With us today is Rachel Brimble. Welcome Rachel. Your heroine
runs the Red Lion Tavern. What difficulties does she run in to?
Ooh, I can’t give too much
away here! Let’s just say difficulties do arise in Milly’s story but not so
much with the tavern. The tavern is an important part of the story and where
she is the happiest. She is a popular, fun, hardworking barmaid with ambition.
The difficulties come when she meets the hero…
What are
your thoughts on self-publishing?
I really don’t have an
opinion – A few of my writer friends have gone down this route and never looked
back. Others haven’t enjoyed the process after trying and wouldn’t do it again.
I admire the people who self-publish and achieve success because it’s a lot of
hard work and commitment to edit, proof read, create cover art all
single-handedly. It’s not for me though – I wouldn’t know where to start!
What is
your favorite genre to write in?
Victorian (obviously!) and
romantic suspense are my favorite to write. I have also written mainstream
contemporary and comedy, both of which have been published but with recent
contract signings with Harlequin and Kensington, from now on I will only be
concentrating on Victorian and romantic suspense.
What is
your favorite genre to read?
Romantic suspense is my
absolute favorite to read but as a bibliophile I read right across the genres,
from all types of romance (except paranormal) to crime to historical to
biographies. I love to read! I don’t know a writer who doesn’t. I usually have
two or three books I’m reading simultaneously at any one time J
The Wild Rose Press - http://www.thewildrosepress.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=195&products_id=4967
To keep
herself from the depths of poverty, Millie Shepherd needs to be appointed
manager of the Red Lion Tavern. The elderly owner is in failing health and has
promised her the job permanently if no one more suitable applies. Milly will
fight with her entire being to make the job her own.
Joseph Jacobs
needs to supplement his income to pay off his father’s creditors and save him
from debtor’s prison. Though the job as manager of the local tavern looks
promising, Milly is favored by both the owner and customers. Instead,
Joseph swallows his pride and agrees to tend bar.
As they work together, their attraction grows, their goals cross, and both
Millie and Joseph find they must face their fears …the question is whether they
face them alone or together?
Joseph Jacobs closed the tavern
door behind him and paused a moment to take in his surroundings. As a man used
to looking over his shoulder and sensing trouble, experience taught him to be
aware of others before they became aware of you. He narrowed his gaze. The
meager number of patrons at the tables surprised him at an hour when he
expected the bar to be fairly busy. He glanced at the clock; maybe it wasn’t
time for the workers yet.
He shifted his gaze to the woman
standing beneath the clock and his heart kicked. Her green-gold eyes held him
where he stood. She stared and Joseph swallowed, willing some words to come
forth from his frozen tongue or at least a smile to curve his paralyzed lips.
She lifted her eyebrows and
slowly pulled a cloth from her shoulders. Her hair was a mass of fire-tipped
curls around her oval face, her skin creamy-white and her parted lips, a soft
delicate pink. Joseph cleared his throat and belatedly removed his hat.“Good
evening, miss.”
Her smile slipped easily into
place. “Good evening to you, sir.” Her voice was smooth, clear and full of
confidence. “Are you looking to quench your thirst or just planning on soaking
up the atmosphere?”
Joseph inhaled a long breath
through flared nostrils as if trying to smell her. Something told him she’d
smell of lavender…or maybe musk. Something to throw a man off guard, to lower
his defenses.

Her gaze lingered on his a moment
longer before she looked to the four glasses at the table beside her. She
grasped them expertly between her fingers and carried them behind the bar
without answering his question.
Joseph couldn’t take his gaze
from the natural sway of her hips beneath the deep burgundy dress she wore, the
bustle a little too prominent for the current fashion showing her lack of money
to afford better. Why else would a woman with the features of an artist’s model
be working in a tavern unless necessity demanded it?
Rachel lives with her
husband and two young daughters in a small town near Bath
in the UK. She started writing short stories about eight
years ago but once her children were at school, she embarked on her first
novel. It was published in 2007. Since then, she’s had several books published
with small presses as well as securing her first contract with Harlequin
Superromance in May 2012.
by US
agent Dawn Dowdle, of Blue Ridge Literary Agency, Rachel is a member of the
Romantic Novelists Association and Romance Writers of America, When she isn’t
writing, you’ll find Rachel with her head in a book or walking the beautiful
English countryside with her family. Her
dream place to live is Bourton-on-the-Water in South West England. And in the
evening? Well, a well-deserved glass of wine is never, ever refused…
Rachel at:
Website - http://www.rachelbrimble.com
Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/rachelbrimble
or @rachelbrimble
Still loving the excerpts and cover. Good luck on the rest of your tour. Can't wait to read this!
Hey, Lisa!
You are truly a faithful follower - I SO appreciate your support for "Love's Debt", I can't tell you! You must visit me on my blog - let me know if you want a date anytime :)
Rachel x
First off, Sandra, I'm having serious blog envy. I love the colors and the butterfly. Simply love it. If you come here to blof some day and you have orange and blue checks...ah...don't come looking for me.
Secondly, hugs and hi Rachel. Great post as always. Can't wait to read this. Love how your career has taken off. Wishing you the best, hon.
Hi, Vonnie!
Thanks for popping by, lovely - you are a wonderful writer and friend. My success is as scary as it is amazing! One step at a time is the only way I can absorb it, lol!
Hope you enjoy Love's Debt :)
Rachel x
Hi Lisa, Thanks for stopping by to support Rachiel.
Vonnie! Hey! Glad you stopped by. Also thanks for the follow. See you at Night Writers:)
PS Amarinda Jones gets kudos for the blog.
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