The happy couple
The fam
I am Love
Some say I can fly on the wind,
yet I haven’t any wings.
Some have found me flowing on the
open sea, yet I cannot swim.
Some have felt my warmth on cold
nights, yet I have no flame.
And though you cannot see me, I
lay between two lovers at the hearth of fireplaces.
I am the twinkle in your child’s
I am hidden in the lines of your
mother’s face.
I am your father’s shield as he
guards your home.
And yet….Some say I am stronger
than steel, yet I am as fragile as a tear.
Some have never searched for me,
yet I am around them always.
Some say I die with loss, yet I
am endless.
And though you cannot hear me, I
dance on the laughter of children.
I am woven into the whispers of
I am in the blessings of
I embrace the cries of newborn
And yet….Some say I am a flower,
yet I am also the seed.
Some have little faith in me, yet
I will always believe in them.
Some say I cannot cure the ill,
yet I nourish the soul.
And though you cannot touch me, I
am the gentle hand of the kind.
I am the fingertips that caress
your cheek at night.
I am the hug of a child.
I am love.
Author Unknown
How cool getting married on the beach.
It was really nice, very informal and serene.
Nice...that's the way to get married. It's not about how much money you spend
Amarinda, yup money wouldn't have made it any nicer.
Hi Julia, it truly was.
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