Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Writerly Wednesday AND Did You know AND Denise's Challenge

 What is your sentence, example, definition or synonym for:

 Example: She bought her inamorato a Valentine's Day card.



 Did you know,  that Valentine's Day began to be associated with love and romance, in the Middle Ages, largely thanks to the works of poets like Geoffrey Chaucer? By the 14th century, it had become customary to exchange love notes and tokens of affection on February 14, called Valentine's Day for St. Valentine.



She had waited for a sign for seven long, lonely days. Suddenly, a conspiracy of ravens rose cawing in the air.  It was time. Nature would take back her own.                                                                 



D.L. Finn said...

I love the history of Valentines Day and the word too! What a fantastic take on the image, Sandra. You said a little in those few words! Xo

Andrew said...

Inamorato sounds like a foreign word. No matter. I had an inamorato for 45 years.

Yvette M Calleiro said...

Fantastic take on the picture, Sandra!

Yvette M Calleiro :-)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The day was hot, the air oppressive. Sweat beaded on her forehead and trickled down her temples. Oh, how she longed for her inamorato to bring her an ice-laden pina colada. But he was probably still gazing at that gloomy picture; you know, the one Sandra mused about ravens splitting the air with sound and nature taking back its own. If he doesn’t get back soon a new inamorato might be in the offing!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

And all along we thought Hallmark invented the day!

Christine said...

Happy Valentine's Day soon!

Jeanie said...

I did NOT know that about Valentine's Day! (But I did know that word!)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Denise:) xo

Sandra Cox said...

Andrew, You did indeed. 45 years. Wow.
It's Italian.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Yvette. Your take on it was amazing.

Sandra Cox said...

David, Love it:)

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Alex, Valentine's Day has been around a long time, hasn't it?
Yeah, a lot of folks give the credit and or blame to Hallmark:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Christine. Happy Valentine's Day soon:)

Sandra Cox said...

Good job on knowing the word, Jeanie:)

Citu said...

Genial, te mando un beso.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, J.P. Sending hugs

Birgit said...

Ooh…love that picture with your one sentence that leaves one wanting more. My inamorata can be a pain in my assamorata.

Lee said...

I've always known "innamorta" means loved one/lover. A romantic word, that is for sure.

Let's spread the love all around, not only on Valentine's Day, but every day to everyone, in the hope humans learn to love and respect each other, without judgment, throughout the world.

Take care. :)

Adam said...

First I've heard of this word

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - yes Valentine's Day from long long ago ... and a wonderful word - cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

That would be a wonderful thing, Lee.

Sandra Cox said...

Birgit, Most inamorata's can be for sure. LOL.

Sandra Cox said...

Adam, It's Italian:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Hils:)