Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Ketch-Up Day


I trust your weekend and Monday were good ones.

It's spring-like weather in NC.

I took the dog out yesterday morning and had a tulip ready to bloom. I went back twenty minutes later to get Frank and the tulip was blooming.

AND pictures from other areas of the country.

Newark Airport. Thanks, Allison.

Hotel in Barcelona. Thanks, Allison.

Vermont. Thanks, Meghan and Jacob.

California. Thanks, Denise.

AND an Oops shot.

So, Blogger Buds. Got snow or sunshine?


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - well at least Spring is a-coming ... we're having a little snow across parts of the country and may even get a bit of slush here - probably tomorrow ... it's raining now and cold! Cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yes, we have hit spring here although to be cold the next couple nights.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

My mini-daffodils started blooming weeks ago and they usually don't start until mid-March.

Donna said...

Spring is springing around here, as well...thank goodness!
Love the photos!

CJ Kennedy said...

Sunshine with snow on the ground. Daffs and tulips still buried

Jeanie said...

Oh, tulips! I love them. And I have snow AND sunshine. (The sunshine is a refreshing change of pace!)

D. Wallace Peach said...

Neither snow nor sunshine, Sandra. We've returned to our normal Oregon March weather - clouds and gloom. Though... as I look out the window through the trees, there's a tiny bit of hazy sun shining through. :-)
Fun pics, even the blooper, and I love the flowers!

Birgit said...

Now to see flowers. I love the squirrel:) we had no sun but, Friday night we had snow then sleet, then rain and then back to snow that smacked you face..totally unpleasant.

Andrew said...

Not great memories of Newark Airport with the highest priced airport food we've ever encountered. It's nice to see so many photo contributors.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Had a layover at Newark once. Wasn't impressed, but nice to see what it looks like now. Looks basically the same.

No snow or sun today, just rain and a tornado drill (testing their sirens and we were supposed to follow our tornado protocol). Glad your tulip bloomed. Mine are just starting to break through the ground.

Sakuranko said...

Oh very nice photos

J.P. Alexander said...

Bellas flores me han gustado mucho. Te mando un beso.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Beautiful tulip, Sandra!

Ah California. We are crazy over here.

Natalie Aguirre said...

We still have snow. But I can't complain because it's been a mild winter.

Sandra Cox said...

Hils, Spring is a coming indeed:)
Alex, Woot. Woot. On spring.
Di, I know. It's crazy innit.
CJ, They are going to be popping up before you know it.
Jeanie, Sunshine does make having snow better, doesn't it?

Sandra Cox said...

Diana, Boo for clouds and doom. Come on sun.
Andrew, Ack on the high prices. Agreed. I appreciate our contributors. It's nice to see what's going on in different parts of the country.
Birgit, Ack on your weather.
Elizabeth, That tulip will be up and blooming before you know it;)
Sakurano, Thanks;)

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Jacqui. Oh yes, CA is pretty crazy right now. Are you in Southern or Northern and do you have mountains of snow?
Natalie, Let's hear it for mild winters.

Truedessa said...

Snow is still here....sigh...where o' where are the songs of spring...apparently, not here...

D.L. Finn said...

Nice to see the flowers blooming, Sandra :) Still snow here but changing to rain tonight which has another whole set of issues
! Looking forward to an abundant spring xo