I've been wanting a mum since spring. I knew what color I wanted and where I was going to plant it. I finally got one last week and was so excited. I got one that was in a half gallon container. Not a bad size. I figured when October rolled around I'd have this lush, beautiful fall flower. I envisioned it looking like this:
mr-shopping.net | | | | | | | | |
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And instead got this:
The kitten has ravaged it. Sigh. In a few short weeks he's gone from, "Oh thank you, thank you for saving my life," to "It's all about me." How quickly they forget:)
Naughty kitty! Little animals do things like that, my doggie chewed up a 2 meter palm tree while she was alone for 2 hours - we came
home and the whole place was just full of twigs, leaves and chewed wood - and she was so happy! Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie
Our moggies are shameless, and skilled, plant destroyers. An orchid we bought for a friends birthday was one of the saddest casualties.
awwww, wook at da widdle innocent kitty! NOT!
She doesn't look guilty.
Even if you yell at them they never care.
He was a bad kitty and he acted like he didn't even care...
I'm glad Rocko is an indoor cat. My mums are still intact.
Mums are pretty hardy. Prissy planted some out front. She used to cut them way back in the Fall and they woudld come back in the Spring. Try planting some peppermint nearby. Most animals don't like the smell. Kitties don't like citrus so maybe toss a few orange peels around the plant?
I swear, I did not come to your home and touch your plant. I swear I didn't :) Aactually I think your cat feels a sense of victory..."My job is done and now I can relax".....bless the pussy cats
You allowed your kitty to get bored. It is all your fault. Be a man and take the blame. (it is late night here and I am very tired)
lol whoopsy, he was just having a little fun
They're amazing aren't they? It's like living with a miniature tornado.
An orchid......Yikes.
I've got three kids like you kitten.
Sorry about your plant.
Uh huh:)
Sleeping the sleep of the just...or the unjust:)
Ha! So cute, the badness of a kitten.
Isn't that the truth.
Too funny! Kittens are like that, alas. We don't have a cat at present, so (I guiltily tell you) we have a beautiful mum plant. And yellow is a great choice.
But the cat will grow and you can try again. Once they get going, mums are pretty resilient. Have a great week.
Only because he didn't. grin.
The kitten is indoors till he gets in trouble then he's put outside (cat safe local). Then he gets in trouble outside and is brought in doors. And round and round it goes.
I might try the citrus. Thanks. My kitties are mint addicts:)
Oh huh......grin.
You summed it up nicely with the My Job Is Done:)
And here I was blaming the kitten. Shame on me.
I was blaming the dog for awhile.......it's always a toss up when there's trouble brewing.
Oh dear -- I hope it doesn't ravage the kitten in the process. Try again -- and get it planted outside quickly!
On the three kids....grin.
Tough love at our house for the plants.
He's a mess:)
Mums are resilient, especially yellow mums, don't you think? Unfortunately, the kitten is digging it up. He must have been a dog in a former life.
It is outside.....Grin. We have a cat safe outdoor environment.
pleez ta eggs cuze us if we may; but it still iz & all wayz will be... all a bout de catz ~~~~~~ just sayin...sew pleez dont forget thiz !! ☺☺☺♥♥♥
Sorry about the plant ...
Dare I say the photo of the yellow mum does look good !!!
All the best Jan
LOL! Bad kitty! LOL! Sorry, I am laughing! LOL! Your plant should come back!!! Give it some extra loving! Sprinkle some ginger powder around it. Cats don't like the smell! Big Hugs!
That's a kitty for you. They move in and it's their house before you know it. If you're fortunate, the kitty might let you camp in the yard.
It may not be funny to you, but right now I'm laughing so hard my sides are hurting.
You should have known it would be all about the kitten when you saved it. Now it's all about saving your sanity and the kitten's neck (so to speak).
Bad Kitty :) But at least the kitty did it, Sandra. My plants have often ended up looking 'kittified' when in reality it has been my lack of green fingers that have killed the poor thing. Have a great September.
I occasionally forget......:)
Sigh. Yes it does....
It should come back....if there's any roots left.
You're just trying to make me feel better, Nicola...and succeeding.
Looks like I need to buy a tent.
Glad I could provide some comedic relief:)
We will have to see how the sanity and neck go. grin.
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