Tuesday, December 1, 2020

It's Tuesday

 Did you have a wondrous Thanksgiving, blogger buds? Ours was quiet. We did zoom with the daughter and SIL. AND, they sent us this wonderful chocolate bourbon pecan pie. They ordered it from a bakery in Philly.  What surprised me about the pie, is that it came in a real pie tin and not a disposable. Who'd a thought?

Bet you're wondering why I'm sharing a picture of dead leaves and Iris blades. It's my plant sonogram:) Look at the frontal blade closely. It looks like a shadow, but the way the sun is shining through it, you can see the flower inside. See it?


Happy December 1st.


For grins and giggles I ordered the HH some readers

with built-in lights for bedtime reading.  They seem to work well.


Callie catnapping.


The tree is up. The lump in the corner is the dog.

The HH put the outdoor lights and Frosty up. When I went out to take a look I found blooming violets surrounding the snowman. The world has gone mad. Mad I say.


That's all folks.


Elephant's Child said...

Mad it might be - but I love that there is love, laughter and beauty in your patch of it. I hope those things overflow to the rest of the world too.

Anonymous said...

Now you have a pie tin so you can now make your own pies! No excuse.

I wonder what HH would look like wearing the glasses while walking around in the garden in the dark. A bit creepy I should think.

Do you have to tie your tree in case of feline mountaineering expedition?

nashvillecats2 said...

Pleased your Thanksgiving went well. Loved the pics especially the kitty. Have a good December and keep safe and well/


Valerie-Jael said...

Fun post. That pie is to die for! Love the cat napping so well. Lovely tree. Have a great week, stay safe, hugs, Valerie

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is one loaded tree...

Hot guys said...

The pie, the cat, the tree... All so lovely! 💛

CJ Kennedy said...

The pecan pie looks awesome. So cool to see the iris sleeping inside the leaf almost as sweet as Callie taking a nap. She would make a great Christmas card. The thought of violets blooming around Frosty just tickled me. Better violets than snow. Rabbit, rabbit. White rabbit. Have a good day

Birgit said...

Love the tree which is beautifully decorated. I think there is a message with the flowers around the snowman. No matter the year, blooms give hope and a sense of loveliness in the world. You pussy cat is so sweet.

Christine said...

Glad Thanksgiving went as well as could be. My tree is up too, yours is beautiful.

Jamie Ghione said...

I just stayed home and ate some Stove top stuffing.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

What a lovely day, it seems. Did the pie taste as good as it looks?

D.L. Finn said...

The pie looks yummy and uour tree is beautiful:) My husband could use those readers. Happy December xo

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, EC. Your heartwarming wishes are much appreciated.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz.....de tree iz awesum...we hope it lookz good frum de inn side out two :) we R knot a loud ta haz a tree mackerull bee cauz de food servizz gurl iz a butt azz :) ♥♥☺☺

Sandra Cox said...

Now that's a thought on the pie tin. OR I could give it to my daughter and SIL, who make excellent pies, and let them fill it:)
Yeah, walking around the garden with the glasses might be a bit strange.
Actually, we use bricks to hold the tree down:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Yvonne. Happy Dec and you stay safe and well too.

Sandra Cox said...

I must say, the pie is pretty tasty:)
Thanks, Val.
Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

:) Forty some odd years of ornaments:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, CJ. I loved seeing the outline of the Iris in the leaf:)
White rabbit for sure;)

Sandra Cox said...

PS Definitely better than snow;)

Jeanie said...

Callie is so cute. And I love your tree. Colored lights make me smile!

Sandra Cox said...

What a lovely thought, Birgit.
Thank you:)

J.P. Alexander said...

Hermoso tu árbol y me enamore del gato. Ten un lindo mes

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You have brought December in with a smile and PIE. Love your tree, too.

Anonymous said...

Wise thought on the pie dish.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - the tart looks delicious ... and am glad you were all sensible in the circumstances - better to be safe than sorry. So glad you got the decorations up - especially adorning the cat and the dog - happy days - all the best Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Christine.
Good on you for getting your tree up.

Sandra Cox said...

You are a wise woman. I love Stove top:)

Sandra Cox said...

Oh yes:) I'm still enjoying it.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Denise:)
The pie is very yummy:)
The readers are available at Amazon and reasonably priced.
Take special care.

Sandra Cox said...

Sleeping under it is Franky's new favorite spot. Thank goodness no one has yet decided to climb it, as did my son's cat when I cat-sat:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Jeanie:)
I think white lights look elegant and colored lights warm.

Sandra Cox said...

Did you happen to notice the heart-hanging on the wall behind Callie?

Sandra Cox said...

It is delicious! And tart is what they listed it as.
Yes, I'm glad the decos are up too, now I only have to dread taking them down. Ha.
You take special care.

Pat Hatt said...

haha the glasses are a neat idea. Took me a moment to see inside but I did.

Yvonne said...

My Thanksgiving was a quiet one. My sister was out of town, not not having her around for Thanksgiving, for the first time since, well since birth, was weird. But the day was nice and spending time with a few family and friends was cathartic. I hope your holiday was lovely.

Lowcarb team member said...

A fun post.
Happy December Wishes.

All the best Jan