Thursday, April 2, 2015

Awesome Bookmarks

Anybody else out there use your clothes tags for bookmarks?


The Happy Whisk said...


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Actually, I don't use bookmarks anymore because I only read eBooks.

CJ Kennedy said...


Pat Hatt said...

haha never thought of that, but I haven't bought new clothes in a long time

Sandra Cox said...

Grin. They work perfectly.

Birgit said...

Never even thought of it. I have bookmarks from my travels and I have made them too

Sandra Cox said...

Good for you, Alex. I flip back and forth.

Stephanie Faris said...

I've used all kinds of crazy things in a pinch. I have 500 bookmarks for my book promotion stuff but I'll end up using other things because I'm too lazy to go get one!

Sonya said...

Cool idea!

Sandra Cox said...

Hmm, I just figured everyone did:)

Sandra Cox said...

Well the next time you go shopping, Pat, hold on to your tags:) grin.

Sandra Cox said...

I love homemade bookmarks. They are so beautiful.

Sandra Cox said...

Me too, Steph. Glad I'm not alone.

Sandra Cox said...

Hey you, how are you? Did you see Julia's comment yesterday on the website? Take a bow.

Sonya said...

Ah, I saw that but figured she was talking about your blog here. :) Cool! *bow*