Monday, December 4, 2017

Christmas Window Dressing

Don't you love looking at Christmas decorations in store windows? I sure do. Here's some we saw in Philly and NYC.

Sacs Fifth Avenue's theme this year was Snow White. It was quite beautiful, though I'm not sure what the Christmas connection was. The light show (trailer below) above the windows was breathtaking.


Heather R. Holden said...

Ooh, very cool. That light show is stunning, and I love the photos, too. The one of Mr. and Mrs. Claus is especially cute. :)

And Disney recently released a limited edition doll of Snow White exclusively through Saks Fifth Avenue, which is probably why things were themed around that movie...heh.

nashvillecats2 said...

Having been to both places these wonderful pics brought back fond memories. Have a good wee Sandra.


Valerie-Jael said...

Wow, those window-shows are all so cool, just wonderful. Haven't been into town here so don't know if there's anything worth seeing here! But it won't compare wit NYC! Hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

Wow. The light show in particular is a work of art.

Barbara said...

Hi Sandra, I love the Snow-White windows, and the lights show is spectacular, thank you so much for sharing it. x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You were SO lucky to see these windows. You picked the perfect time of year to visit NYC and Philly. Lucky you, dear Sandra.

Anonymous said...

Amazing things to see. While we have nice Christmas windows, darkness arrives here at 9pm at Christmas time, so no lighting shows.

Pat Hatt said...

They sure come with with some neat displays. Here the most we see is lights in the window, if that.

angieporelmundo said...

ese arbol navideño es muy bonito.

CJ Kennedy said...

Fun decorations. I really love the polar bear window. Loved the light show, too. thanks for sharing

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Some of those are pretty elaborate.

Jeanie said...

I would just LOVE to see the NYC windows at Christmas. Your photos are terrific and I know they were even lovelier in person!

RO said...

I never get tired of looking at Christmas decorations and lights, and these are pretty fabulous! Hugs...RO

Jamie Ghione said...

Amazing! I'd love to see these in real life!

Adam said...

My wife would really like the polar bears

Sandra Cox said...

That would do it:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, Yvonne:) You too.

Sandra Cox said...

I bet your area is wondrous. It seems to do festive, really well:) It may not be NYC, but the upside is you don't have the crowds.
Hugs back,

Out on the prairie said...

We used to have department stores famous for their decorations in the windows

Sandra Cox said...

The light show was amazing. The M & M store had a cute one too.

Sandra Cox said...

My pleasure. Glad you enjoyed it, Barbara.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Snow White isn't really Christmas but the displays are pretty anyway.

Birgit said...

I love window displays which seem to disappear more and more. I’m glad to see how big they are there. I see Saks made a deal with Disney which is why there is no true Christmas involvement but it is still beautiful to look at and watch

Sandra Cox said...

The window dressings are beautiful to see, but NYC the day after Thanksgiving is overwhelming. The crowds are unbelievable. Philly is more my speed.

Sandra Cox said...

Street lights out at 9?

Sandra Cox said...

Around here it's pretty much lights strung over the streets.

Sandra Cox said...

it was amazing. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

Sandra Cox said...

My pleasure, CJ:)
The polar bears window was fun.

Sandra Cox said...

They are for sure, Alex.

Sandra Cox said...

They were beautiful, just way too many people looking at them.

Sandra Cox said...

Right there with ya, Rockin Ro. I love looking at Christmas deco.
Hugs back,

da tabbies o trout towne said...

thanx for sharing Sandra ! awesome window displays and video !~ oh, and the abominable snow man from the Rudolph cartoon, never figured out really, what he had to do with Christmas either !! ☺☺♥♥

Sandra Cox said...

It was an experience.

Sandra Cox said...

It was a great display.

Sandra Cox said...

I think a lot of stores don't decorate for Christmas like they used to, unfortunately.

Sandra Cox said...

They were very pretty.

Sandra Cox said...

Putting the commerce in Christmas;)

Sandra Cox said...

Glad you enjoyed, FSG:)

Truedessa said...

Window displays are always fun to view, especially in NYC. I agree I am not sure what Snow White has to do with Christmas!

Marcie said...

Tis the season! Students at my school (got a new job!) were decorating the hallway today. Fun to watch them as they made choices and decorated independently.

Janie Junebug said...

Those are so pretty. We don't have any store windows that have displays.


Sandra Cox said...

Window displays are fun aren't they, True.
Yup, I think Snow White came under commercialism:)

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats on the new job!

Sandra Cox said...


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - sounds like you had loads of fun looking around at the lights - they are great to see ... I'll miss London this year - but will see others ... cheers Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

It was an experience. Really enjoyed Philly. NYC...a bit crowded for my tastes.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love looking at Christmas windows too! These ones are stunning! Love the light show! WOW! I to wonder, why they picked Snow White? Big Hugs!