Thursday, March 16, 2023

Did You Know

Did you know, the famous Roman site of Caesar's assassination is now a cat sanctuary?

Beware the ides of March.....





Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

No, but I am delighted to learn it. At least something good came out of the "landmark."

D.L. Finn said...

I'm glad it is :)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

No - I didn't know that ... cats forever -cheers Hilary

Donna said...

Seriously? Well, I surely didn't know it!lol

Christine said...


Birgit said...

I just learned that! We were watching a show with Joanna Lumley and she showcased the place where he was stabbed and then showed the cat sanctuary. I was just so happy to see what the6 are doing. Now I will look at your previous posts.

Jamie Ghione said...


Jeanie said...

I didn't know but I like that!

Valerie-Jael said...

How nice - meow! Valerie

ashok said...

Really!? Et tu catty?

Sandra Cox said...

Elizabeth and Denise, Me too:)
Birgit, Good job on knowing that and yes, it's a wonderful thing, isn't it?
Ashok:) LOL

da tabbies o trout towne said...

on free wi fi two day guyz and had two stop and say HI...hope all iz well, everee onez grate and yur stayin IN trubullz ! ♥♥♥

Sandra Cox said...

Donna, Who'd a thought, right?
Christine, Glad you think so:)
Hils, Definitely cats forever;)

Lee said...

My goodness! That cat looks like my Shama!

And Shama is as big as that now. Since Remy died, she has been eating for two...and looks the size of two!!!

Sandra Cox said...

Jeanie, I like it too:)
Val, Isn't it great?
Jamie, Glad you think so.
FSG, Great to hear from you and yes everyone is staying in trouble. Heh. Take care.
Lee, Yes, Calli is big-boned. Ha.

J.P. Alexander said...

Uy me quede sin palabras Te mando un beso.

Adam said...

I didn't know that

Sandra Cox said...

Adam, I didn't either, but I'm thrilled about it:)
Hope all is well.