Monday, January 25, 2016

The Weather Outside Was Frightful

Early Friday
Skylight in the Cave
Friday P.M. still have power.
Sat A.M. Still have power. Whew.
Sun. We lucked out. It hit 50 degrees and the snow is melting.
Philly Saturday. Not as lucky. 20 inches.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Scary how many died.
We got a little ice and that was it. Bummer.

CJ Kennedy said...

Glad to hear you didn't lose electricity and the snow is melting. We were lucky and the storm just nicked my area. We only got 4 inches of snow. But it was more than enough for me. Is it July, yet?

Felicity Grace Terry said...

So awful to hear of the chaos being caused and especially that lives have been lost. With only a few days of snow here that didn't amount to much, I long for anything but the days upon day of rain we are having but then again a Brit (and we all know how we like to moan abut the weather) I'd be complaining no matter what.

anne marie in philly said...

well, we wound up with 30 inches total and it's STILL a mess out there! spouse and I didn't go to work today. I have a poundcake baking in the oven.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, dear Sandra!

I'm happy to know that Snowzilla spared you the brunt of his wrath. My friends up in York got at least two feet with deeper drifts. Here in Central Florida: ZERO! It has been refreshingly cool the last few days and I hope we get more of this type of weather.

Have a wonderful day, dear friend Sandra!

Pat Hatt said...

Wow, that sucks a ton indeed. Awful how many died.

nashvillecats2 said...

I don't think I will moan about our weather after seeing
your weather, Good post but cold to look at.

DEZMOND said...

I've seen photos from New York and Washington, and although it looks fun and playful I always think of all the poor homeless people, beggars, people without heating and animals :(

Valerie-Jael said...

Looks cold and wintry - hope it is soon gone! Hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

stay safe Sandra, glad you didn't lose power.

Sandra Cox said...

Alex, I trust your ice is now gone. Things are melting here.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes, it was scary and sad.

Sandra Cox said...

Almost July, CJ....almost;)

Sandra Cox said...

We all deserve to do a little complaining:) Glad your snow didn't amount to much.

Birgit said...

Glad you didn't lose power. Very sad at the death toll. It reminds me of the Blizzard of '77 which I remember very well. Many died at that time and lost power but we were lucky. I was off school for 2 weeks because they couldn't find the school-it was snowed under!

Sandra Cox said...

Yikes, 30 inches! Poundcake sounds good:)

Sandra Cox said...

Hi Shady, Glad the weather missed you. Snow in Florida would have been too weird.It's melting here.

Sandra Cox said...

It is very sad.

Sandra Cox said...

It was cold. Lucky for us it's really warming up.

Sandra Cox said...

The weather has to be challenging for them. So sad:(

Neurotic Workaholic said...

When we're kids, snow is fun because it means snowball fights and snowmen. But now that we're older, snow can be inconvenient or even scary, especially the blizzard, which put a lot of people's lives at risk. I'm glad that you didn't get hurt and that you didn't lose power!

Sandra Cox said...

That would be good:) Hugs

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Christine:)

Sandra Cox said...

Oh my gosh, your school snowed under. I remember that blizzard.

Stephanie Faris said...

Our old neighborhood was without power for 8 hours on Friday. We moved last May...I'm so glad we weren't there this year! We had power all weekend but I'm tired of cooking and doing dishes. I didn't realize how often we do every single meal is exhausting!

Ann Bennett said...

Not losing power is the big thing. It is beautiful.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks so much. I'm really glad we didn't lose power too!

Sandra Cox said...

Glad you moved too, Steph. No power is nasty! Cooking every meal...yikes. That is exhausting.

Anonymous said...

Pretty. I especially like the sky-light picture. Neat! It's a good thing your power didn't go. I've heard some stories :(

Sandra Cox said...

That's for sure, Ann. I can deal with the snow.

Sandra Cox said...

We really were lucky.

Ninja Girl said...

Wow, that is a lot of snow. Glad you were able to have power throughout. Blizzards are no joke, hope you stay warm and safe!
Ninja Girl

Birgit said...

It did! I was so happy:) I remember the snow being over the hydro wires because we all would toboggan down and just duck under the wires. Crazy!

BB said...

Having lived in the northeast most of my life, I do NOT miss those winters and snowstorms! Florida is where I'm staying!

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