Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ketch-Up Day


Has anybody been having weird, or weirder than usual, goings on with their 'puter and software? Mine started out with Word.  You know how the cursor sometimes has a mind of it's own and is at the top of the page when you want it at the bottom?  I'm used to this and put it down to one of life's little vagaries. But the other day I noticed it was consistently landing a line ahead of where I'd place it.  To get it in the right spot I'd have to aim for the line below it.  Something I'd never experienced before. Luckily, it healed itself the next day. But what took it's place was even more bazaar. I couldn't open my attachments. Another first. And since I was working on edits this definitely was a conundrum. I called my computer support service and they told me several people were having this problem and it was a Yahoo issue. Say what? They were kind enough to give me a work around and also had me call Yahoo.  Yahoo said to switch back to Basic at least until the problem was solved. That worked. The following day I noticed I couldn't bring Yahoo emails up on my phone. I finally figured out that because I'd had to change my password to get into Yahoo so I could flip back to Basic I needed to change it on my phone too.  That at least made sense to me.  But the Word  and Yahoo attachment issues I found a bit disconcerting.  Especially back to back like they were. Has anyone else had strange happenings on their 'puter? At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I have wondered if someone or something is testing systems to see how to crash them. And if I sound totally out there, keep in mind, I'm a fiction writer:)

Addendum. I'm now having problems with gmail attachments.

 And now back to the normal day-to-day:

 The Eternal Garden

One Butterfly Bush. Two Birds' Nests:)


For Andrew


Ha! The birds beat me to the first two berries but I got this one;)



Sky shots from FL

Thanks, Shane and Sonya.



Elephant's Child said...

Love the garden and the sky shots.
Blogger continues to mess with my mind (not difficult).

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - I just keep to myself and live with things ... such is life - it's usually me and my wandering typists fingers - though suspect the 't' on the keyboard is unresponsive at times - then the 'Is' have to come into play - usually called the eyes!! Strange times - beautiful sky at 4.30 - now full of cloud ... 2024 is the year of wet. Love the little nests ... cheers Hilary

Andrew said...

I use Yahoo email, desktop and phone app and I've not had any issues. It appears by the sky, in the morning you will be able to say, It was a dark and stormy night...

Donna said...

Oh...hat last sky shot looks ominous!
All my computer problems started with Windows 11...seems there's one thing after another!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

My photo editing software has slowed down, and for a while I couldn’t change the size of pictures when posting to blogger without closing it out and going back in. That seems to have resolved itself fortunately. Computers!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Some crazy sky photos.
Sorry, I don't use Yahoo. Sounds like an issue they need to fix.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

the photos are awesome…especially the last ‼️
nice to see the butterfly bush….I had one for bout…
a month….rabbit ate it clear down to the soil 😼😼😼
happy week 😺🐟‼️πŸ’™

CJ Kennedy said...

I've had issues with Office products not working, but never heard or connected it to mail issues. You can go into settings and call up the app (no longer called programs except by us dinosaurs). You can opt to uninstall and reinstall or sometimes there's an option to repair. Your hydrangea is gorgeous. You have such a beautiful garden.

Jamie Ghione said...

Loving your flower pictures.

Christine said...

Lovely photos! Gmail attachment probs? Oh no.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, EC. I hear ya on Blogger. Sigh.
Hi Hils, The birds do seem to like the butterfly bush/tree:)
Andrew, 'Dark and stormy night':) Very clever. Glad you aren't having any Yahoo issues.
Donna, Unfortunately the newest versions aren't always an improvement, are they? Hugs received and returned.
David, Glad it healed itself. Computers, indeed.

Valerie-Jael said...

My computer is misbehaving, too, but I think it's just old age, something like me! HAVE A GREAT WEEK; HUGS; vALERIE

Birgit said...

Oh man...that sucks and I would be beside myself I knowing what to do computer wise.
Love your pics of the birds and the flowers. Those sky shots are dramatic. The last one is wild because, to me, it looks like someone is looking down on the houses. I see the top of their head and the nose and a clenched hand beside them.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I can relate to your frustrations. Last week one day my cursor kept shaking. I couldn't get it to stop. I closed out word and reopened it. It solved the problem. That's my first way of solving most tech problems: Unplug a device or shut down a program or the computer. I hope this tip helps you with some of your problems. Good luck.

Sandra Cox said...

Alex, Yes and yes.
FSG, Darn rabbits.
CJ, There might not have been a connection. Could have been a coincidence. Thanks for the tips. AND my garden thanks you for the kind words.
Thanks, Jamie.
Birgit, That cloud does, doesn't it? Or a clawed foot.
Good idea on Word. Thanks, Natalie.

DUTA said...

I have issues most of the time. I help myself with what Natalie , above,has suggested. It usually works.

Citu said...

Lindas flores. Te mando un beso

Adam said...

Been forever since I've used Word. Currently writing a novel using zoho, an online platform. Don't like the family laptop. Windows and HP are soooo slow πŸ˜‘

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am SO very sorry about getting here late. I truly intended to visit sooner, but I have been in so much pain, the only thing I've managed to do is use the toilet and sleep. It keeps the pain at a minimum when I sleep.

Your problem is Word. I use Word Perfect and have never had a problem. Slight joke, but true. Also, get rid of Windows, if you have it. Go to Linux and you won't ever have to worry.

LOVE your garden shots, dear Sandra.

Jeanie said...

Your flowers are gorgeous -- and that is one scary dark sky! I can never tell if computer problems are computer issues of Jeanie issues! When in doubt, shut it out and come back later they say, and often that works! What you're dealing with is new to me, though!

D.L. Finn said...

Sorry for the computer issues, I would have never thought of Yahoo as an issue. I have a similar issue with Pro Writer. I found I can use my touch screen to get around it. Beautiful garden shots! Xo

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Whenever I have computer problems I figure it's me accidentally hitting the wrong key. I never think to call a computer support person other than my son. Or Google. I can usually find the solution on Google.