Happy Monday, everyone. Though, I'm not sure that's not an oxymoron:) Has anyone dealt with their cable provider lately? If so you have my sincere condolences. Ever since we've moved we've had issues. The first being the cable. After several phone calls they finally sent out a technician and yup, the cable hadn't been hooked up in the cave. Last Friday someone was to come out and check out the internet. He called at seven a.m. and said he'd be there in five minutes. Ten minutes later he called again and asked where we were. He'd went to our old address and told the new owner that he was there to repair the internet and had just talked to his wife. To which the new owner replied. "You didn't talk to my wife." I gave the technician our address which (they obviously had since they set the cable up the first time and came back a second) was five minutes away from where he was at, but he could not come because that address was not on his ticket. After another two hours on the phone, it was finally rescheduled. On one of the many phone calls I made, I asked for the number of the local office and was told they couldn't give that out but if I wanted to go in person, they could give me the address. Say what? I had to slap the side of my head a couple of times to make sure I'd heard that correctly. But enough grumbling, how was your weekend? Tell me all about it.
Interested in Chi Gong? Travel over to
CJ's and see her Sunday post on The Flying Goose. Its worth the trip.
February 17-24, is my cover reveal and giveaway for Love, Lattes and Mutants, a YA fantasy. If you would be willing to host me on any of those days, would you shoot me an email @ sandracox1@gmail.com. Thank's so much.
Ugh! When service providers go wrong they do a good job of it.
Hubby worked most of the weekend, so I did lots of writing. :)
That makes no sense. And there's a word for it, which I won't repeat here. I'm glad I only have to deal with cable for Internet.
I don't do cover reveals anymore, but be happy to announce your book when it's released!
It's sad when customer service is an oxymoron. We dumped cable a couple of months ago. Didn't have trouble with the cable company other than the incessant why are you doing this? The company yanked the plug on the tv and we've survived with the few tv networks we pull in with the indoor antenna and Netflix
I have cable but I don't watch much of it.
We have Comcast and I'd rather have a root canal than deal with their customer service. Big companies are just impossible...it's a maze of canned responses and red tape. Luckily, our internet is generally reliable (knock on wood!). Since I work from home, if it goes out I have to take a trip to Panera or Starbucks to work for a few hours.
So I must tell you...I'm on the phone with my wireless provider and have managed to read five blogs and counting. Ugh. :( I agree with Stephanie's comment, big companies are just impossible!
Happy Monday indeed. :)
Oh the lovely cable...makes me think Larry, Moe and Curly are still alive and kicking. It is these days that make one happy when they are over:) I had a great weekend-christmas decor-still some of it is up...will take more down this eve:)
I have satellite (AT&T U-Verse). One time the receiver stopped working. I called. The tech person diagnosed the problem and sent me a new receiver. That's been the only problem in about four years. I'm probably the most fortunate woman on the planet.
Woo Hoo on getting writing down.I've been in editing mode for months. I am going to have to get back to writing soon.......
Thanks, Alex, I appreciate it.
And as far as the provider service, it's cable service not customer service......
I'd be good with pulling the plug, but I'm not sure the hh could handle it.
I don't really either, Adam.
I'm with you, Stephanie. It's painful.
The last time I had to deal with the cable people it was quite the challenge, so I feel your pain! I hope I don't have to do it again anytime soon!
I feel your pain. Hope you're squared away by now.
Glad you had a great weekend, Birgit! I think Larry, Moe and Curly might be an improvement. grin.
Hey Janie, Sounds like you need to buy a lottery ticket. Your luck is in:)
I hope you don't either, Jess. I think of it in terms of a blood pressure check. grin.
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