Tuesday, January 26, 2021

It's Tuesday

Greetings, blogger buds. 

This wasn't expected to arrive until early February.  I took it as a good omen when it arrived January 20, 2021.

As you may know, Jon Meacham is a presidential historian. I've heard him speak several times on MSNBC and I'm anxious to read him. I was also thrilled to note this one is only around 550 pages, a couple hundred shorter than JOHN ADAMS.

And...Some garden pics.

Mr. Fox in his new home.

A garden gift from my walking bud.

I love seeing purple kale, offsetting winter brown.

AND where the heck is the gardener? She missed some weeds.


I had just written a draw down and was still deep in the old West when the HH handed me this.

 For one horrified moment I thought he'd gotten me a knife, which made no sense since we are both gun control advocates and I don't like sharp objects. Then sanity returned and I realized it was a garden trowel.😆

Isn't it a beauty? Purrfect for tulips and other bulbs.


Look what arrived in the mail. This was such a lovely surprise. Thanks so much, Denise.


What about you, blogger buds? What are you reading? Have you read DOLPHIN'S CAVE or THOMAS JEFFERSON THE ART OF POWER? What's going on in the garden?


Janie Junebug said...

I have not read the books you mentioned. I am reading The Education of An Idealist by Samantha Power--the U.S. Ambassador to the UN during President Obama's second term in office. Joe Biden has nominated her for a position, too.


Elephant's Child said...

LOVE that trowel. And no, I haven't (yet) read either of those books.

Anonymous said...

I love the learned Mr Fox and the garden sculpture gift is good too. It may be a trowel but it looks a lot like a knife. Does the accompanying leaflet say 'To complete a kill, plunge in the direction of the heart to a depth of 100 mm'. I think ranunculus are quite fussy about their rhizome planting depth.

I think your gardener's employment should be in question 😉

Hot guys said...

I'm not reading anything at the moment, but I do enjoy your today's photos. 🙂

Valerie-Jael said...

Have fun reading! Love the fox. Enjoy playing with the trowel! Hugs, Valerie

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Funny trowel. No one will bother you in the garden. (They break in my house and they'll have to deal with three large swords, one large knife, two baseball bats, and me!)

CJ Kennedy said...

The fox and bird sculpture are just so fun. If I had any purple kale it would be covered in snow as we are expecting a pesky storm. I thought you got a Bowie knife! but that is one very cool garden trowel.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That trowel looks like the machete I have that was my father's. It's probably older than I am. I used to have his hand gun but sold it as it was old and I was afraid to use it. (However, I did just apply for a handgun permit and looks like just in the nick of time.)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love John Meacham. He speaks and writes well. It looks like a great book, too.

LOVE your new trowel. Shows precise depth, too.

My friend Sally loaned me her copy of These Truths written by Jill Lapore. At over 900 pages, it would make a good door stop, but it's an enjoyable read.

I for one believe in the 2nd amendment, BUT I think we need far better background checks before we issue guns and gun licenses to people. It's my belief they need to include a psychological test, too. I've noticed a lot of people who go on killing sprees are mentally deranged in some way. A good psych test would keep a lot of people from getting gun permits.

Birgit said...

Oh, I love that Fox and want one! He is so cute and perfect for the garden but he needs a name...Frederic? Franklin? I am not allowed to to touch my hubby’s garden and that is fine by me. First I can’t really do a lot of gardening but mainly, I am the kiss of death when it comes to plants. I was a bit shocked to see a dagger and then Laughed when i saw the next picture. That is funny and very handy.

Sandra Cox said...

That sounds like a good one.

Sandra Cox said...

I can't wait for fall to plant tulips. Hehe:)
Both recommended reads:)
Hope today is a very good day for you, my friend.

Sandra Cox said...

I'll have to go back and check the leaflet. Haha.
Regarding the gardener, either fire her or give her a raise I say:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thank you. Glad you liked them.

Sandra Cox said...

Will do. Thank you:)
Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

You've got me on the run:)

Sandra Cox said...

Oh no. You've said the four letter S word.

Jeanie said...

I love hearing Meacham speak. I'll bet it's a wonderful book. Love your gardening tool. I would break it if I tried to put it in our frozen earth! And Mr. Fox is totally adorable!

Sandra Cox said...

Here's hoping you don't need it.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

How funny--we're both reading history. I'm on Jeff Shaara's To The Last Man about WWI. That guy can write! Yours both look great.

J.P. Alexander said...

Tus libros parecen geniales y muy bien documentados te mando un beso

Sandra Cox said...

Meacham is impressive isn't he, Elizabeth?
900 pages?! You've got me beat:)
I'm all for all background checks and psychological tests. And I should call it Gun Caution. My main desire is to get war weapons off the streets and out of the hands of criminals and citizens.

Sandra Cox said...

Hmm. Let's go with Frederic:)

Christine said...

Enjoy Meacham. That is some trowel.

Sandra Cox said...

I love listening to Meacham too, Jeanie.
Frozen. Ack. Ours is currently soft and wet. Unfortunately, I saw a tulip peaking through. Sigh.
Thanks from Mr. Fox:)

nashvillecats2 said...

I have not read either of the books mentioned but will endevour to put them on my reading list.


Sandra Cox said...

Great minds, etc. etc. Heh.
I'll have to keep a lookout for Shaara.

Sandra Cox said...

I send you a hug:)

Sandra Cox said...

Excellent! Hope you enjoy, Yvonne:)

Lowcarb team member said...

Mr. Fox looks happy in his new home.
That trowel is very good.

All the best Jan

Sandra Cox said...

I think he is, Jan:)
I'm definitely going to have to get some tulips to try the trowel out:)

RO said...

Your HH is too funny(lol), and I love the gifts (as always) that he give you. Please let him know I'm his biggest blogger fan for sure(lol) How amazing that the 550 page arrived on 1/20/2021. Looks like perfect reading for the next few cold days. There's power in purple for sure. I haven't looked over on your sidebar (or anyone's for that matter-lol) in a while, but it brought tears to my eyes to see your message in black at the end. HUGE Hugs to you my friend. RO

Magic Love Crow said...

I love looking at all your beautiful treats Sandra! I am the gardener in the family. I want that trowel! LOL! Have fun reading your books! I love Mr. Fox and the garden statue! Love purple too! Big Hugs!