Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Ketch-up Day

 Greetings Blogger Buds,

How was your weekend and Monday?

I had a birthday last week. Chocolate was the gift of choice by my husband, son and daughter. Great minds, etc. etc.😀 

Note my cake: A brownie with peanut butter cup icing and just the right size for me:)



Frank, the gift inspector.

 Well the daffies are blooming. As our bud Elizabeth Seckman would say, "Eager little things." Ignore the weeds. I am. Ha.

And one of the Christmas Roses is blooming.


The ferals are still very distrustful.  I think Andrew had the right of it when he said it takes months to tame feral cats.


And last but not least our granddaughter painted us a picture and my son-in-law framed. Didn't both do a wonderful job?



What about you blogger buds? Got chocolate? Blooming daffies? Wild kitties? Paintings?


Elephant's Child said...

Happy belated birthday.
And yes, building trust with a feral cat (or person) takes a very, very long time.
I love your gifts (and the inspector).

Andrew said...

Your daffodils seem to be blooming very early. Clearly your climate is very different to the New England states.

The picture is terrific. I wish I could see it at a larger size.

While a box of chocolates in our home would disappear in a day, I would not be the culprit. I might have two a day.

And a belated happy birthday. The years march on 😉

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - another Capricorn ... lots of us! I got no chocolates ... books and vouchers (and wine) were the order of the day!!! Yours sounds fun ... patience with the cats will win through, artistic granddaughter ... great to see - enjoy the new year and all the Spring flowers to come! Cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

EC, Thank you. It sure does.
Hey Andrew, We are on the Southeastern side of the states. Even so January is early for the daffies. While I don't make a box of chocolate disappear in a day, I probably go through more than 2 pieces. Heh.
Hils, Let's here it for Capricorns, books, vouchers and wine;)

Valerie-Jael said...

Happy birthday, Sandra. You got some delightful ad delicious presents! Hugs, Valerie

Donna said...

A freeze got my daffodils several years ago...need to plant more.
Happy late Birthday!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Happy belated birthday! That is a whole mess of chocolate.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Happy Belated Birthday! All that chocolate looks delicious. Wish we had flowers blooming here, but it's cold and snowy.

CJ Kennedy said...

Chocolates are always a great gift. With every other day snowstorms, the daffies would be a welcome sight. The ferals are adorable and don't seem to mind their picture being taken. Your granddaughter and her dad did a great job with the artwork.

Truedessa said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you are enjoying the chocolates. Yum… I am amazed that you have daffodils. I look out the window and all I see now is snow and more snow. Lol.. Yesterday it snowed all day dropping about 10 inches. More is coming in tomorrow.

Jamie Ghione said...

Happy belated birthday. Mine was also this month, the 11th.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Happy birthday, Sandra! It looks like you were well-celebrated!

Birgit said...

I missed you last week and am sorry about that. I have been busy with my friends and their mom. I'm still taking down Christmas stuff...head hanging low. There are no daffodils here and, In fact, we are to a big snowstorm tomorrow and Thursday. I love your Franklin...so sweet the chocolates look so goof but I'm being good and have lost a lot of weight and am proud of that. I do t want to gain. I. Staying away fro. Sugar, starch and caffeine. The caffeine is aok for me since I never drink coffee but the other 2 are jarred but I am doing OK. I'm blabbing. Oh and Happy Birthday to you!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz…and itz mustard day heer in TT..hope everee onez doin sooper grate and yur mew yeer haz been a
good one sew far 🐟‼️❤️

Janie Junebug said...

That's a very nice painting. It's hard to go wrong with a gift of chocolate. Happy Birthday!


Christine said...

Happy Birthday! Lovely painting.

Adam said...

Happy belated birthday 🎂🎉🎈🥳

Sandra Cox said...

I did indeed. Thanks, Val. Hugs
Donna, Bummer about your daffies.
Alex, Ha. Yes a whole mess of chocolate:)
Natalie, Cold and snowy? Ack.

J.P. Alexander said...

Ricos pastel. Me encanta tu gato. Te mando un beso.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, CJ. You can't go wrong with chocolate:) Sorry for any confusion, it was her uncle that made the frame and yes they both did a wonderful job.
True, 10 " of snow. Brrrr. Thanks for the BDAy wishes.
Belated Happy, Jamie. Hope it was a good one.
Thanks, Jacqui. It was a good bday:)
Birgit, Good on you for the weight loss and taking care of your friends. Don't feel bad, my tree is still up.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, Janie. So true on the chocolate:)
Thanks, Christine:)
Thanks, Adam;)

D.L. Finn said...

Looks like you were well loved with chocolate! Beautiful picture too! Nice to see some yellow visiting.

Jeanie said...

Happy Belated Birthday! It looks like a wonderful celebration and who can argue with the chocolate and that cake? I love the painting your granddaughter did. Gorgeous.

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy belated birthday.
Lovely to see the daffodils.

All the best Jan