Thursday, December 17, 2020

Did You Know

 Did you know, John Adams was a one term president and basically lost the election because he was against war with France? Who'd a thought, huh. Once out of office, he said he should have become a shoemaker.

Thanks to Denise for helping me get the word out today. AND a belated thank you to Birgit and my sister who were kind enough to post on Facebook.


Valerie-Jael said...

Good to know! Hugs, Valerie

Anonymous said...

A wise President back then. What happened four years ago?

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

And he had a son to carry on his legacy of a single term presidency.

nashvillecats2 said...

You are a mind of information I didn't know this either.
Take care.

Elephant's Child said...

I am pretty certain I would rather be a cobbler than a President too. And no, I didn't know any of this.

Birgit said...

A shoemaker? Hmmm, he must have loved making shoes at one point. You are very welcome!

Jamie Ghione said...

Amazed as always.

Sandra Cox said...

I'm not sure he actually ever made them. He was a farmer, but he ran across one that was singing and appeared happy with his work.

Jeanie said...

I did not know that. And the shoemaker part is interesting!

D.L. Finn said...

I didn't know about wanting to be a shoemaker! Happy to promote your fantastic book! Xo

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

Aw. Thanks, bud;)

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Happy Thursday, efriend!

Sandra Cox said...

A question many of us ask daily. Sigh.

Sandra Cox said...

I didn't realize John Quincy was a one termer also. Thanks for that:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Yvonne:) Your Americana factoid:)

Sandra Cox said...

No doubt in my mind about what my choice would be:) Hint. It wouldn't be president.

Sandra Cox said...

Life is stranger than fiction, isn't it, Jamie?

Sandra Cox said...

Definitely a far cry from a politician.

Sandra Cox said...

Happy Thursday, efriend;)

Magic Love Crow said...

Very interesting!! I didn't know!
Sandra, I am so sorry about your family dealing with so many Covid cases!!! You are in my thoughts! Sending love to everyone! Please take care, Big Hugs!

CJ Kennedy said...


Christine said...


J.P. Alexander said...

Uy interesante, gracias por el dato y buen fin de semana

Sandra Cox said...

I appreciate that, Stacy. Covid just seems like a snowball heading down a mountain getting bigger and bigger.
Big hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

That would have been a bit of a career change, wouldn't it, CJ?:)

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

You are most welcome.
Thank you:)

Pat Hatt said...

haha make the right shoe and you can get rich too

Janie Junebug said...

I knew Adams only had one term, but didn't know why he lost.


Sandra Cox said...

Heh. Isn't that the truth?

Sandra Cox said...

Lot of folks were hell bent for war.