The first
Wednesday of every month is officially IWSG day. IWSG was formed by Ninja
Captain Alex Cavanaugh. Members post about their doubts and fears, discuss
struggles and triumphs, and offer words of encouragement to others who are struggling.
Twitter handle: @TheIWSG
Hashtag: #IWSG
The awesome co-hosts for the October 2 posting of
the IWSG are Nancy Gideon, Jennifer Lane, Jacqui Murray, and Natalie Aguirre!
Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post.
These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience
or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it
inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say.
Remember, the question is optional
October 2 question - Ghost stories fit right in during this month.
What's your favorite classic ghostly tale? Tell us about it and why it sends
chills up your spine.
You gotta love a good ghost story. I’m going to list two.
Emily’s Ghost by Antoinette Stockenberg
Sounds in the Silence by D. L. Finn
Emily’s Ghost was written in 2011 but for me remains a favorite. The
characters are well-developed with an occasional flash of humor. The story line
sucks you in, ratcheting up the tension layer by layer and ends with a
satisfying HEA. Available at Amazon
Sounds in the Silence is a fascinating story with a duel time line
and a
murdered ghost that comes back to haunt forty years later. If you’re an animal lover, another plus is the
entrance of a rescue animal or animals at some point in most D.L. stories. Available at Amazon
What’s your favorite ghost story?
September/October Reviews
in no particular order
Disclaimer. If I run into an occasional typo, I ignore them and don't factor
them into my review.
TRAIL OF FATE THE ARDUOUS QUEST by B. S. Daniels A gritty Western about an old-fashioned hero and his horse.
You can tell by the author’s descriptions and prose that he
is steeped in Western lore and the West itself. Daniels hails from Colorado and is a former
bull rider.
While reading, I ran into a couple of sentences I
particularly enjoyed: “I don’t think they were marked with any bloody evidence,
but I know I wounded a lot of trees.”
“The Cow tenders we left in charge did a good job watching
over the ranch.”
Besides entertaining sentences, his characters are well developed
and his descriptions detailed.
FATE is available at most major book sites and can also be
found in some literary magazines. The book is also available in paperback.
Available at Amazon
FAIRIES, MYTHS AND MAGIC II by Colleen CheseboroThe
first collection of this series celebrates summer. This collection celebrates
winter. The author talks about winter myths and the history behind them.
book is every bit as good as the first and again showcases the author’s
talents. One verse I particularly liked:
down the huntsmen,
black horses they ride
hounds as black as pitch
staring hideous eyes
screams and howls
against the algid night.’
days now end
swears victory’
with delicate verse, you’ll encounter Ameratasu, the sun goddess; Gryla-The Christmas Troll; Befana the witch;
and Julbock the Yule Goat. (I must admit, I didn’t know goats pulled Thor’s
you enjoy prose with a touch of magic, pour a cup of hot apple cider and curl
up in front of the fire with this fascinating read.
Available at Amazon
again, the devil has headed to London for Christmas only this time he
encounters a mystery. A mystery that if it remains unsolved could affect the
story is full of twists and turns that leave even the devil befuddled. As
always, the author gives us delightful insight and history into Old London.
Another fun read.
Available at Amazon
Did you know, Lewis Carroll invented the word chortle along with several other 'portmanteau' words?
The Frabjous Words Invented By Lewis Carroll -