Please welcome good bud and author extraordinaire, Cindy Spencer Pape. Cindy tell us about your current project.
I just sent a steampunk romance called Steam & Sorcery, off to my editor at Carina Press yesterday, so now I need to start working on something new.
Cindy, I know you're a blogger. Do you blog everyday?
I blog most days, but not all. I like to chat with my readers & friends, post pictures, and have author guests drop by.
What do you do to promote your books?
A little bit of everything. Besides blogging, I try to stay active on a handful of yahoo loops, Facebook and Twitter. I do ads on review sites and occasionally in magazines. Carina Press has a forum on e-Harlequin.com that I try to remember to visit occasionally.
Does music beckon your muse?
Music keeps me moving. I go crazy without some kind of background noise.
If so, what type of music?
A mix of folk and rock, heavily weighted toward Celtic. The faster the music, the faster I type, so Celtic punk is a real favorite.
What’s your preference, doing dishes by hand for a week or writing a synopsis?
I’d write the synopsis. They’re not really all that bad…
Where can someone go to buy your books?
Website: http://www.cindyspencerpape.com/
Blog: http://cindyspencerpape.blogspot.com/
Newsletter group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cspapenewsgroup/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/CindySPape
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000270304390
Check out my two new releases this month:
Just for Jess (Immortal Cravings #3)
Release Date: Oct. 5, 2010
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Buylink: http://www.jasminejade.com/ps-8720-50-just-for-jess.aspx
Vampire Jessamy Maitland is a classic workaholic, until her friends team up to buy her a weekend with the incredibly sexy vampire Dermott McMahon on his luxurious private island. Dermott is determined to get Jess to kick back and relax, so he’s enlisted the help of three lion shifter friends.
* * * * *
Motor City Witch (Urban Arcana Book #2)
Release Date: October 4, 2010
Publisher: Carina Press
Buylink: http://ebooks.carinapress.com/9FA8421E-7235-456D-ABF3-174B4C1ACA81/10/134/en/ContentDetails.htm?ID=6B85B3A2-3E88-4734-A98C-3EA23B6CD294
Blurb: She’d left magic behind.
Once upon a time, Elise Sutton had been a powerful witch and paranormal enforcer. Once she’d been madly in love with Fae lord Aidan Greene. But when Aidan had considered his duties more important than their relationship, the love affair ended badly. Shortly after, while on the hunt for a rogue demon, Elise was brutalized and almost killed. Months later she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. To protect her child—and her heart—Elise decided to live a nonmagical life.
Until she meets Aidan again, and he assumes Dina is his daughter. When Dina is kidnapped by a racial purity movement, Elise turns to Aidan for help. The icy facade she has built around herself shatters at Aidan’s touch. Together they have to hunt through the human and faery worlds to find Dina...and to discover whether or not they have any kind of chance at a happily ever after.
Cindy - you are amazingly prolific - I am so in awe!
First, loved Motor City Fae! Second, I just wanted to jump on to say that I would rather wash dishes for a MONTH than do a synopsis. Query? Good. Pitch? Love it. Edits? Bring it. Synopsis? I'd rather have crows nibbling at my eyeballs.
Hi Cindy, congratulations on completing your new Steampunk ms and the great reviews for "Just for Jess" & "Motor City Witch" You've had an amazing, whirlwind month and it's only half over! lol
Nice interview, Cindy. I don't know how you can concentrate to write to music, but it obviously works for you because you're pretty prolific! Your Urban Arcana series looks terrific, and it's next on my TBR list.
I'm glad I stopped by, Sandra.
Congratulations Cindy and Sandra. Good interview. Good luck with the new book. Sell a million copies.
You've put in me mind to put on some Pogues!
I love the covers of your "Motor City" series. Here's wishing you many, many sales.
thanks, Everyone! (Especially for Sandra for the invitation.) I was so thrilled to meet Sandra at Romanticon last weekend. She is sweet and elegant and classy--pretty much everything I'm not!
Hey Marie! I'm glad you did too:)
Cindy, I must take exception to that everything I'm not. Not to the mention the fact that: You are the writer extraordinaire.
Thanks, Dr. Norm. Glad you stopped by.
Can't wait to read the steampunk book - sounds cool! Great interview - it was wonderful meeting you and Sandra and Romanticon :)
Hey, Shoshonna, it was great meeting you too! Thanks for stopping by.
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