Replicas.Have you seen this one yet? It's about cloning and replicating, and I found it to be intense. I was immersed in it, but couldn't decide till the end whether I liked it or not. The film kept me guessing all the way through it. I give it a 👍
Last of the fall flowers. Really.
And though she be but little, she is fierce. My hydrangea didn't do well this year. Too much water in the winter and near drought conditions in the summer. But this little bloom bloomed early in the summer and is STILL holding on. It reminds me that if a bloom can be this tenacious so can we.
The Woo-Woo Clock.
I got up the other morning 9:30ish. Meandered out and took the critters on their morning constitutional in the garden. Came back in, started filling pet bowls, glanced at the kitchen clock and it said 10:30ish. Say what? The cooler weather is a sure guarantee I don't loiter in the garden an hour. In my caffeine deprived wisdom I decided it was time change weekend and the HH had missed the bedroom clock. When he got up, an hour or so later, I nattered at him, err, inquired about this. He assured me it wasn't time to change the clocks. We (he) finally came to the conclusion, the bedroom clock had reset itself a week early. Very Woo-Woo.
Have you seen this movie? How does your garden grow? Do you have a Woo-Woo Clock?
The Woo-Woo Clock.
I got up the other morning 9:30ish. Meandered out and took the critters on their morning constitutional in the garden. Came back in, started filling pet bowls, glanced at the kitchen clock and it said 10:30ish. Say what? The cooler weather is a sure guarantee I don't loiter in the garden an hour. In my caffeine deprived wisdom I decided it was time change weekend and the HH had missed the bedroom clock. When he got up, an hour or so later, I
Have you seen this movie? How does your garden grow? Do you have a Woo-Woo Clock?
Our garden, particularly the weeds, is going gang-busters.
I have a Woo-woo mind. I don't need a clock to further mess with it.
That is a hardy bloom! My hydrangeas also didn't so well this year. All leaf and no blooms. The early ones got hit with frost and maybe they just couldn't recover.
I don't think I've seen the movie. My guys love Keauna Reeves, so they probably be fans.
Our clocks went back last Sunday, so perhaps your clock decided to go with European time! My chrysanthemums are just starting to flower, at the end of October! Glad you enjoyed the film. Hugs, Valerie
You (and I) were in the same predicament. We have OLD clocks that reset before they decided to change the time. I found this on the internet: Bush "extended Daylight Saving Time by four weeks beginning in 2007. The provisions of the bill called for Daylight Saving Time to begin three weeks earlier on the second Sunday in March and end one week later on the first Sunday in November. Previously, Daylight Saving Time started on the first Sunday in April and ended on the last Sunday in October. The provisions took effect on March 11, 2007." I woke to the same dilemma Sunday morning, too.
Not my kind of film, I don't think, even though I do like Reeves.
Your flowers are still really gorgeous and doing well. Mine died from too much rain and wind.
Wonderful pics. sad to see the flowers going. Trying to get used to putting our clocks back an hour over the weekend.
Have a good week.
Maybe like here, your government has changed the dates of daylight saving. While I like daylight saving, I hate losing that hour when it begins. I become jetlagged.
haha yeah, the time change doesn't come until this weekend. Never seen that one yet.
Haven't seen it yet.
When is the time change anyway? Gets later and later each year.
I LOVE the Create ball. And yes, I DO have a woo-woo clock. Sometimes it just comes on (often in the middle of the night) for no apparent reason. It's not like the alarm is on or that I even touched it. Probably time for a new one...
Haven't seen the movie, but sounds like something I would like. My garden is getting a soaking and most of the leaves are on the ground. And the haunted clock made me smile. I have a clock that's supposed to change automatically based on a hard-code program date inside. Most times it doesn't bother changing and I end up doing it manually.
I hate the dumb time change. They should change it this weekend and then keep it as it is. I hate waking up to darkness. Your blooms look pretty and we still have blooms even though hubby has not been out there to care for them because of his shoulder operation. I am the kiss of death when it comes to plants. Our hydrangea did quite well and so did our other plants but he has a green thumb. I don't know this movie! It looks like a good sci-fi thriller.
Your garden is wondrous.
I love your Woo-woo mind :)
Some leaf raking ahead.
Haven't seen that movie...I'm behind at seeing a lot of movies, heh.
I also think that there should be no time change. Florida passed a bill to do away with one of them and remain in the other (I forget which one) but it freakin' needs the US Congress to approve it.
I like your plants! Cool about that one still blooming. 🌺🌹🌷🙂
We'll have a brief moment of silence for hydrangeas everywhere.
If the guys see it, hope they enjoy it:)
I bet that's it! My clock is on European time:)
Can't wait to see your mums.
Hugs received and returned
Interesting info, as always, Elizabeth.
My flowers thank you. Sorry to hear yours are gone:( Hope the weeds are too:)
Thanks, Yvonne. I always hate seeing the flowers go, though I'm thrilled when I'm done with weeding:)
Don't ya just love the time change? Choke. Choke. Hack. Hack.
I hate the time change. Wish they'd just leave it alone.
That's a good thing:)
This weekend:) I wish it would just fall off the chart:)
Your clock is definitely woo-woo too:)
Glad you like my create ball:)
Have a great one.
Clocks. Aren't they temperamental?:)
Our leaves haven't done the big fall yet. It's never pretty.
Let me know if you see the movie, whether you like it or not.
I hate the time change too and wish they'd just leave it alone.
How's your hubby's shoulder?
I'm sure my hydrangeas are jealous, not having done well themselves.
I'm not looking forward to that.
Good grief. I didn't realize the US Congress needed to improve state time changes. Indiana didn't have the time change when we lived there and it was great.
My plants thank you. That one little bloom just amazes me.
Have a good one, Sis.
I haven't seen that one.
Let me know what you think if you do.
Hi shoulder is sore but slowly healing. The bum changed the tires on the car! He said he only used one hand...Men!
I always think it nice to see late season blooms, that first one is a gorgeous colour.
All the best Jan
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