Well, that was my excitement for the week. I would rather be reporting that I won the lottery or was on the New York Times Best Seller list. Oh well, maybe next time.

Other blogs of interest:
Amarinda Jones
Anny Cook
Julia Barrett

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Speaking of Duct Tape

I blush to admit I've got some wrapped around my printer and battery operated toothbrush... What are you using it to hold together?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Duct Tape

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the world together."