Tuesday, June 27, 2023

It's Ketch-up Day


Hoping your weekend was fun and your week will be rewarding. We were going to go into the mountains but had to cancel due to rain, which I might add the weeds are loving. Heh. What's the weather like on your end?

Critters and Growing Things

In prior years, tomatoes have grown in the mulch pile. This year it's potatoes, which I relocated. We'll see how it goes;)

AND from Philadelphia

Hope you're having a great one.



Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your garden is looking great with all the raindrops. Your critters look really relaxed and enjoying themselves.

Elephant's Child said...

I love those bejewelled plants. The critters are awesome too.

nashvillecats2 said...

Sorry you missed your mountain trip Sandra, it's still very hot here although we've had a few showers.
Loved the pics. lovely garden you have.
Have a good day.

Valerie-Jael said...

Enjoy yor garden. Here it's too hot, I need A/C! Hugs, Valerie

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - we've had way too much sunshine - strange but true! - now we desperately need rain to fill the dams and aquifers, but hope it mostly stays away for another three weeks - for the tennis season.

Boiler went this morning ... thankfully fixed now - also the internet was off ... c'est la vie - brain got going and both ok now. Cheers Hilary

CJ Kennedy said...

Sorry you had to cancel your trip to the mountains. Cancelling must have been in the air. Teague and I had to cancel our trip to Camp Newport because she had a family emergency. The weather here has been cloudy and humid with a few breaks of sun. Last night, heavy thunderstorms rolled through in the wee hours of the morning. Cute A frame bird feeder and cardinal and mourning dove, too. Head butts and belly rubs to the fur babies.

Christine said...

Lovely photos

Birgit said...

It's rainy, humid and everything is growing. I hope you get to the mountains soon.love the pics. These looks defeated whereas the xat looks pleased.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Elizabeth. So sorry to hear you aren't any better:(
Thanks, EC:)
Thanks, Yvonne. Here's wishing you a pleasant, little rain.
Hils, Sorry to hear about the boiler. Ack. Here's hoping you get rain soon.
CJ,Oh no. Camp Newport looked like it was going to be so much fun to explore. Bummer.
Thanks, Christine;)
Birgit, Glad everything is growing. Our weeds certainly are:)

Sandra Cox said...

Val, Life without AC would definitely be challenging.
Hugs received and returned.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I have a composter and now tomato plants are growing all over my garden.

I just harvested my first ever potatoes tonight!

Jeanie said...

We finally got sorely needed rain. We could use more, but we got plenty. Now we are getting smoke residue from fires in Quebec. Go figure. Our air quality is in the extremely hazardous zone.

Janie Junebug said...

I'm sorry you had to cancel your fun time. We've had rain nearly every day this month, but today we had a heat advisory. At 2 p.m. the temperature was 95 but it felt like 108. It's almost 10 p.m. now and it's still too hot and humid to be outside more than a minute or two.


J.P. Alexander said...

Me gustan las flores y tus gatos enamoran. Te mando un beso.

J.P. Alexander said...

Ne gustan tus gatos y tus flores. Que pena que cancelaras tus planes. Te mando un beso

D.L. Finn said...

Sorry about the caneled mountain trip, Sandra. Ours was rainy too.