Courtesy of V.Tups |
EMBARKATION: Due to weather, the ship was late in arriving and we were late in embarking AND a cap fell off my tooth.
(First full day and) SECOND NIGHT :
We were at sea watching the dive-in movie on the upper deck when an announcement came over the speaker that a passenger needed to be medevacked off the ship. Imagine a black night in the middle of the ocean and a helicopter landing on a ship. It took them awhile but they finally got the job done. Kudos to the pilot.
We were waiting for debarkation when the announcement was made that due to the choppy sea we wouldn't be stopping at the first port of call but going on to Nassau where we arrived that night. Passengers were allowed off the ship but we weren't comfortable roaming around alone in a city we didn't know so we stayed on board ship.
HH wakes up with a raspy throat AND..
We take the Ardastra Gardens and City Tour. Best day ever. I got to mark one off my bucket list: feeding birds from my hand.
Bad hair, no makeup day. |
More pics of the gardens tomorrow.
We take a tour in a glass bottom boat, another bucket list item, though unfortunately I need the bucket. We were packed in like sardines, the waves were high and choppy, and the way this boat was setup if you were seated on one side of it, you had to get up and walk to the other side and cluster around the 'glass bottom' to see the bottom of the ocean. Many of us suffered from motion sickness. I spent a good portion of the time with my head hung over the side, heaving. The captain of the boat did stop and feed the sharks which would have been fun to watch if I hadn't been sick.
The HH has gone downhill. When we stop for the night I can hear his breath whistling in and out while he sleeps. The next day we get back to town early in the p.m. and head straight for urgent care where he is diagnosed with acute bronchitis and sinusitis. And then, finally, home.
Has anyone else been on a glass bottom boat? If so, what was your experience?