Thursday, January 7, 2021

Did You Know

 Did you know, after John Adams retired from the presidency he took to reading (and enjoyed) romantic poems and novels, of the day, such as Lady of the Lake, by Walter Scott and Scottish Chiefs by Jane Porter




Jamie Ghione said...

Amazed as always.

nashvillecats2 said...

Yet something else I was unaware of.
Have a good Thursday Sandra.


Anonymous said...

Oh that someone else didn't do that when your election result was known.

Valerie-Jael said...

Good for him. A spot of good reading might help Trump!

Elephant's Child said...

I am so glad he did. And suspect he enjoyed his retirement.

Birgit said...

That’s great that he loved to read especially books like what you mention.

CJ Kennedy said...

I love Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe

Jeanie said...

I didn't know that, but I like it!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

do you know how many presidents have turned over in their graves after the BS that went down yesterday ~~~~~~~~

anyway, hoping 2021 is a happy healthy year for all ☺☺♥3

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Didn't know that. What else don't I know?

Sandra Cox said...

Happy New Year, Jamie.

D.L. Finn said...

I didn't know that Sandra!

Sandra Cox said...

Me too:) He normally reads tomes in several different languages.

RO said...

That's pretty amazing and I sure don't blame him. Perfect way to relax and de-stress. Hugs and please stay warm and safe tomorrow! RO

Magic Love Crow said...

Did not know that???
Big Hugs and please stay safe!

J.P. Alexander said...

A mi también me gusta Walter Scott Gracias por el dato no lo sabía. Te deseo un buen fin de semana

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Yvonne! Hope you did:)

Lowcarb team member said...

I enjoy your did you know posts :)

All the best Jan

Sandra Cox said...

Indeed! My understanding is that reading isn't a high priority on someone else's list.

Sandra Cox said...

There's a thought.

Sandra Cox said...

Who'd a thought, huh?

Sandra Cox said...

He appears to have:)

Pat Hatt said...

Nope. Never knew that one.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh thank you, Jan. That's nice to hear.

Sandra Cox said...

A good way to relax, for sure.
You stay warm too, Rockin Ro.
Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

Thursday's factoid:)

Sandra Cox said...

It certainly humanized him, didn't it?

Sandra Cox said...

I do too, CJ:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you, Stacy. I appreciate the caring wishes.
Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

All of them?
Thanks, FSG. Here's hoping it gets much, much better.

Sandra Cox said...

Very little:)

Sandra Cox said...

Walter Scott was amazing wasn't he?
Thanks for the weekend wishes. Hope yours was a good one.

Fundy Blue said...

This I did not know, Sandra. I'm familiar with the "Lady of the Lake" by SWS, but not "Scottish Chiefs" by Jane Porter. I'll have to track it down, because my ancestry is is a roll call of the clans.