Tuesday, April 19, 2022

It's Tuesday Ketch-up Day


Did you have a wondrous weekend, Blogger Buds?

Spring has hit and we're in bloom.



The Dogwood

Mirror, Mirror on the wall. I'm the fairest cat of all.


 The Easter Bunny showed up Easter Sunday. Luckily, I saw him before the critters and hustled them back into the house.


Elephant's Child said...

DEFINITELY in bloom. How I wish I could grow azaleas like those...

Anonymous said...

Unfashionable here now, but azaleas are the most amazing flowering plants, as your photos show. I see your country has its own local azaleas.

CJ Kennedy said...

Your garden is beautiful, but my favorite is the pussywillow on the dresser.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You have a lot of flowers. Although that last furry one doesn't appear to be blooming.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Beautiful flowers. Here, we had snow, which is really unusual for this time of year.

Donna said...

Here in Central Texas it's almost impossible to raise azaleas! And I love them!!

Birgit said...

Your azaleas are stunning! We tried to grow them but they died. What’s your trick? I love the flowers...yesterday, at work, I looked out the window and it was snowing hard! Blecchhh...it was pretty in the trees though, but still blecchhh. Give your kitty a hug....we lost our Lucy on Sunday. Today my hubby picked up Wallace’s ashes and dropped of Lucy. It’s been a sad and stressful 2 weeks but work is now Bette regarding all the internet and phone issues.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

You must love walking around your house--and in it with that gorgeous kitty!

Jamie Ghione said...

Lots of beautiful flowers!

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Azaleas and Irises. How lovely! (And so it the kitty.)

D.L. Finn said...

Your azaleas and iros are gorgeous. Still waiting for mine to bloom. Glad the Easter bunny was safe :) xo

Valerie-Jael said...

Love the flowers, but your itty is the star of the show! Hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

Gorgeous blooms!

Jeanie said...

Those flowers are dazzling. The azaleas are drop-dead beautiful and especially the iris -- I have a soft spot for irises. Is that Frank? SO handsome!

Sandra Cox said...

They like NC for some odd reason. They must have a thing for clay soil:)

Sandra Cox said...

I was so amazed by them when I lived in the Midwest, now I blush to admit I take them for granted here in the Southeast. They are such a common sight.

Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...


Sandra Cox said...

Nooooo. No more snow.

Sandra Cox said...

Flowering shrubs all seem to have their favorite location don't they? We don't have much luck with lilacs here.
Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

Oh gosh, Birgit. I am so sorry. How difficult that must be.

Sandra Cox said...

Outside I walk with the gardeners stoop, picking weeds. Hehe.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

It snowed here today. I'm packing and moving south.

Sandra Cox said...

You're the second blogger to mention snow.....

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Jamie:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Elizabeth:)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Denise. Whew on the Easter Bunny.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Val:)
Hugs received and returned.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Christine:)

Sandra Cox said...

Me too, Jeanie. I'm an iris girl. Probably because my daughter painted them in high school:)
That's Callie:)

Sandra Cox said...

You are the third blogger to mention snow. Ack.
I'll meet ya at Cracker Barrel.Wink. Wink.

J.P. Alexander said...

Lindas flores te mando un beso.

Lee said...

Absolutely beautiful! :)