Friday, June 14, 2024

Weekend Wishes


To all the wonderful dads and father-figures out there.



Valerie-Jael said...

Have a great weekend, dear Sandra! Hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

And yours.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You’re in my life so it already is!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Have a great weekend too!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandra - we have a little sunshine at the moment ... sadly I'm working on a couple of things ... so am somewhat confined! Enjoy yours and sunshine and joy to all - Hilary

Truedessa said...

Its starting out rainy here but, tomorrow looks better. Have a great weekend!

CJ Kennedy said...

So far, so good. You have an awesome weekend, too.

Jamie Ghione said...

Same to you.It's a little dreary right now, but the sun is poking out. Hoping it will be a little warmer later.

Christine said...

Happy Weekend!

Birgit said...

We are finally, buying flowers and then I'm off to visit a friend. We hope to visit a park with my Harley who is scared of our new pussy cat.

Sandra Cox said...

And you, dear Val. Hope you get in plenty of play and rest time. Hugs received and returned.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Same to you!

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, EC.
David, Your kind words are always appreciated.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks, Natalie. Hope you do.
Thanks for the lovely wishes, Hils.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, True.

Citu said...

Te deseo un genial fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

Sandra Cox said...

CJ, Enjoy your time away.
Jamie, I'll do a trade off with you on the weather. We could use a little cool:)
Thanks, Christine. You too:)
Enjoy, Birgit.
Thanks, Elizabeth:)
Thanks, J.P. Sending you hugs.