Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Wacky Writerly Wednesday

I found this and nearly choked....


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

How ironic.
And 2021 isn't shaping up to be a better nightmare.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Who would have ever known what 2020 would be at the beginning of the year.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

i saw something yesterday that read (and I'm probably paraphrasing) I want to cancel my subscription to 2021. I experienced my seven day free trial and it doesn't meet my expectations.

Valerie-Jael said...

Nightmare indeed! Hugs, Valerie

Birgit said...

It is indeed, the Twilight Zone

Jamie Ghione said...

I saw some article that said "Let's make 2020 the best year ever" (something along that line). I discovered it late in the year. Nobody knew, of course.
And I like the "Twilight Zone" reference.

Sandra Cox said...

Innit though?
I'm hoping after January things start looking up. But I'm afraid it's not going to be an easy year.

Sandra Cox said...

I couldn't have imagined.

Christine said...

Let's see how we fare in 2021.

Jeanie said...

Really good ones... I wonder what you'll find about 2021!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Best year ever for Amazon and Walmart maybe.

D.L. Finn said...

I like the second one, I hope it doesn't have to include 2021.

Sandra Cox said...

I love it! Thanks for sharing, dear Elizabeth.

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

For sure.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

franky....we iz glad we iz catz N knot up inta all de bout ewe buddy !!??☺☺♥♥

Sandra Cox said...

Who'd a thought, huh?

Sandra Cox said...

Toes crossed.

Sandra Cox said...

Let's hope it's not a nightmare, though we aren't off to a very good start.

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

I hope not too,Denise.

Sandra Cox said...

It's a good time to be a cat for sure, FSG.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Had to skip the depressing post. Yikes!

Fundy Blue said...

2020 was a doozie, but more and more I find myself remembering all the good people and kind acts. I hope 2021 is much, much better for everyone.

J.P. Alexander said...

Buenos memes el segundo me saco una sonrisa. Te mando un beso

Janie Junebug said...

Greetings for 2020 should have said, Go Back To Bed and Pull The Quilt Over Your Head.


Magic Love Crow said...

Praying 2021 turns out to be amazing! I have to admit, I think 2020 went by very fast!! Your Happy New Year for 2020 (you found), made me laugh! LOL! Big Hugs!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - dreadful thought ... history tells the truth though. Let's hope life improves ... all the best - Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

I'm hoping that once we get through January things will start turning around.
Take special care, my friend.

Sandra Cox said...

That's wonderful that you are remembering the good, Louise. It's something we all need to do.
Stay safe. Be well.

Sandra Cox said...

That's quite all right, my friend. I almost didn't post it, but felt it was something I needed to do.
Take special care.

Sandra Cox said...

Glad it gave you a smile:)
I'll send you a hug:)

Sandra Cox said...

Yes indeed.

Sandra Cox said...

Let's hope.

nashvillecats2 said...

Hopefully Sandra once the vaccines have started in earnest and take effect things may improve a little. Not a good start to the new year here in the Uk.
Take care.

Sandra Cox said...

Let's hope so, Yvonne.
Yup, not a good start here either:(