Tuesday, October 25, 2022

It's Ketch-up Day

 Greetings, Blogger Buds. How was your weekend and Monday?  No earth shattering news like making number one bestseller or hitting the lotto here. Pretty much same-o. Same-o. Or is it same-oh. Same-oh? Hmm. Turns out it's neither.It's either same ole or same ol'. 

Oh. We did go vote. Yay. It's our tradition to vote the first day of early voting. Our senate candidate  is trailing in the poles. We'll see. Unfortunately, our party isn't even on the ballot for some positions.


What's wrong with this picture?

I don't recall ever seeing the HH mow with a jacket on.  Yes, the weather, along with the world, has gone crazy.


Like so many others, she's trying to grapple with the world.


Last but not least. Flowers for you.


Got flowers? Critters? And if in the US, have you voted?


Adam said...

I'm hoping I don't have to cut grass until spring

Elephant's Child said...

Same old, same old here too. With possibly another trip to the vet later today.
Thanks for the flowers.
And the cats.
And hooray for voting.

Janie Junebug said...

Your flowers are pretty. My weekend was not very happy but things are looking up now.


Jeanie said...

Callie's definitely in charge! Is that a Doc Martin bobblehead behind her?!

Sandra Cox said...

Adam, Toes crossed here too.
EC, Dang. Hoped the vet visits were over with.
Janie, So sorry to hear that.
Jeanie, A crocheted Dr. Fauci, my SIL made.

Birgit said...

We voted for Mayors yesterday so we still voted on something but nothing like Great Britain.i bet she would love to just hide under a rock somewhere with being the shortest run PM in history. It's been boring here too which is nice. We still have marigoldsand geraniums which is quite pretty.

Andrew said...

I hope Madame voted correctly.
I can see Callie has a high status position in your home.

Truedessa said...

I am going to the voting polling place in November to cast my votes. It is unseasonable warm here today, I think it hit 70 degrees. I went for a long walk on my lunch break. Breathing in the autumn warmth.

The only flowers I've seen lately are the mums in front of the neighbors doors.

Enjoy you week!

jbiggar said...

Maybe fame and fortune will find you next week :)

Christine said...

Cute photos

Sandra Cox said...

Birgit,Oh yeah, I didn't see that resignation coming. Good on you for voting. Enjoy the marigolds and geraniums.
Andrew, You bet on the voting:) Heh on Callie having a high status:)
True, Enjoy the weather. Good on you for voting next month.
Jacquie, I'll sure be on the lookout next week. Heh.
Thanks, Christine.

J.P. Alexander said...

Bello gatito. Te mando un beso.