Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Player A Hero

This is over ten minutes long, buts it's a great human interest story.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's an amazing thing for a young man to do, knowing he might not play sports again. What a great story.

CJ Kennedy said...

A very uplifting story. Thanks for sharing

Pat Hatt said...

Sure shows there are still good people around

Lauren Farrow said...

Despite the physical challenges he had from donating his bone marrow, he still accomplished his dream.

I think that is Karma.

Nas said...

Such an inspiring and uplifting story. Thanks for sharing.

Beth Ellyn Summer said...

ooohhh LOVE this...I am allllll about Be the Match. My dad had Amyloidosis, an extremely rare blood cancer, and we were lucky that he was able to use his own stem cells for the transplant...had he needed a match, we would have been reliant on another wonderful person who could register. everyone should def register!

Sandra Cox said...

That's for sure, Alex. It would be seriously hard to do if your dreams where on the line.

Sandra Cox said...

II was, wasn't it, CJ. Hope you've got your feet propped up enjoying your Sunday.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes it does. They get lost in the shuffle don't they?

Sandra Cox said...

Karma sounds like that's exactly what it was. He's made saint in my book.

Sandra Cox said...
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Sandra Cox said...

Glad you enjoyed it. What he did takes my breath away.

Sandra Cox said...

I so much admire folks that register to do this sort of thing. My brother and sister are both signed up to be donors.

Sandra Cox said...

Hope all is well with your dad.