Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Goodbye March

Happy Birthday, Baby Boy

Goodbye, March.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bring on April!
Your son's birthday today? Cheers to him.

CJ Kennedy said...

Good riddance March and Winter that won't let go. What time is cake being served?

Pat Hatt said...

March is toast indeed. Hope he has a great birthday at his feed

Birgit said...

A great way to end March! Now let's bring on April showers (not snow)

Red Shoes said...

The beginning of April... the crush is about to set in when the students realize that they only have about 5 weeks or so to get out of the messes into which they have allowed themselves to sink...

Poor babies...


Lauren Farrow said...

Happy Birthday to your son!!

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy Birthday to your boy and Happy Almost April.

Stephanie Faris said...

Happy birthday to your son. I can't believe March is already over. This year is going SO fast.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes, it is:) Thanks, Alex.
Warm weather here we come:)

Sandra Cox said...

Do we need to send life preservers your way?
Cake will be served when you arrive:)

Sandra Cox said...

Goodbye toast:)
Thanks, Pat.

Sandra Cox said...

Definitely a yikes on the speed of the passing month.
Thanks for the bday wishes for the boy:)

Sandra Cox said...

I second that.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Lauren:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks Ivy. And happy April to you.

Caryn Caldwell said...

Yay for April! Hope you have a fantastic one!