Hi Sandra - yup beautiful garden ... and yes - I'm glad it was in day light otherwise who knows! Fun ... but lovely mug from Rocking Ro or is a planter ... sorry! Cheers Hilary
I have NO idea what those pink flowers are, but your hostas and irises look fabulous. Isn't RO! the best? She is always SO thoughtful, too. Yes, she rocks in both our worlds, Sandra.
I love seeing gardens from the South because they are like sneak previews to what will come here. My hostas are coming up now and peonies growing (no flowers yet) and iris? Maybe by June. Thanks for the good share!
You have a beautiful garden and we just bought n azalea bush because our last he died, what do you do to keep it going? I love your kitty..so sweet. You got a nice gift and that is very nice to receive.
So beautiful, Sandra! 💗
Yep, I can share the family fun right about now! 😉
Hi Sandra - yup beautiful garden ... and yes - I'm glad it was in day light otherwise who knows! Fun ... but lovely mug from Rocking Ro or is a planter ... sorry! Cheers Hilary
Love your garden - and your gift. RO is special.
I have NO idea what those pink flowers are, but your hostas and irises look fabulous. Isn't RO! the best? She is always SO thoughtful, too. Yes, she rocks in both our worlds, Sandra.
Fantastic garden photos. Frankie looks so sweet and innocent! Great gift from Ro, enjoy!
Bloomin' lovely until scary man.
Nice blooms and freaky mask!
My hostas are just exploding right now. They grow so quickly.
I like those flowers. I just planted some of my sunflower seeds. Getting excited for those :)
Lovely plants! Fun video!
I love seeing gardens from the South because they are like sneak previews to what will come here. My hostas are coming up now and peonies growing (no flowers yet) and iris? Maybe by June. Thanks for the good share!
Beautiful garden:) Mine is in full bloom in dogwood, lillac, and wildflowers! Great mask
Thanks, HG.
Let's here it for family fun:)
Heh. Indeed:)
The gift from Ro is a 2fer. It's a coffee mug with a candle inside:)
Thanks, EC:)
Yes, Ro is special.
Gorgeous garden. Especially the Pussywillow! 😺
Dogwood, lilac and wildflowers. Sounds wondrous.
She is indeed;)
Thank you.
Good thing we know better about Frank, hey? :)
The gift was a lovely surprise.
Take special care.
Yes and yes:)
It's amazing isn't it? I think it's all the rain we got early spring, don't you?
I love sunflowers. They remind me of my grandfather. Keep us apprised of how they're doing.
Glad you liked the plants and vid, Christine;)
Sneak previews. I like it!
I love peonies, but I've always been hesitant to have them because of the ants.
Heh. Thanks:)
Lindo jardín me gusta tu gato. Te mando un beso
I waited for it, and I saw THE MASK! Your flowers are so pretty.
Great post Sandra, sorry I'm a day late.... Tuesday always busy for me.
Loved the pics. Hope your Tuesday was good.
I love your gift from RO!! So beautiful! Your garden is very beautiful too! Hi kitty! LOL! That mask was excellent!! LOL! Big Hugs!
You have a beautiful garden and we just bought n azalea bush because our last he died, what do you do to keep it going? I love your kitty..so sweet. You got a nice gift and that is very nice to receive.
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