Tuesday, January 5, 2021

It's Tuesday

 Greetings, blogger buds.  I trust that so far 2021 has been good to you.  I'm finding it politically and COVID stressful and will be glad when January is in the rear view mirror. Overall, I have high hopes for 2021. Bring on Jan 20th and the vaccines.

Back when Sweet Belle was alive she had a bad habit of clawing at carpeting in front of a closed door. SO we took out the carpeting at the door and added a stained wooden strip. Here's the strange thing about that strip. Frank NEVER walks across it. ALWAYS jumps over it. Why? Heck if I know. Maybe he subscribes to the theory step on a crack  strip, break your mother's back.


This was my little tree prior to Callie.

This is my tree now.

Nothing is sacred:)


The Christmas roses are blooming or the next thing to.

Tuesday's question: What's your go-to snack? Mine is banana chips and walnuts.

What about you, blogger buds? Got flowers? Got ripped carpet? Knocked over Christmas trees? What's your go-to snack?


Elephant's Child said...

Got flowers. Got those strips in doorways. And didn't put a tree - so none were knocked down.
So far this year has been a bit like the parson's egg - good in parts. Here's hoping. And yes, January 20 will be good.

Valerie-Jael said...

Naughty cats. But we still love them! Hugs, Valerie

Anonymous said...

We have rapidly wearing carpet where my desk check sits on its wheels.
I think the strip will be about underfoot textures.
I love Christmas Roses, but here we call them Winter Roses. It is supposed to be hot for Christmas here, but it isn't really, and that is not a bad thing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Looks like Callie one, tree zero.

Jeanie said...

Oh, that tree was darling! Sigh. But oh, what a beautiful girl you have!
Tuesday's question: What's your go-to snack? Mine is banana chips and walnuts.

My poinsettia is still hanging in -- not for long, I suspect but I'll take it. Lizzie's pretty good with the tree. The only thing she might do is roll near it and knock off something low in the process but I usually hang unbreakables there! My go-to snack is chex mix with just wheat chex.

Sandra Cox said...

I haven't heard of parson's egg. Interesting.
Here's hoping indeed.

Sandra Cox said...

Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

Textures might be the answer;)
Christmas/Winter roses meet my two prerequisites, beautiful and hardly:)
Our weather is mild here too and I'm enjoying it;)
Stay safe. Be healthy.

Sandra Cox said...

Actually, Callie two. She's knocked it over twice now. Sigh.

Sandra Cox said...

Good on you (for keeping breakables up) and Callie.
Chex Mix is an excellent snack.

A Cuban In London said...

My theory is that that strip looks like a plank of wood left across the floor. I'd probably jump over it, too. :-)

Greetings from London.

Birgit said...

What's my go to snack...as I am eating a snack? Sesame Snaps and I have 2 apples a day when I am working. Ahh, your cat looks like she is quite blase about her antics. Our tree is aok as they just love walking under it and sleeping under it but I know Kaspar, the disaster, has walked on my village since my figures were facedown. As for scratching....Kaspar has redecorated my back hall and front hall by ripping the wall paper(I guess he is helping since I want it off but geez!). The cheap wood around the bedroom door is destroyed. He tries to do the same thing to my beautiful wood but I hiss at him, he does a quick mew and takes off. He wants attention so he knows how to be bad. Where there is a claw, there is a way. What happened to your red birdies on the tree? Callie looks so intent on having a birdy snack.

nashvillecats2 said...

It's Covid streesful here too Sandra, The whol of the UK is in Lockdown ......again.

I try top be positive but at times it gets the better of me.
Take care.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

No damaged trees here, but only because I'm extremely lucky that my cats don't climb. However, Squiggles has torn the carpet in front of the office door trying to get in. I may need to do the same as you did to repair the carpet. I'm just trying to catch up after being offline during the ice storm. 2021 is looking a lot like 2020 in my book! Hope yours is much better, but it sounds a bit rocky already.

Susan Kane said...

Trees are not safe when it comes to cats. And my brand new sofa & loveseat also were not safe. Ours attacked to corners, shredded some places.

Our son had Scuba, a big black tom, and it loved our son, didn't care much for us. Cats. Gotta love 'em.

Sandra Cox said...

So you're saying he doesn't want to walk the plank? Ha.

Sandra Cox said...

Yum, Sesame Snaps.
Frank, featured in the pictures, has worked on our wallpaper too.
The birds have survived;)

Sandra Cox said...

I hate hearing that, Yvonne. Let's hope those vaccines turn things around.
It's hard to be positive all the time, isn't it? We do the best we can.

Sandra Cox said...

Yikes. You got hit for sure. I'm hoping if we can get through this month, we'll be on the downhill climb.

Sandra Cox said...

I hear ya on the shredding. I keep plastic on the spare couch and spray the love seat with keep off spray which is a bit of an oxymoron isn't it?:)

J.P. Alexander said...

Adoro a tu gato es muy lindo mi bocadillo favorito son las papas fritas. Y mis perras son igual de traviesas que tu gato. Lindas flores. Te mando un beso

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Which reminds me, I have to take my tree down...

Magic Love Crow said...

That is really interesting about Frank! Your poor tree! Bad Callie! LOL! Your roses are looking gorgeous! My go to snack now is either rice cakes or apple sauce! Boring! LOL! Big Hugs!

D.L. Finn said...

I'm surprised our tree survived our cats this year, but it did! Although they took ornaments throughout the house...I had high hope for 2021 and can't wait for some things to "settle." We started it off with a family member having a stroke, so hopefully it will get better from there. Beautiful flowers, they brightened my day.

Janie Junebug said...

What IS my go-to snack? I can't think of anything. Maybe a cookie and a glass of milk.


J Lenni Dorner said...

What is it with cats and trees? Ha ha ha. I've seen a lot of funny pics of cats attacking trees this year. And a pic where someone gave up and decorated a cat tree (climbing post thing) instead of getting a pine or whatever.

Birgit said...

Oh I'm sorry..did I have foot in mouth disease? I can place my whole leg in my mouth on occasion.

Lowcarb team member said...

My go to snack is usually cheese!

All the best Jan

Sandra Cox said...

They keep us on our toes don't they?
Take care.

Sandra Cox said...

Mine is still up too.

Sandra Cox said...

Good on you for rice cakes and apple sauce. You are a warrior!
Hugs received and returned.

RO said...

How dare you be son dang healthy with your snacks, super Sandra!(lol) I think that's our cat's way of saying 'I'm coming in, despite that brown strip'(lol) Very clever idea, by the way, because we know that that we're just visitors in our cats' home, and the thought of a closed door is simply offensive.(lol) Happy New Year, hope you're doing well, and thanks so much for checking on me. You're so awesome! Hugs, RO

Pat Hatt said...

lol whoops to the tree. Maybe the floor is a scary spot that has to be jumped

Sandra Cox said...

Oh gosh, Denise. I'm so sorry to hear about your relative.

Sandra Cox said...

Works for me:)

Sandra Cox said...

I saw that too! It was hilarious:)

Sandra Cox said...

Cheese is a good one:)

Sandra Cox said...

Oh some of my snacks wouldn't pass the healthy Richter scale:) Heh. But I do like the walnuts and banana chips:)
You, dear Ro,have the mind of a cat. I love it:)

Sandra Cox said...

Not at all. Confusing because I only had Frank's pic up and not Cassie.
I have foot in mouth on a regular basis:) Heh.

Sandra Cox said...
