Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fireman Saves Kitten

Thanks, Rye.


anne marie in philly said...

one of the good guys!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

A man with a caring heart. How many would've given the cat oxygen and water?

Elephant's Child said...

Thanks Rye indeed.

DEZMOND said...

poor little gremlin!

Birgit said...

Oh...I teared up. To see that little guy just lying on the floor. The Fireman has a heart of gold

Shady Del Knight said...

Every life matters...including an animal's life.

Pat Hatt said...

A great guy indeed to do that for the little guy

Adam said...

I've seen this one before, very touching story

CJ Kennedy said...

Oh, the poor kitty. So glad to see the little guy or gal made it.

H.R. Bennett said...

That's one of the good guys there.

nashvillecats2 said...

Heartfelt post.

Sandra Cox said...

He sure was.

Sandra Cox said...

He's a hero.

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

Used up one life. Thank goodness he had eight left.

Sandra Cox said...

He certainly does. What a hero.

Sandra Cox said...

I wholeheartedly agree, Shady.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank goodness there's folks like that out there.

Leandra Wallace said...

Aw, totally made me teary-eyed! It was horrible how lifeless it looked and then- a miracle! =)

Sandra Cox said...

Miracle is a perfect word for it, Leandra.

Sandra Cox said...

Love that fireman. How are you, Adam?

Sandra Cox said...

The trailer did tug at the heart strings didn't it?

Sandra Cox said...

Most certainly. Hope you are having a good evening, Robert.

Sandra Cox said...

Me too, CJ. Thank goodness for the kindhearted fireman.