Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year and Great Read's Friday


 Happy New Year, friends. I'm happy to ring it in with information on a new book by good friend and fellow author D. L. Finn. I love the Finn Facts she always includes with her releases:)

Thank you for having me here today, Sandra 😊

I just finished working on my book trailer for my new children/YA book, “Dolphin’s Cave” and sharing it here first:


Fun Finn Facts:

1.     Being born in the year of the tiger, cats seem to find me. I have five, with a sixth coming to stay with here for a while.

  1. I have always been fascinated by whales and dolphins. I’ve seen both in the wild.
  2. I save insects from drowning water, even angry bees.




The dream always begins the same way for fifteen-year-old Coral Dover. She enters the ocean alone and ends up in a cave on the back of a dolphin. It’s happened every night for the last eight years since her parents disappeared. Coral longs to visit the place where her parents’ plane went down, and she finally gets her wish when her aunt takes her on a working vacation to Hawaii. When Coral notices unusual things happening around her, only one other person believes her. Will they discover the secret that could change everyone’s lives? Can Coral keep her family safe as she pursues her dream?


Excerpt from Chapter 3

(Coral is leaving for Hawaii)

Ned had gotten all the photographs of Ruby Hyde and Coral Dover he’d been instructed to take. He’d have to be more careful in the future, as young Coral had spotted him. He’d been a little careless this time, but he was confident the beard and sideburns had hidden his face. He had time to kill before he boarded his flight to Oahu. He’d land three hours after them and wouldn’t be on duty again until they went to bed. He smiled at a little old lady. She smiled back with absolutely no idea she was smiling at a trained assassin.


At six forty-five, the intercom blared that it was their turn to board the plane. Grabbing her backpack, Coral noticed the bearded man had returned. His back was to her, and he was deep in conversation with an older woman. Was he just some crazy guy taking pictures of everyone? He certainly looked crazy by Coral’s standards, and, as her mom would say, her warning system had been activated.

Coral almost pointed the man out to her aunt, but their tickets were already being checked. Besides, Aunt Ruby didn’t believe in the goosebumps theory as it related to danger. Coral wasn’t sure she believed in it wholeheartedly either, but her mom sure had. The old lady who’d been talking with the strange man was now in line, holding a bag of brightly wrapped gifts. The man was walking away—waiting for another flight, maybe? As soon as she got to the door of the plane, all thoughts of him disappeared. It was time to go to Hawaii.

Coral found her window seat, right over the back edge of the right wing. Buckling her seat belt, she watched Aunt Ruby find a spot for her overnight bag and Coral’s backpack. Aunt Ruby had placed their new sundresses and the camera in the bag in the event the airline lost their luggage. While the flight attendant instructed the passengers about safety, Coral whipped off a quick email to Tara. We’re taking off now. Will let you know when we land. She hit send just as they were being told to shut off their cell phones or put them on airplane mode.

“Ready?” Aunt Ruby smiled.

“I am.”

This was the first time Coral had been on a plane since her parents had taken her to Disneyland for her fifth birthday. All she remembered from that trip was being tall enough to ride Thunder Mountain and mimicking the “yee-haw” she’d heard on the ride for the rest of the trip. Her parents had laughed every time she said it, so she kept saying it for weeks after. That was another lifetime. She rubbed her temples and watched a man drive away with the empty luggage cart.

After a slow start on the runway, the plane built up speed. Coral’s grip on the armrests tightened. Since her parents’ disappearance on a plane, flying wasn’t as exciting as it used to be. Suddenly the plane was thrust into the air. Aunt Ruby’s hand caressed her arm, offering comfort. Coral was glad to have her aunt next to her through this.

When the plane finally leveled out, they were above the clouds and heading closer to the ocean that held the secret of her parents’ mysterious disappearance. Coral relaxed and put her headphones on. She quickly found the classic rock. Her dad’s favorite Led Zeppelin song, “Kashmir,” was playing. He’d always play air guitar to it. Her mom would roll her eyes at his antics while Coral smiled in adoration. Her mom also regularly pointed out that his real guitar was collecting dust in the corner. Coral had always planned on using that guitar someday and wished Aunt Ruby hadn’t sold it.

It seemed like they’d just taken flight when they landed in San Francisco. With forty-five minutes between planes, they rushed to their next gate. Soon they were in the air again, overlooking the front of the left wing.

The seat belt sign went off, and her aunt left to find the bathroom. Coral’s two hours of sleep finally caught up to her, and she could barely keep her eyes open. Adjusting her neck pillow, she studied the fluffy white clouds that looked as if she could step right off the plane and walk on them. “Dreamboat Annie” by Heart came on next. The lyrics to that song summed up exactly how Coral was feeling at that moment. Before the song ended and her aunt returned, she was fast asleep.

Purchase Links:


Barnes & Noble



D.L. Finn Links:





D.L. Finn blog

D. L. Finn is an independent California local who encourages everyone to embrace their inner child. She was born and raised in the foggy Bay Area, but in 1990 she relocated with her husband, kids, dogs, and cats to Nevada City, in the Sierra foothills. She immersed herself in reading all types of books but especially loved romance, horror, and fantasy. She always treasured creating her own reality on paper. Finally, surrounded by towering pines, oaks, and cedars, her creativity was nurtured until it bloomed. Her creations include children’s books, adult fiction, a unique autobiography, and poetry. She continues on her adventure with an open invitation to all readers to join her.

AND...D. L. holding a copy of Gwen Slade, Bounty Hunter.



Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for the bookie temptation.
Congratulations to D.L.Finn (who seems to be like you a writing machine).
Her facts are mine too (though I wasn't born in a tiger year and have only one cat at the moment).
A Very, Very Happy New Year to you dear Sandra - and to all your readers.

Valerie-Jael said...

Good luck with the book launch! Happy New Year to all! Valerie

nashvillecats2 said...

Happy new year Sandra and good luck with the book launch,
I just know it will be a huge success.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra and DL - Happy New Year and all the best with your various publications ... take care - Hilary

CJ Kennedy said...

Happy New Year!

Jeanie said...

Happy New Year and best of luck with the publications this year!

D.L. Finn said...

That's a great compliment being compared to Sandra, thank you!I couldn't imagine living without a cat. Happy New Year!

D.L. Finn said...

Thank you, Valerie:) Happy New Year!

D.L. Finn said...

Thank you Yvonne! Fingers crossed:) Happy New Year.

D.L. Finn said...

Thank you, Hilary:) Happy New Year!

D.L. Finn said...

Happy New Year, CJ:)

D.L. Finn said...

Thank you, Jeanie:) Happy New Year!

J.P. Alexander said...

Me gusto mucho el extracto que pusiste y te deseo un feliz año. Te mando un beso

Christine said...

all the best with the book launch!

D.L. Finn said...

Thank you, Christine:) Happy New Year!

D.L. Finn said...

Thank you! Happy New Year.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was by earlier, but my electricity went off before I could leave a comment. We got SLAMMED with ice and snow, making 2021's first day seem more like 2020 hadn't left us.

Congrats to D.L. and her latest book. I really enjoyed the tease. I believe it's a great launch and feel like this will be one many will want to pick up.

Happy New Year to you, too, dear Sandra. You do SO much for this writing community, it was great seeing Gwen Slade get around, too.

Sandra Cox said...

Happy New Year, Jeanie.
I'm happy to recommend this particular publication. It's a wonderful middle school/YA.

Sandra Cox said...

Denise churns out winners for sure.
And a Happy, Happy New Year to you, dear EC.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

What a great post. Something for everyone. Love Denise holding your book, Sandra.

D.L. Finn said...

Sorry sbout your loss of power. That's no fun during a cold storm.

Thank you! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the excerpt:) Yay!

I agree Sandra does a lot for the writing community. Happy New Year!

D.L. Finn said...

Thanks, Jacqui:) I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the post.

I think it's become a tradition for me to do the pictures;)

Sandra Cox said...

Happy New Year, Val:)

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy New Year Sandra! Wishing you and your loved ones many blessings! Congrats on your book D.L Finn! Sounds wonderful!

D.L. Finn said...

Thank you :) That makes me happy to hear. Happy New Year!

Sandra Cox said...

It is a good extract, isn't it, J.P.?
Happy New Year.

Sandra Cox said...

Happy New Year to you, Yvonne.
This story is certainly deserving of success.

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you and Happy New Year, Hilary.

Sandra Cox said...

Happy New Year, CJ:)

Sandra Cox said...

Happy New Year, Christine. I second the good wishes.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh no! Mother Nature sometimes zeroes her winter ire on Kansas.
Dolphin's Island kept me turning pages. D.L. did a wonderful job on this.
I Appreciate YOUR support, dear Elizabeth. You rock!
Here's hoping for a Happy New Year.

Sandra Cox said...

Isn't that a great pic?
I'm all about traditions:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks so much, Stacy. Right back at ya.
It is a wonderful book.

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy New Year Wishes.

All the best Jan