Monday, May 22, 2017

Us Against Them

I don't know what it's like at your household but here it's us against them, man against beast, survival of the get the drift. As previously mentioned, the cat and dog got so bad about getting in the cabinets, including the upper cabinets, we had to have someone come in and magnetize the doors.
The rebellion quelled....Until....
They turned to the pantry. But since we, of course, are smarter than mere animals--cough,cough, hack, hack,choke, choke--we started propping a heavy chair in front of the door.
Problem solved.
Unfortunately, the instigator A.K.A. Monster Kitty convinced the dog to move the chair for him so he could make a foray into the forbidden area where the food--human and animal--is stored.  Since the dog is a bit of a schmuck she fell in with the plan.  This happened several times, till we finally came to the realization there would have to be another outlay of cash to solve the problem. 
We had a dead bolt installed. Done and done. Until......
He turned his attention to my couch.
It's war.
You can see how much being in the Penalty Box bothers Monster Kitty.  He occasionally goes in it voluntarily to take a nap and it's where I frequently find  his ill gotten gains, er, treasurers.

What about your house? Are you dealing with uprisings in your household?


And totally off topic, I'm at Free Kindle Books and Tips Today.  If you do popover would you give the post a Facebook like on the blog's website?  It helps get the word out.


Elephant's Child said...

War here too. And we lost.
Our fridge has a childproof (catproof) lock on it. Which mostly works. He opens the cupboards whenever he likes. (He never shuts them).
And furniture is not safe. But then, neither am I. I bleed daily.
I don't play FB so can't give Free Kindle Books and Tips a shout out. Off to visit though.

Valerie-Jael said...

What a funny post. I had similar experiences when living with my dog and cat - they ruled the roost, I cleared up! I think you could write a book about it! Hugs, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had to put a bungee cord on the piece that holds my back screen door closed, or Bleubeard gets out. He learned to climb up and push the little lock up with his paw, then calmly walk out on the back porch. The bungee cord did the trick, and now that he's a bit older, he would rather sit on my lap than try to get outside. he does it so Squiggles can't sit on my lap. They are STILL not friends.

I LOVE your post today. I like how you described the dog. Laughed at that, as well as how the cat manipulated him.

BTW, I'm not on Facebook, or I would give your Free books a shout out.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

This was so humorous. We had a cat once who was so clever, he knew just how long the wall phone cord was. So, when people called, he would jump on the counter—which was no-no territory--and prance around just beyond reach. He also loved to open and bang closed the doors below the counter.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Found the site above on FB and liked it, BTW.

nashvillecats2 said...

Loved the post Sandra, excellent start to a new week.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Dogs come when you call them....
Cats take a message and get back to you.

Dogs look much better at the end of a leash.

Dogs will let you give them a bath without taking
out a contract on your life.

Dogs will bark to wake you up if the house is on
Cats will quietly sneak out the back door.

Dogs will bring you your slippers or the
evening newspaper...
Cats might bring you a dead mouse.

Dogs will play Frisbee with you all
Cats will take a three-hour nap.

Dogs will sit on the car seat next to you...
Cats have to have their own private box or
they will not go at all.
(Cats 9~~~Dogs 0).

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You have a couple scary smart animals there. And did he destroy a bog of lettuce? That is really odd.

Barbara said...

You have to laugh Sandra, either that or give in. :)

Nicola said...

You must be so proud! Intelligent little cuties LOL! Have a great week. I hope the cuties behave themselves.

CJ Kennedy said...

That is a funny post. :-D Can you imagine what Monster Kitty could do if he had thumbs?

Sharon said...

I have had terror threats in the past. Seems now, they are reaping in the benefits.

Out on the prairie said...

Tough to stop this it sounds. I don't have indoor pets , so miss calamity they can offer. Their creature comforts I miss some, but now I can wear black. LOL

Pat Hatt said...

lmao a smart pair who want to get into everything in your lair. Shows what teamwork can do.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Clever cat. Our cat Hobbes could turn doorknobs.

Birgit said...

Ahh yes, they do get the better of us and we think we are so smart. Our one cat has decided to redo our bedroom that my hubby painted and did so much work to it. kaspar has shredded the baseboard and certain corner where now, there is no paint. Heading over to give a Facebook like:)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

thiz commint iz total lee off topiz.....dood due ya wanna join up aza codd mother ree croot....any one else in de familee iz welcome N we wood be honored ta haz ewe bye R side ~ ♥♥☺☺ whatya gotta due...nothin !! ☺☺

Sandra Cox said...

Never shuts them. Ha Ha.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Val.
He sure gives me enough material:)
Hugs back,

Jeanie said...

I LOVE it! The Penalty Box! That's wonderful.

My big issue with Lizzie is thinking outside the box. Not far out of the box. About six inches. Maybe a foot. Just enough to be on the cement instead of the papers under her box. She only does it about once a week, and now we're going on two full weeks with no problem. But you never know. I keep a bucket and hydrogen peroxide at the ready to swab it down. But really -- it's not like she can't make it and it's not like she knows better. She just thinks she's in charge.

JFM said...

No war here but I sure got a big smile from the one at your house Sandra :)
I'm sorry, but just look at this way, you have two very intelligent pets in your home and they are seeing what you are going to do to stop them and how much they will be allowed to get away with~

Big Hugs to All :)

Janie Junebug said...

Penelope wrote a blog post on Friday. She told the world that I neglect her, and she'll tell anyone who listens that I'm a drunk. I'd say that's an uprising, especially since I don't drink. I've never before seen anyone who needed a dead bolt on a pantry to keep out the family pets. Your critters are mad geniuses.


cleemckenzie said...

I'm out of domestic naughties at the moment, but I do battle regularly with three pesky squirrels and a dozen red-headed woodpeckers who love the taste of redwood shingles.

I'll pop over and see you at the other site.

Sandra Cox said...

They are just a hoot aren't they?
I'm no longer on FB either.

Sandra Cox said...

They definitely have a naughty sense of humor don't they?

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Sandra Cox said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Yvonne:)

Sandra Cox said...

Ha. Isn't it the truth.

Sandra Cox said...

Yes he did and yes it is.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh yeah:)

Sandra Cox said...

My sincere hope to, Nicola:)

Sandra Cox said...

The thought sends chills down my spine.

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

Grin. I used to have a white cat and my son too stopped wearing black:)

Sandra Cox said...

For sure.
I'm convinced the monster misbehaves just to get me going.

Sandra Cox said...

Aww. He was a smart boy.

Sandra Cox said...

Sounds like you've got a monster kitty too, Birgit.
Thanks for the FB like:)

Sandra Cox said...

I'm sure he'd like that immensely:)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

THANX dood for playin a long ~~~ ♥♥♥

Sandra Cox said...

That darn, Lizzie.
They know how to push the buttons, that's for sure.
Janie, That counts as an uprising in my book.
I don't know about the geniuses but they certainly are mad.
Lee, Squirrels and woodpeckers are right up there with cats and dog. Definitely an uprising.

Cindy said...

You have some clever pets. The main thing I'm struggling with is birds that keep trying to nest under the awning. They're very determined.

Margaret D said...

Goodness you certainly had to go to extremes for your pussy cat.
Love most cats...haven't one at the moment due to we are not home a lot.

Sandra Cox said...

They must like you, Cindy:)

Sandra Cox said...

It's tough juggling pets and traveling. I always hate leaving them.

Lowcarb team member said...

"What about your house? Are you dealing with uprisings in your household?"

Fortunately no ...

All the best Jan

Sandra Cox said...

Good deal:)

Magic Love Crow said...

I'm sorry Sandra, I'm laughing my head off! LOL! But, truly, I'm sorry you've had to go through all of this. I have to admit, we have never had a problem with our animals, but I know one of our friend's, goes through what you go through. Maybe I am too strict? LOL! Or maybe I give really good treats? LOL! I hope it all settles down for you soon! Big Hugs!