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What is your immediate response when the views on your blog take a steep up tick and continue for more than one or two posts?
Is it:
1. Woo Hoo. Maybe I should run a couple of ads and make a little extra money.
2. Oh no. The hackers are after me.
3. Crap. I posted something that caught Big Brother's Eye. Or another country's Big Brother.
My reaction:
1. Are pragmatists and positive thinkers....Lucky ducks.
2 and 3. Those of us who are paranoid, conspiracy theorists, fiction writers whose thoughts immediately go in a seething cauldron of speculation that takes us one step past the brink of expected response and sometimes normality.
What about you? What is your reaction to an upsurge of views?
I had a similar HUGE upswing over the last few days. Mostly from France and Brazil. I suspect they will become bored quickly.
I see that from time to time, it happens
I just take it as it comes - sometimes there are more, sometimes less - that's life! Hugs, Valerie
I don't really think about it - but maybe I should!
As I've been off line that hasn't happened to me but then I never get an upsurge anyway....lol
I haven't checked for over a year. I should I guess. Comments rather than blog hits are more important to me.
The Russians are coming! What? No? Okay, it was just the aliens stalking me.
I would think, especially if I switched browsers, that I forgot to check the box not to count my views under Stats. On the other hand, just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. =^,.^=
The 1st time it happened, it did make me a little nervous,(lol) but then I felt more like Valerie, and just went with the flow, counting my blessings. Almost always, it happens when a mad rush of people read about a specific abuse topic. Great post and Happy Tuesday, Super Sandra! Hugs...RO
I always wonder how they liked it andwhat title drew them in
I never even think about it to be honest so I guess, ignorance is bliss.
I honestly haven't paid close attention. My upticks are always when I actually post something and stop being lazy. XD
Interesting. I haven't noticed France and Brazil.
Sure does.
Yes, it is.
I love new viewers but when I get an abnormal swarm for any length of time, I worry about hacking.
We're glad you are back online, Yvonne:)
Especially by our blog buds, right?
Hmm, actually that was part of my uptick for awhile...no not the aliens...at least I don't think so....Ha!
Exactly! Ha.
And a happy Tuesday to you, Rockin Ro.
Hugs back,
All yours draw me in, Steve:)
I can get behind that!
Your posts are well worth the wait. A lot of time and creativity go into them.
I don't ever check my stats, but did so after reading your post. If you check again and see some Linux user, you will know I've visited. Most seem to be on Windows. I did see a lot from the Ukraine, but I'm not sure what that means, since I'm not political (or at least don't try to be). I would say you were getting some new traffic to your blog and might enjoy that time to welcome them. Yet, again, who knows. I'm probably more paranoid than most, since I refuse to run Windows, and most things google. Only my blog is google. Everything else is hidden behind a bunch of firewalls and ad blockers.
I should check more often, sometimes there is a reason for it other than what we think.
I have to be honest, I don't look at my views, though I probably should. It's about interaction for me and if I have a good engagement with comments then I'm happy.
franky N cap'n...noe one under standz what de sam hell we iz sayin N thoze that stop bye due knot noe what de same hell we iz sayin, sew act shoo a lee; uz N numberz.....like math...its like ...uh.... !!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥
I very rarely check...once in a blue moon and even less...
Good for you for using firewalls and ad blockers, Elizabeth!
That's true, Christine.
Nothings better than comments from our friends.
With ya on the math, FSG:)
Most of the time, I'm lucky if I get more than a few dozen hits on my blog. But there have been a few posts where I did get a few hundred; I thought it might have been because of certain keywords that were popular, like when I blogged about online dating.
I go through periods when I do and when I don't.
Keywords do play a role don't they?
I have never even looked at my stats! LOL! I don't even know where to look! LOL! I am bad!
I figure it's all in the tagging and the sharing so I don't worry about it much. If, on the other hand, they start spammy comments, then I wonder!
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