So I was researching this weekend. Looking for something that could block signals from an implanted tracker. What I came up with was a rare earth mineral the Neodymium Magnet. Though why they're considered rare is beyond me. You can buy them almost anywhere. But I'm getting sidetracked. Here was where my research got seriously weird. It was the word implant that did it. Have you figured out where I'm going with this? That's right. Some folks implant these magnets under their skin. Why you ask? I did too. I was thinking conspiracy theory, etc. Come to find out it's just a sensory thing, to feel the magnetic fields around you. There's even directions on how to do the implants. Now keep in mind you're only supposed to do them on your finger, specifically the inside corner of your ring finger so it doesn't interfere with grasping objects. It's done with a large syringe or an incision is made with a scalpel. There's a trailer on how to do it, but since I don't do well with the sight of blood, I'm not going to impose it on you. I write fiction, but I don't think I could have made this stuff up.
And on a completely different topic, to my baby girl who loves her birthday cake: Happy Birthday, darlin.
Picture from wikimedia.org
I'll stick with Reiki to feel the magnetic fields, thank you very much. Can you imagine going through metal detectors at the airport and trying to explain your implant?
Happy Birthday, to your daughter. What time is cake being served?
I am learning about Reiki now... very interesting.
... and chocolate cake? For birthdays?? Is there any other kind???
was this an episode of a sf show? :)
haha wow that is out there, I can feel the emf crap now, no need for implants
It's cool the stuff you find out when you're researching, huh?
Whoa. No thanks. LOL
But I WILL take some of that Birthday cake. :) Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Wow. That is fascinating. I think I will pass on the implant, but I can kinda sorta understand why some folks would do it. Well... maybe not. I am just big on putting things into my body that didn't start out there.
How's the reiki going, CJ?
Cake: grin:)
Red Shoes, you are so right. Chocolate is the ONLY birthday cake:)
Hey Dez, sounds like it doesn't it?
Pat, grin:)
Stacy, It's amazing isn't it? And fascinating.
Thanks, Jennifer:) Birthday cake coming your way.
Robin, grin:)
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