Spoiler alert: I did not find using a sanitary pad as a bandage and holding it up for the audience to be sure and see the blood on it particularly funny. Ewww.

I recently read Erin Fanning's Blood Stitches. She'll be doing her cover reveal here Feb. 25th. So as not to give too much away just let me say, Ms. Fanning takes a unique topic and weaves it into a fun yarn.

Alex Cavanaugh has a new one coming in April that can be preordered.
And Pat Hatt and Shelley Munro had releases in January.
We're going to have to wait several months for The Secret Life of Fairday Marrow, by Jessica Haight and Stephanie Robinson but look forward to its release with great anticipation.
Another delightful little book I'm looking forward to reading is Genna Bean's Come Back Dear Sun.
So what's on your read list?
Hooray for Stephanie's book!
I will watch JUPITER for sure, since I love nothing more than space operas :) And Eddie Redmayne and Douglas Booth are in it too :)
Jupiter is likely to be a train wreck. Unfortunately.
Thanks for mentioning my book, Sandra - you rock!
Thanks for sharing your recent reads--so many books, so little time! And, of course, I greatly appreciate the mention of my book, Blood Stitches!
Heard the same thing, it was visually stunning but pretty meh overall. Thanks for the shout.
I haven't seen Jupiter- but it does look like the visuals would be beautiful. Sorry the story was not as great. I haven't read a John Grisham book in a while. I have one someone recently gave me (can't remember the title). Glad you enjoyed The Broker.
Thanks so much for mentioning The Secret Files of Fairday Morrow. :) How exciting to see it among so many other wonderful books.
That is great news for Stephanie and Alex's book looks cool. The movie looks...not so cool and anything having to do with pads, tampons etc... is not really funny, more gross
I haven't seen that movie yet
I'm reading A Time To Kill. It's right here in from of me. I like his style. So now I'm off to Amazon to buy the Broker. If you say it's great, you blue friend has no choice but to order it. ;)
YAY!!! Thank you! I have four Amazon reviews so far...that's pretty pathetic. But they're all good. I have The Secret Files on my to-read list, too, but I can't seem to get it through Edelweiss. :-(
I really wanted to see Jupiter Ascending, but after the spoiler, I might pass. Yes, Ewww! However, I am picking up Alex's book Dragon of the Stars.
Let us know what you think, Dez.
My pleasure, Alex:)
Looking forward to having you on the 25th, Erin:)
You're welcome:)
Congratulations on Fairday, Stephanie:) It's very exciting.
I completely agree with that, Birgit.
If you do, let us know what you think, Adam.
Oh my, the pressure. What if you don't like it?
Mine are all over the boards on Mutants. I'd prefer four solid 5s:) That's wonderful.
I've ordered mine, JJ:)
Don't say that, Sandra! Oh darn it.... now he'll tell you what he thinks....
I will lie.
Thank you so much for sharing the cover for my children's book, Sandra! A copy for the kiddies is shortly on its way=)
Thanks, Gina. I'm very excited about getting it.
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